Eleventh Anthracite District
LUZERNE COUNTY Wilkes-Barre, Pa., February 12, 1819
Hon. Seward E. Button, Chief of Department of Mines: Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the annual report of the Eleventh Anthracite District for the year ending December 31,1918.
Respectfully submitted, THOMAS J. WILLIAMS, Inspector
Feb. 02 Mike Leesak Russian Laborer 22 S 0 0 Dorrance Luzerne Instantly killed by fall of roof on gangway.
Feb. 23 Michael Umlak American Jig runner 17 S 0 0 South Wilkes-Barre No. 5 Luzerne Smothered in coal pocket in breaker. Outside.
Mar. 01 Richard Thomas English Assistant mine foreman 57 M 1 0 Baltimore No. 5 Luzerne Fatally injured by mine cars on slope.
May. 11 Mike Sobal Austrian Doorman 58 M 1 0 Prospect Luzerne Fatally injured by mine cars on slope.
May. 14 Bonny Margolen Italian Miner 30 S 0 0 Dorrance Luzerne Fatally injured by fall of slate at face of chamber.
Jun. 05 Joseph Paskexwicz Lithuanian Miner 52 M 1 0 Stanton No. 7 Luzerne Fatally injured by fall of roof on gangway
Jun. 25 Charles Reap Polish loader 40 M 1 1 Red Ash No. 2 Luzerne Fatally injured by falling off railroad car. Outside.
Jul. 05 Martin Judge Irish Laborer 57 W 0 0 Baltimore No. 5 Luzerne Fatally injured by mine cars. Outside.
Jul. 27 John Hiscar Polish Oiler 18 S 0 0 Hollenback No. 2 Luzerne Fatally injured while oiling machinery. Outside.
Aug. 19 Morgan R. Morgans American motorman 41 M 1 3 Hillman Vein Luzerne Killed by fall of roof in tunnel.
Oct. 10 John Evans Welsh Companyman 54 M 1 1 Stanton No. 7 Luzerne Killed by fall of roof in airway.
Dec. 19 Steve Rav Austrian Miner 50 M 1 5 Stanton No. 7 Luzerne Killed by fall of roof at face of chamber.
This information donated by: Karen
©1997-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and
by Individual Contributors
Mary Ann Lubinsky,
County Coordinator
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