Thirteenth Anthracite District
LUZURNE COUNTY Wilkes-Barre, Pa., February 20, 1919
Hon. Seward E. Button, Chief of Department of Mines: Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith my report as Inspector of Mines for the Thirteenth Anthracite District for the year ending December 31, 1918.
Respectfully submitted, Frank Kettle, Inspector.
Jan. 05 Thomas Vistoski Polish Miner's laborer 26 S 0 0 Sugar Notch No. 9
Luzerne Fatally injured by fall of coal at face of chute.
Jan. 07 Thomas Moran American Laborer 66 M 1 0 Maxwell No. 20 Luzerne Fatally injured by being squeezed between car and fall of rock on No. 4 slope.
Jan. 10 Alex. Karsavage Russian Laborer 48 M 1 3 Franklin Luzerne Instantly killed by being crushed between railroad car and stick of timber. Outside.
Jan. 16 Thomas Deringer American Laborer 62 M 1 0 Franklin Luzerne Instantly killed by being crushed between car and concrete foundation at foot of breaker. Outside.
Jan. 28 Ivor Jones Welsh Trackman 45 M 1 4 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by runaway cars on No. 1 slope.
Feb. 05 Bruno Bushko Polish Miner's laborer 40 M 1 1 Truesdale Luzerne Instantly killed by fall of coal at face of gangway.
Feb. 12 Harry Turniski Russian Laborer 40 S 0 0 Avondale Luzerne Killed by being struck by piece of frozen culm at foot of culm bank. Outside.
Feb. 14 William Panlock Slavonian Miner 46 M 1 1 Franklin Luzerne Killed by fall of roof at face of gangway.
Mar. 16 Owen M. Roberts Welsh Miner 42 M 1 1 Maxwell No. 20 Luzerne Instantly killed by fall of roof while cleaning a fall on No. 4 slope.
Mar. 22 Walter Bocius American Doorboy 16 S 0 0 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by mine cars on gangway.
Mar. 25 Harvey Belles American Pulleyman 48 M 1 2 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by mine cars at head of slope. Outside.
Mar. 30 Mathew Lacey English Miner 33 M 1 4 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by fall of roof at face of chamber.
Apr. 09 David Beatty American Footman 24 S 0 0 Maxwell No. 20 Luzerne Killed by mine cars at mouth of chamber
Apr. 17 Walter Petroski Polish Miner 36 M 1 2 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by fall of roof at face of chamber.
Apr. 22 Thomas Daniels Welsh Miner 52 M 1 0 Loomis Luzerne Killed by fall of top roof at face of gangway.
Apr. 24 John Thomas Welsh Pumpman 56 M 1 0 Chauncey Luzerne Killed by electricity by coming into contact with feed wire near pump.
May. 04 Anthony Shooks Lithuanian Trackman 51 M 1 5 Truesdale Luzerne Fatally injured by mine cars at foot of shaft.
May.17 Edward Goshinia Russian Miner's laborer 46 M 1 3 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by fall of coal at face of chamber
May. 17 John Cunningham American Miner's laborer 22 S 0 0 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by fall of roof of chamber.
May. 23 Andrew Zaviski Austrian Miner's laborer 40 M 1 0 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by fall of roof at face of chamber.
Jun. 15 Henry Sandish American Electrician 17 S. 0 0 Truesdale Luzerne Fatally burned by explosion of gas on gangway.
Jul. 06 John Gutkowski Russian Brakeman 17 S 0 0 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by mine cars in chamber.
Jul. 06 Patrick Burke American Motorman 24 M 1 2 Loomis Luzerne Fatally burned by explosion of gas at face of chamber.
Jul. 16 Stanley Barninski Lithuanian Footman 33 S 0 0 Maxwell No. 20 Luzerne Killed by mine cars in chamber.
Jul. 20 John Good Austrian Miner 32 M 1 2 Franklin Luzerne Killed by fall of roof near face of gangway.
Aug. 01 Anthony Galansin Polish Miner 37 M. 1 1 Truesdale Luzerne Fatally burned by explosion of gas at face of chamber.
Aug. 19 Mariano Fabro Italian Miner's laborer 27 M 0 0 Hadleigh Luzerne Killed by fall of coal at face of chamber.
Aug. 27 John Kuchinski Polish Miner 32 M 1 3 Truesdale Luzerne Fatally injured by fall of coal at face of chute.
Sep. 12 Stanley Demitz Polish Miner 46 M 1 3 Franklin Luzerne Instantly killed by falling down airshaft.
Sep. 24 Martin Sicora American Brakeman 19 S 0 0 Avondale Luzerne Killed by electricity by coming into contact with trolley wire on road.
Sep. 30 Howell Evans Welsh Bratticeman 55 M 1 0 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by mine cars on gangway.
Oct. 08 Charles Boyle American Footman 32 S 0 0 Sugar Notch No. 9 Luzerne Fatally injured by being struck by piece of debris that fell down the shaft.
Oct. 14 August Padand Italian Miner 30 M 1 4 Hadleigh Luzerne Killed by fall of coal near face of chamber.
Oct. 26 Frank Bocolina Italian Miner's laborer 46 M 1 4 West Nanticoke Luzerne Killed by fall of top roof on gangway.
Dec. 28 Stanley Smith American Brakeman 18 M 0 0 Truesdale Luzerne Killed by mine cars on gangway.
This information donated by: Karen
©1997-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and
by Individual Contributors
Ann Lubinsky, County Coordinator
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