Roll of Campany F -147th Regiment, Infantry Pennsylvania Volunteers

Jacob P. Kreider Capt Mus out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
James R. Smith 1st Lt. Killed in action at Chancellersville, May 3, 1863
Gidean S. Stair 2nd Lt. Discharged on surgeons certificate of disability pr. S.O. 13. Dated Jany 13, 1865 Hd.Q 20th A.C.
John F. Petit 1st Sgt. Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
Lewis C. Green 1st Sgt. Disch'd as 1st Srgt and mustered 2nd Lt. Sept. 14, 1863. Resigned Feby 15, 1864
Cornelius Schlicker Sgt. Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
John W. Everard Sgt. Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
John Duser Sgt. Sick in McClellan U.S.N.G.H. Philadelphia, Pa. since May 21, 1865. Hon disch'd from the service of the U.S. June 24, 1865
Gilbert N. Keck Sgt. Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
Alexander Patterson Sgt. Disch'd on surgeons certificate of disability April 4, 1863 at Dumfries, Va.
Samuel D. Eggleberger Corp Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
Emanuel Dunn Corp Sick in G.H. Nashville, Tenn. since May 12/64 Hon disch'd from the service of the U.S. June 14/65 McDougalls G.H., N.Y.H.
Nathan Wagner Corp Absent sick May 21, 1865
James Monroe Corp Sick in G.H. Raleigh, NC. since Apr. 29/65. Disch'd from the service of the U.S. June 14/65 McDougalls G.H.,, N.Y.H.
Solomon Keck Corp Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
John Airey Corp Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
John Wier Corp Mus out with Co., June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md.
Emil Miller Corp Returned from paroled prisoner May 21, 1865
Jacob W. Case Corp Disch'd on surgeons cert. of disability Dec 12/62 at Philada. Pa.
Redmon Moyer Corp Killed in action before Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 6, 1865
Abram S. Kensy Mus Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensburg, Md
William N. Schwope Mus Mus. out with Co. June 6, 1865 near Bladensbur, Md.
Evan J. Longshore Mus Disch'd on surg cert. of disability at Camp Dennison on Sept 29/64 by order of Maj. Gen. Heintzlemm

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Last Updated on 9/28/2001
By Janice Walker

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
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