1872 Rpt of Non- Fatal Accidents in the Eastern District of the
Coal Fields, Luzerne County, Lying
East of and Including Jenkins Township
the Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions
of Pennsylvania
for the Year 1872)
1/16 JOHN NASH, 37, married - 2 children,
Scranton slope and drifts
1/19 PATRICK GOLDER, 12, R. Brook shaft - Dunmore
1/23 JAMES M'NASH, Leggitt's Creek shaft
1/24 JAMES TIGHE, White Oak mines
1/26 HUGH WILLIAMS, 42, Scranton slope and drifts
1/26 MICHAEL MAHON, 24, single, Bellevue shaft
1/31 PATRICK CALLAHAN, married, Leggitt's Creek
2/3 MICH. M'DONALD, Eaton & Co mines - Arch.
2/3 DAVID JENKINS, Grassy Island shaft
2/8 THOS. HIGGINS, No. 10 shaft Pittston
2/9 JAMES CONWAY, Coal Brook mines
2/19 JAMES GRADY, Jermyn's slope
2/20 PETER HUGHES, Jermyn's shaft
2/26 JOHN NILES, Pine Brook shaft
3/2 THOMAS ALLEN, Pine Brook shaft
3/2 H. FERGUSSON, Pne Brook shaft
3/4 WM. MULDOON, Meadow Brook colliery
3/7 PATRICK HURLEY, Grassy Island shaft
3/8 E J WILLIAMS, 45, married - 2 children,
Bellevue shaft
3/8 CHARLES DAVIS, Leggitt's Creek shaft
3/8 HENRY ADAMS, Waddel's shaft - Pittston
3/12 JOHN WILLIAMS, 50, married - 6 children,
Mount Pleasant slope
3/15 JOHN W LEWIS, 35, married - 3 children,
Dodge shaft - Lackawanna
3/16 JOSEPH LLOYD, Capouse or Brigg's shaft
3/23 MICH. FINNERTY, 14, Gipsy Grove colliery
3/26 STEP'N FINNERTY, 17, single, Gipsy Grove
3/28 GEORGE PENMAN, 12, No. 1 slope - Olyphant
4/1 J M'LOUGHLIN, 20, single, Coal Brook breaker
4/2 T T WATKINS, Capouse mines
4/3 LEWIS R EVANS, 35, married, Oxford shaft
4/5 ANTHONY M'HALE, married, Pine Brook shaft
4/5 JOHN NILES, single, Pine Brook shaft
4/5 P. STANTON, door boy, single, Pine Brook
4/8 PATRICK O'HORA, single, Pine Brook shaft
4/8 JAMES STONE, Pine Brook shaft
4/9 WM. M CLARKE, White Oak colliery
4/9 JAMES BASTEN, 24, married, Central shaft
4/11 WILLIAM CADDEN, single, Grassy Island shaft
4/13 JAMES M'HALE, 20, single, No. 3 slope - Olyphant
4/16 PHILIP PRYOR, 35, married, Central shaft
4/16 JAMES BROWN, 26, single, Central shaft
4/17 ROBERT LYONS, No. 1 slope - Olyphant
4/17 JAMES JONES, 48, married - 8 children,
Archbald shaft
4/23 JOHN LENTON, 45, married - 3 children, No.
10 shaft - Pittston
4/23 MICH. FENAGHTY, No. 10 shaft - Pittston
4/23 MICH. O'MALIA, No. 10 shaft - Pittston
4/23 ALFRED HALE, 14, Bellevue shaft
4/24 PATRICK FLEMING, Roaring Brook shaft
4/24 JOHN M'DONELL, Gipsey Grove colliery
4/24 SIMON JONES, No. 6 shaft - Jenkin's twp
4/26 THOMAS ALLEN, married, Pine Brook shaft
4/26 LARRY KERINS, married, Pine Brook shaft
4/26 HENRY STRONG, married, Pine Brook shaft
4/26 DENNIS NEALON, married, Pine Brook shaft
4/26 JOHN READ, 31, married - 5 children, Hampton
4/26 THOMAS BARROW, 65, married - 3 children,
Hampton shaft
4/26 WM. MORGAN, 65, married, Hampton shaft
4/30 FRANCIS MORROW, Eaton & Co,'s mines
5/2 JAMES GENNESY, White Bridge tunnel
5/3 THOS. KENNEDY, White Bridge tunnel
5/6 BARNEY GILAS, Grassy Island shaft
5/7 JAMES DURKIN, 26, single, Hampton shaft
5/7 PATRICK MALIA, 45, married - 4 children,
Scranton slope & drifts
5/7 PATRICK GILLESPIE, Jefferson tunnel - Fell
5/7 FRANCIS FOSTER, 14, Coal Brook tunnel - Fell
5/7 A. M'DERMOTT, 14, Jefferson tunnel - Fell
5/10 JOHN O'HORA, No. 2 shaft - Dunmore
5/10 WILLIAM ELLIS, 16, Diamond mines
5/13 ROBERT SHAW, 32, single, Oxford shaft
5/14 D. PARRY (boy), Mt. Pleasant colliery
5/14 JAMES PRYOR, Jermyn's mines
5/15 JOHN BRANNON, driver, Valley tunnel - Fell
5/16 FRANK WEBSTER, driver, Cayuga shaft
5/24 P. HALEY (boy), No. 3 slope - Olyphant
5/28 WM. M'HALE, 18, single, Scranton slope and
5/28 DANIEL REESE, 34, married, Dodge slope
5/28 THOMAS HEALY, Gipsey Grove colliery
5/28 JOHN M'HALE, Gipsey Grove colliery
6/1 EVAN THOMAS, Grassy Island shaft
6/5 ANTHONY BOOSE, Butler shaft - Pittston
6/7 JOHN O'BOYLE, 14, Bellevue slope
6/8 BRYAN MANGHAN, Bellevue slope
6/10 THOS. P MORAN, 15, National mines
6/10 MICHAEL WEABLE, 28, single, Taylor shaft
6/18 JOHN JONES, 25, married - 2 children, Cayuga
6/19 JOHN W REESE, 50, married - 7 children,
Continental mines
6/22 PETER NAUGHTON, 20, single, Cayuga shaft
6/28 JAMES CONNELLY, 14, Bellevue slope
7/5 JOHN H DAVIS, 15, Bellevue shaft - Scranton
7/5 MICHAEL CONNERS, 14, single, Bellevue slope
7/8 JOHN CONWAY, Tripp's slope
7/8 JOHN DONNELLY, Grassy Island shaft
7/15 JOHN COLLICAN, Eaton & Co mines - Arch.
7/16 THOMAS CONNOR, White Bridge tunnel
7/16 JOHN H JONES, 35, married - 3 children,
Leggitt's Creek shaft
7/16 ALEX. GROGAN, 17, Tripp's slope
7/16 ANDREW CULLEN, Stafford mines breaker
7/17 FRANK DUNSTON, 20, single, Nat'l Anthracite
7/19 WM. M'COY, 29, married, Pine Brook shaft
7/30 JOHN FLYNN, Roaring Brook shaft
7/30 JAMES JUDGE, Ravine shaft
8/2 THOMAS JONES, 14, Continental shaft
8/3 JOHN S MORGAN, 43, Cayuga shaft
8/5 MICH. DONNELLY, Grassy Island shaft
8/5 WM. LAWLER, Grassy Island shaft
8/7 JAS. R. PRICE, 38, married - 5 children,
Taylor shaft
8/7 JAMES JUDGE, 15, Archbald shaft
8/8 JNO. BAMBAUCH, No. 2 breaker - Dunmore
8/10 JAMES RODGERS, Tompkins shaft
8/13 AND. GILLESPIE, 15, Meadow Brook colliery
8/13 WM. LLOYD, Continental mines
8/13 THOS. HOPKINS, Continental mines
8/14 JOHN EVANS, 12, Butler shaft mines
8/15 FRANK SWEENY, Mount Pleasant mines
8/21 WM. LURNEY, 16, Oxford shaft
8/24 THOS. LYONS, Seneca slope - Pittston
8/24 WILLIAM JONES, Tomkins shaft
8/24 THOS. POINTON, Tomkins shaft
8/24 SAMUEL MONK, Tomkins shaft
8/24 THOS. B EVANS, Tomkins shaft
8/24 JOHN HUGHES, Tomkins shaft
8/31 THOMAS CULKIN, 36, married - 7 children,
Tripp's slope
8/31 THOMAS ALLEN, married, Meadow Brook colliery
9/2 WM. WILLIAMS, No. 3 shaft - Carbondale
9/4 ROBERT DAVIS, 30, single, Bellevue shaft -
Lackawanna twp
9/4 L. WISICANON, No. 8 shaft - Pittston
9/7 MART. FLANNERY, Sawyer's tunnel G.G.C.
9/9 THOMAS LYNOTT, Lackawanna tunnel -
9/9 MICHAEL FINNAN, Breaker Tunnel - Carbondale
9/10 THOS. FRANCIS, S. C. Co.'s slope &
9/13 HUGH M'LEAN, No. 2 shaft - Dunmore
9/14 THOMAS JENKINS, L. C. shaft - Providence
9/19 RICHARD J M'HALE, Dip mines - Olyphant
9/20 CORNELIUS O'NEIL, Grand tunnel - Pittston
9/21 A. WALSH (boy), M. A. Coal Co.
9/21 THOMAS BOLAND, Ravine shaft - Pittston
9/24 JOHN M'CARTHY, doorboy, Von Storch slope -
9/30 J MAHONY (boy), Bellevue shaft - Lackawanna
9/30 JOHN WAUGHTEN, No. 3 drift, M. B. colliery
9/30 LEWIS DEARING, Coal Brook tunnel -
10/2 MICHAEL WALSH, Eaton & Co.'s mine -
10/3 MICHAEL KANE, No. 1 drift M. B. colliery
10/4 JOHN R HARRIS, 45, Bellevue shaft
10/6 PATRICK SHERIDAN, Ravine shaft - Pittston
10/6 THOS. JONES, Ravine Shaft - Pittston
10/7 JOHN DUGGAN, Powderly slope, Carbondale
10/7 MARTIN DUGGAN, Powderly slope, Carbondale
10/12 JOHN KENVIN, 37, married - 4 children,
Oxford shaft - H. Park
10/12 PATRICK CALPIN, 30, Dodge shaft - Lackawanna
10/18 ANTHONY DUFFY, Coal Brook tunnel
10/18 T. HARRINGTON, Von Storch mines
10/19 JOHN KEIFE, 12, Ontario colliery
10/23 DAVID J THOMAS, Capouse or Briggs shaft
10/25 THOS. HOWARD, 17, Oxford shaft - H. Park
10/27 CHAS. HOOFMAN, 23, single, No. 4 Rolling
Mill drift
11/2 JOHN KELLY, 19, single, No. 2 shaft 14 foot
Diamond vein
11/2 JAMES TOOLE, 15, Oxford shaft - H. Park
11/2 ANTHONY BARRETT, N. A. C. Co.'s mid-drift
11/2 PETER LYNOTT, Leggitt's Creek shaft
11/6 CHARLES PRICE, Leggitt's Creek breaker
11/8 THOMAS FRANCIS, 30, married - one child,
Scranton Coal Co.'s mines
11/8 JAMES MORAN, Scranton Coal Co.'s mines
11/8 THOMAS PRESTON, Gipsey Grove colliery
11/9 DENNIS GRIMES, No. 2 Diamond shaft
11/9 BARTH'W WALSH, Capouse or Brigg's shaft
11/11 JOHN A JONES, 15, Continental shaft
11/12 JOHN COLLINS, No. 10 shaft, Pittston
11/14 JENKIN JENKINS, 30, married, Hampton mines
11/14 JOHN CONNELL, Ravine shaft
11/14 JAMES MANLEY, 16, No. 2 slope, Jenkins Twp
11/21 GEORGE PATTEN, No. 1 drift, Olyphant
11/22 THOS. FINNEGAN, Coal Brook mines
11/27 STEPHEN GAVIN, Powderly slope, Carbondale
12/4 JAMES EARLY, Enterprise colliery
12/4 M. LOUGHNEY, No. 10 shaft - Pittston
12/5 MICHAEL GEBBONS (boy), Eaton & Co.'s breaker
12/6 JAMES KEARNS, Lackawanna Tunnel
12/9 JACOB FISHER, 34, single, No. 2 Diamond
12/9 JOHN BARRETT, 14, National Anth'e ms
12/10 HENRY CAMPBELL, 14, No. 2 Diamond shaft
12/12 MICHAEL TOBIN, 45, married - 4 children,
Central shaft
12/13 JAMES BOURKE, doorboy, Leggitt's Creek shaft
12/23 MAT'W PHILLIPS, 58, married, Hampton mines
12/26 GEORGE MARTIN, No. 7 shaft
12/26 JOHN BOURKE, 60, married - 2 children, No. 7
The above information was donated by: Ed Langley
©1997-2016 Mary Ann Lubinsky
for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors