Mine Accidents and Other Information

Twin Mines, Thomas Gill's narrow escape from the diaster that day

1918 7th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 8th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 9th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 10th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 11th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 12th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 13th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 14th Dist. Luzerne County

1918 15th Dist. Luzerne County


1911 1st District,Lackawanna County, Fatal Accidents

1911 1st District,Lackawanna County, Non Fatal Accidents

1911 2nd District,Lackawanna County, Fatal Accidents

1911 2nd District, Lackawanna County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 3rd District, Lackawanna County, Fatal Accidents

1911 3rd District, Lackawanna County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 4th District, Lackawanna County, Fatal Accidents

1911 4th District, Lackawanna County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 5th District, Luzerne & Lackawanna County, Fatal Accidents

1911 5th District, Luzerne & Lackawanna County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 6th District, Luzerne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 6th District, Luzerne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 7th District, Luzerne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 7th District, Luzerne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 8th District, Luzerne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 8th District, Luzerne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 9th District, Luzerne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 9th District, Luzerne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 10th District, Luzerne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 10th District, Luzerne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 11th District, Luzerne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 11th District, Luzerne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1911 21st District, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Lackawanna & Wayne County, Fatal Accidents

1911 21st District, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Lackawanna & Wayne County, Non-Fatal Accidents

1897 1st District Fatal AccidentsLackawanna and Susquehanna cos

1897 1st District Non-Fatal AccidentsLackawanna and Susquehanna cos

1897 2nd District Fatal AccidentsLackawanna county

1897 2nd District Non-Fatal AccidentsLackawanna

1897 3rd District Fatal Accidentsparts of Lackawanna, Luzerne,&Sullivan Cos

1897 3rd District Non-Fatal Accidentsparts of Lackawanna, Luzerne,&Sullivan Cos

1897 4th District Fatal AccidentsLuzerne Co

1897 5th District Fatal Accidentspart of Luzerne Co, and Carbon Co

1897 5th Dist Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents--Luzerne County

1897 6th District Fatal AccidentsComprising part of Schuylkill Co

1897 6th Dist Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents(Schuylkill County)

1897 7th District Fatal AccidentsNorthumberland, Columbia, Dauphin, and part of Schuylkill Co

1897 7th Dist Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents(Northumberland, Columbia, Dauphin, and part of Schuylkill Co)

1897 8th District Fatal AccidentsSchuylkill County

1897 8th Dist Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents(Schuylkill County)

1890 Fatal Accidents 4th District Luzerne, Carbon, and Schuylkill Counties

1888 Rpt of Fatal Accidents in the Fourth Anthracite District

1888 Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents in the Fourth Anthracite District

1888 Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents in the Third Anthracite District

1888 Rpt of Fatal Accidents in the Third Anthracite District

1888 Rpt of Fatal Accidents in the Second Anthracite District

1888 Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents in the Second Anthracite District

1888 Rpt Of Non-Fatal Accidents in the 1st District

1888 Rpt of Fatal Accidents in the 1st District

1884 Non-Fatalities South Anthracite Dist

1884 Fatal South Anthracite Dist

1884 Non-Fatalities Middle Anthracite Dist

1884 Fatal Middle Anthracite Dist

1884 Non-Fatalities Eastern Anthracite Dist

1884 Fatal Eastern Anthracite Dist

1883 FIRST DISTRICT, Pottsville

First district for the year ending December 31, 1882

Second district for the year ending December 31, 1882

Third or Shamokin district for the year ending December 31, 1882

A list of accidents resulting in death in the Middle District of Luzerne and Carbon counties 1882

1882 Non Fatal

1881 Non Fatal Accidents Middle District Luzerne and Carbon counties

South 1879 non Fatal

South 1879 Fatal

Eastern 1879 non-fatal

Eastern 1879 slight injuries

Eastern 1879 Fatal

1879 Non Fatal

1879 3rd District

1879 2nd District

1879 1st District

1879 South District Rpt of Fatal Accidents

1875 Eastern District of the Wyoming Coal Fields, Luzerne Co., Rpt of Fatal Accidents

1875 Eastern District Table of coal mines in the Wyoming Coal Field lying east of, and including, Jenkins Twp

1875 Eastern District of the Wyoming Coal Fields, Luzerne Co., Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents

1877 Eastern Dist Fatalities- Luzerne and Carbon Counties

1877 Eastern Dist Non-Fatalities- Luzerne and Carbon Counties

  1877 Middle Dist Fatalities - Luzerne and Carbon Counties

  1877 Middle Dist Non-Fatalities- Luzerne and Carbon Counties 

1877 South Dist Fatalities - Luzerne and Carbon Countiess 

1877 South Dist Non-Fatalities - Luzerne and Carbon Counties 

1877 1st or Pottsville District Fatalities - Mining District of Schuylkill Reports of the Inspectors of Mines 

1877 2d Schuylkill District Fatalities - Mining District of Schuylkill 

1877 3d or Shamokin District Fatalities 

1875 Middle Dist of Luzerne and Carbon Cos Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents

1875 Middle Dist of Luzerne and Carbon Cos.Rpt of Fatal Accidents

1875 Fatal Accidents Luzerne & Carbon Cos.

1875 Schuylkill Dist Rpt of Fatal Accidents

1875 Southern District Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents

1875 Schuylkill District Colliery Locations

1872 4th District Fatal Accidents

1872 Rpt of Fatal Accidents in the Schuylkill District

1872 Rpt of Non- Fatal Accidents in the Eastern District

1872 Middle District Rpt of Fatal Accidents

1872 Middle District Rpt of Non-Fatal Accidents

South District 1872 non-fatal

South District 1872 Fatal accidents

1872 Mine Names

October 28, 1882 Pine Ridge Mine Accident


Mine Job Descriptions

Stockton Mine Cave-In

Listing of Mine Accidents

Article on Knox Mine Disaster

Bureau of Mines Eleventh District Report

Mine Disasters

Eagle Shaft

Twin Shaft Disaster

Eckley Miner's Village

Mining Disaster in Luzerne County

Gaylord slope

Cute Coal Region Page (Especially the Dictionary)

Break 6 in Glen Lyon Photo

Those the Died in Avondale Mine Disaster

Huber Breaker Ashley Pa

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 ©1997-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky

County Coordinator