World War II scrapbook newspaper clippings - typed by Marge German as they appeared.

Adkins                   Anderson              Baer                       Benscoter             Bonham(2)            Cragle   Daniels

Dohl                       Etters                     Heller                    Jenkins                 Keller                    Kline     

Marshall               Martini                  McMichaels          McQuown              Mott                        Palmatier

Perhoski               Rood                       Sampson                Search                   Shoemaker           Stevens 

Stookey Wagner                 Watts                     Whitmire              Wolfe

Miss Anna G. Sampson (photo)

                Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Sampson, retreat Farms, Retreat, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Anna Grace, to PFC James R. Etters of Harrisburg.

                Miss Sampson, a graduate of Shickshinny High School, is a senior at Pennsylvania State College, where she is a member of Chi Omega Sorority.

                PFC Etters attended Pennsylvania State College, where he was a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity. He is stationed with the Field Artillery at Fort Sill, Okla.

                No date has been set for the wedding.


                For the first time since the entry of the United States into World War II, the statue of Liberty was lighted May 8. In preparation for V-E Day engineers recently installed six additional 400-watt mercury vapor lamps in the torch and 16 more 400-watt mercury vapor floodlights at the base (APWirephoto)

Local Couple Weds Tomorrow

Miss Mott Marries Sgt. Stookey--Wedding Will Take Place In Pleasant Valley Church

                Mr. and Mrs. Linden D. Mott of Harveyville announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lorraine, to Sgt. Francis J. Stookey of Huntington Mills on Saturday, Aug. 4th at 7 o’clock. The ceremony will take place in the Pleasant Valley church with Rev. Laidig officiating. There will be a reception at the home of the bride following the ceremony.

                The bride-to-be lives with her parents in Harveyville and was an employee of the Multiplex Mfg. Co. The groom has recently returned from service with the Second Division in the European Theatre of Operations and expects to report to Camp swift, Texas upon termination of his 30-day furlough.


Aug. 17 (no year given)

                Robert P. Search, HA 1/c son of Mrs. Mildred B. Search and the late Elmer F. Search of Muhlenburg, has returned to the USS Bunker Hill after a 30-day leave.

                He enlisted in the navy in October 1943 and received his basic training at Sampson, N. Y., assigned to hospital training school at Bainbridge, Md., and the USN medical center at Bathesda, Maryland.

                Robert has served in the major battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa together with minor engagements.

                Cpl. Karl B. Search, a brother, who is stationed in Manila, has been serving in the Army Medical Corps for 18 months overseas.

Irene Baer Weds Lt. Wolfe

In Quiet Ceremony Witnessed By Immediate Families; Wedding Luncheon served

                In a quiet ceremony performed by Rev. A. F. Birdsall in the Protestant parsonage, Wednesday, June 20, at high noon, Miss Florence Irene Baer became the bride of Lt. Arthur Lewis Wolfe.

                The ceremony was witnessed by the immediate families of the couple.

                The bride was attired in an aqua dress with white accessories, and wore a corsage of gardenias.

                Immediately following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served to the bridal party and guests at Yost’s restaurant, Benton. Included in the party were the immediate families and Mrs. Dote Murphy, Cambra and Mrs. Richard Gimber, of Huntington Mills.

                The bride who is the daughter of Mrs. John Lechleitner of Cambra, is a graduate of Huntington Mills High School, class of ‘44, and until recently was employed by Seeley and Co;, Berwick.

                Lt. Wolfe, son of Walter Wolfe, Shickshinny, R. D. 1, graduated from the United States Military Academy, West Point, June 5, ‘45.

                Wedding Announced -- Coming as a complete surprise to all his friends, was the romantic news of Daniel E. Cragle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cragle, being married to Roberta Lee Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juliam Watts, of San Leonero, Calif. They were married and spent their honeymoon at Reno, Nevada, on June 16. His address is 6-1/c E-2 No. 401 Navy 926 c/o P.M. San Francisco. He is now on his way overseas.


June 15, 1945

                1st Base Air Depot, Warrington, England--V-E Day found Cpl. Robert M. Stevens of Shickshinny, R.D.2, on the job, helping to ready more combat planes and equipment for immediate action wherever they might be needed.

                Cpl. Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens, of Shickshinny, R.D.2, Pa., is one of the crack Air Service Command team who pitched in to back the air assaults that helped knock Germany out of the air.

                Commanding their battle-backing efforts, Brigadier General Morris Berman, Commanding General of the Base Air Depot Area, Air Service Command, declared: "These soldiers of the Base Air Depot have, since their work began, dispatched 415,000 tons of air corps supplies, assembled and modified 12,000 combat planes, and repaired or overhauled more than 30,000 aircraft engines.

                "Every soldier, whatever his job, contributed materially to the magnificent, final result. I commend them, and I know that whatever their next task, they will fulfill it with credit to themselves and their country.

                Cpl. Stevens has been overseas since June 1943 and joined the army in October, 1942. He was employed by the AC&F, Berwick, and attended Huntington Mills High School.

Glenn Wagner On Transport

Sept. 14, 1945

                Glenn G. Wagner, machinist’s mate, first class, USNR, RD2, Shickshinny, was serving aboard the USS England, now a destroyer transport, when she was damaged May 8 off Okinawa by a Japanese suicide plane carrying two pilots.

                The England, then a destroyer escort, was struck on her superstructure deck, just below the bridge, by the plane, which carried two fire bombs and a 250-pounder.

                The plane was the first revealed as carrying two pilots, on of whom was dead before the craft hit.

                The England was the first destroyer escort to win the presidential Unit Citation for sinking six Jap submarines in 12 days.


Nov. 9, 1945

                Arthur T. Benscoter, son of Mrs. Cora E. Benscoter, R.D. 1, Shickshinny, Pa., has recently been promoted to the rank of Technichian Fifth Grade in H. & S. Company of the 879th Avn. Engr. Bn. This outfit is reputed to have done a magnificent job in the India-Burma theatre for the past two years and is now stationed in Ledo, India preparatory to coming home sometime this winter.

                Going over as an Airborne Engr. Bn. which dealt solely with midget construction equipment (that can be transported intact in gliders and transport planes) it has recently been changed over to a Heavy Equipment outfit.


May 27, 1945

                Master Sergeant Jacob L. Kline has received an honorable discharge under the Army Point System, after having served thirty-nine months in the South Pacific Theatre of War, and acquiring 104 points.

                Sgt. Kline was awarded the American Defense Medal, Pacific Theatre Ribbon with two battle stars, Philippine Liberation Medal with bronze star. and bronze invasion spearhead, also the Good Conduct medal.

                He enlisted January (, 1940 and received his basic training at Fort Screvens, Ga., Camp Stewart, Ga., and Fort Devens, Mass., before going overseas.

                Trained with the first infantry Division in the first amphibious landings practiced by U. S. troops, Jacob left the states Jan. 23, 1942 and made his fist stop at Melbourne, Australia. He was among the first troops to land at New Caledonia besides seeing action at Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Bougainville, and participating in the invasion of Luzon.

                Sgt. Kline arrived in the states April 10 and enjoyed a21-day furlough with members of his family, spending several days with his sister, Mrs. Arline Carter, of Bridgeport, Conn., and several days with friends in new York state.

                After returning to camp, he received his discharge at Fort Dix, New Jersey on May 27th.

                Jacob is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Kline, formerly of lower Muhlenburg and is a graduate of the local high school.

                He is now employed by the Personal Finance Co., of Sayre, where he plans to make his home with his mother.

                His family and friends wish him good luck and success in civilian life.

Marshall Brothers Serving Overseas

April 7, 1944

CPL. DONALD MARSHALL(photo)                              PFC. ROBERT MARSHALL(photo)

                Recent pictures received by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marshall of their sons, both of whom are serving somewhere overseas.

                Cpl. Donald Marshall entered service in August, 1942, and received his basic infantry training at Camp McClellan, Ala. He was transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., where he qualified in electrical engineering maintenance work. He spent the summer of 1943 at Camp Young, Calif., from which camp he was transferred to Africa and overseas duty. He is now serving at an army base somewhere in Italy. His address now is ASN 33465487 Co. A., 109th Inf. 28 Div. APO c/o PM N.Y.

                Pfc. Robert Marshall entered military service on March 17th, 1943, and received his basic training at Camp Wheeler, Ga., and Camp Picket, Va. From the latter camp he was transferred to overseas service in September, 1943, and is now serving somewhere in the British Isles. He has received a number of medals for perfect marksmanship. His address is 473d Eng. Maint. Co. APO 782 ASN 333351393 PM N. Y. City.


Dies In Action (photo)

Lt. Donald Jenkins Was on Important Mission in Ploesti Oil Area

Oct 29, 1943

                Listed as missing following the raid on the Ploesti oil fields on August 1, Lt. Donald Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C.Jenkins, 151 Fort Street, Forty Fort, has been officially reported as "killed in action" by the War Department.

                The message from Adj. General Ulio, US Army, said:

                Report received from Rumanian Government, through International Red Cross, states your son, Second Lt. Donald Jenkins, who was previously reported missing in action was killed in action on August 1 in the Middle Eastern Area."

                His parents heard from him on July 31 in a letter in which Lt. Jenkins suggested that his mother keep her fingers crossed as he was going on an important mission the next day. He said that he was unable to announce the nature of the mission, but subsequent press reports listed the air raid on the Rumanian oil fields as having occurred on August 1. Lt. Jenkins was in that area when he last wrote.

                He was a graduate of Forty Fort High School, class of 1939, and was outstanding both in the classroom and on the athletic field. He carried the same reputation with him to Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College where he was in his junior year when he enlisted in the Air Corps in April, 1942.

                From childhood he was active in the Boy Scout movement and was ranked as an Eagle Scout. Yesterday morning during chapel exercises at Forty Fort High School, his memory was honored by the faculty and student body.

                Prof. Daniel Davies, head of the English Department and scout leader, presided at the memorial program.

                Two brothers of Lt. Jenkins are in the service, Capt. Harry, who saw considerable service overseas with the Air Corps as a pilot, is stationed at Houston Field, Florida, and Capt. Arthur, Field Artillery, Fort Bragg, N.C.

Received His Wings


May 21, 1944

Selman Field, Monroe, La.--Residents of 36 States and Canada received their wings and commissions as aerial navigators Saturday (April 22) when Selman Field, largest navigation training school in the A/AF Training Command, sent Class 44-6 on its way into combat.

                From here the graduates went to operational and replacement training units throughout the country, where they will train for combat with their future battlemates. In a few weeks, they will be flying in every theater of the war and over the air supply routes of the world.

                Graduates in the class from this area included Donald R. McQuown son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McQuown, of East Union Street.

Observed Birthday


May 1, 1944

                Pfc. Thomas R. Bonham, son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bonham of Hunlock Creek R. D. 1, celebrated his 19th birthday at Camp Stewart, Ga., May 4th. He recently spent a furlough with his parents and friends. He entered the service June 26 of last year and took his basic training at Camp Eustis, Va. His address is A. S. N. (AW) (SP) Bn, Camp Stewart, Ga.


Feb. 12, 1944


                Mrs. and Mrs. Ambrose L. Keller of 83 Daba Street, Forty Fort, have three sons in the Armed Forces.

                First Lt. William E. Keller is a pilot instructor at Freeman Field, Seymour, Ind. At the ....of his enlistment January 2, 1942, he was a basketball coach in Florida.

                Sgt. Eugene Keller enlisted on January 13, 1942, received his basic training in Florida ... has been overseas 16 months. At the present time he is somewhere in Italy.

                Cadet Ambrose Keller, who is celebrating his 22nd birthday anniversary today, is at ...shington and Lee University, being trained in the Army Specialized Training Course.

                At the time of his induction November 23, 1942, he was a student at East Stroudsburg Teachers College.

Jane Anderson Is Discharged

July 5, 1946

                Miss Jane Anderson, R. N., who has been serving in the U. S. Navy at a base hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, for the past two years, has received an honorable discharge, and is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson, of West Union Street.


(date illegible)

Jane Anderson, Kansas Sailor To Be Married

Shickshinny Girl, Former Navy Nurse, Engaged to Res. E. Conrad

                Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson of 117 Union Street, Shickshinny, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jane Anderson, to Rex E. Conrad of Ottawa, Kan.

                Miss Anderson is a graduate of Shickshinny High School and Orange Memorial School of Nursing. Orange, N.J. She was recently discharged from the United States Navy Nurse Corps after serving 21 months at Portsmouth, Va., and the remaining 15 months at Corpus Christi, Texas.

                Mr. Conrad is a graduate of Ottawa, Kan., High School and upon his release from the United States Navy will resume his studies at Ottawa Junior College.

                No date has been set for the wedding.



                Word has been received by Mrs. Floyd Whitmire that her husband was wounded in action, January 15th, while serving with the armed forces in Belgium and is now in the hospital.

                Mrs. Whitmire is the former Gertrude Rismiller, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Stewart Rismiller, of Nicely Street.


                Torrence W. Dohl, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoke Dohl, of Harveyville, has been promoted from Pfc. to Sgt. He is in charge of Comm. and is at present in the Philippine Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Dohl recently received his Combat Infantryman’s Badge which he was awarded.


Feb. 7, 1945


                Pfc. Harold Rood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rood of Muhlenburg. The general orders reads: "Under the provisions of Army Regulations 600-45 dated 22 September, Private First Class Harold E. Rood, 33463215, Infantry. For meritorious service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States, in France." By command of Major General Pane.



                Leroy Daniels, EM 2/c, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Daniels, of Bloomingdale, has been advanced to second class Petty Officer. He is somewhere in New Guinea. He has been in three invasions so far.

                Petty Officer Daniels also has a brother, Ralph Daniels, A/S, who is home from Bainbridge, Md. on boot leave, and will return to his training station on February 21st.

Local Soldier Killed In Pacific

Feb. 23. (year illegible)

Word Received By Wife Tells Of Death On Luzon Island Feb. 6--A Son Also Survives

                Pfc. Harold B. McMichael, of Shickshinny R. D. 2, was killed in action in the Philippine Islands campaign. Word came to his wife in a telegram Tuesday morning from the War Department, with the brief details to be followed by a letter telling all the information that can be given.

                The soldier was known to have taken part in the invasion of Luzon Island, and it was here that he met his death, according to the telegram. The date of his death was given as February 6. He had served overseas in the Pacific area for eighteen months.

                In addition to his wife, the former Lois Killian, of Near Koonsville, Pfc. McMichael is survived by a son, Richard McMichael, aged 2 years, and his mother, Mrs. Minnie McMichael, of Reyburn; and several brothers and sisters. Prior to entering the service, he was employed in New Jersey.

In The Service


                Pfc. John T. Perhoski has returned to his camp in Mississippi, after spending a 10-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Perhoski, Sr., of Shickshinny R. D. 2.

                Pvt. James Shoemaker observed his 21st birthday on July 25, somewhere in France. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Shoemaker of Rock View avenue.

                Pvt. William M. Adkins returned to Fort Belvoir, Va. Monday, after spending two weeks furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Adkins.

                Pfc. Earl Palmatier has been transferred from Camp McCain, Miss., to Camp Livingston, La.

                Pfc. Thomas Bonhan entered training June 26, 1943 and spent 6 months at Camp Eustice, Va. From there to Camp Stewart, Ga. His present address is Pfc. Thomas Bonham, AT Co. 22d Inf. APO 411, Camp Gruber, Okla.

                Sgt. Adam M. Drayer, who is stationed at Scott Field, Ill., was returned there after spending a two week’s furlough with his wife and son at 5 E. Union St. During Sgt. Drayer’s furlough, his sister, Miss Millie r. Drayer, of New Britain, Conn., was there guest for several days.

                Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Martini, 51 N. Main street, were pleasantly surprised when both their sons in the service arrived home on sourdough at the same time. Capt. A. T. Martini, who was stationed in Puerto Rico for the past 2 1/2 years is home on a 21 day sick leave from Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia while his younger brother, Lt. A. P. Martini, who is stationed with the Army Transport Command of the Air Forces was home on a 10-day furlough.

This information was donated by Marge German
Any questions should be directed to her.

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