Recollections of
Mrs. Julia Anna Blackman Plumb of Hanover, at age of 82, as published in The Historical Record, 1888, providing a glimpse of life in
the township in the early part of the 19th century. Her obituary
I was born in 1806.
My brother Harry went to Nanticoke to live about 1818 when I was about twelve
years old. John P. Arndt owned the forge there and a saw mill and other mills,
and Harry was a good mechanic, and Arndt got him to move down there and repair
and build machinery for the mills and Forge. He lived there about two years. On
the way there, Askam’s house was the first next to us, on the Middle Road. He
had lived there some years then.
John Shafer lived where
Harvey Holcomb afterwards lived, where the cross road turns off toward the
river road. I think Pruner lived at the mill on that cross road that afterwards
Jonathan Robins owned, near where the Dundee Shaft now is. Henry Sively lived
in the little house on the river road, where this Robins or Pruner cross road
comes into the river road. Jesse Crissman once lived in this little house, and
perhaps lived there at the time I am speaking of. Sively owned it afterwards,
and in about 1838 George Koker owned it and lived in it, and died there about
1850, I should think. The Pruner or Robins cross road, I think, went straight
on, at that time, across the river road there, and on down to the river at the
mouth of the creek that comes in there. Down the river towards Nanticoke, the
next house was Mr. Andrus’, where Barnett Miller afterwards lived. A man by the
name of Ebenezer Brown lived at the Pruner, or Robins mill, at that time. He
had sons – Daniel and Harry. Mr. Brown had known father in Connecticut before
they came here. Father was studying surveying at a school, and Brown was a
scholar at the same school. Father was a young man then in Connecticut after
the Revolutionary War was over, and before he came back here in 1786. Brown
lived at the mill only a couple of years. He moved to Kingston, and lived at
the west end of the Wilkes-Barre River Bridge. This would be about 1820. I
think there was at that time a log house standing below the Andrus house,
towards Nanticoke, two stories high, the upper story the largest, projecting
out over the lower one all around the house. It was built during the Indian
wars to protect the people from the Indians. Mother’s name was Anna Hurlbut,
and she lived about a mile above the house towards Wilkes-Barre. I think old
Mr. George Koker, the first of the family in Hanover, lived in it. The Pells lived
next below, towards Nanticoke, where Samuel Pell afterwards lived. The Pells,
instead of a barn to keep their hay in like us, had large, square stacks
outside, with great square posts at the corners and a roof thatched with straw
over the stack, and as the hay was taken off and the stack got lower, they
would let the roof down to be near the top of the hay. The son, Josiah Pell,
was in the Indian battle at Wyoming where father was, and afterwards in the
army, and after the war lived with his father a great many years. The old man
got married to a young wife, and gave all his property to her children, and the
son, Josiah, (the father’s name was Josiah, too) moved, I think, up the
Susquehanna River somewhere. Father used to meet him on the jury afterwards.
James Lee lived in the house beyond the Nanticoke Creek, called Lee’s Creek
there, in a nice, large house. Esquire Samuel Jameson lived on the left side of
the road next beyond Lee’s. It looked like a frame house that he lived in, but
I think likely as not, it was log inside. I don’t remember any other house at
that time on the River road, where Robert Robins’ house was afterwards built,
where he lived and died. The Mills lived on the right beyond, and down in the
fields toward the river, there was an old log house and two or three barns, and
a nice new house. Mr. Anheuser, a son-in-law of Mr. Mill, had a store in a
pretty nice house on the road. The old log house down n the field near the barn
took fire, and it and three barns were burned. My brother Harry and Jesse
Crisman were there. There was not much of anything in the barns. It was just
before haying and harvesting. After the fire Mr. Anheuser moved to Wilkes-Barre
and kept a store there. I understand that Mrs. Anheuser is still alive and
living in Wilkes-Barre. She must be very old. The next building, I think, was
the schoolhouse. That was before the schoolhouse and church combined was built.
When the church and schoolhouse combined was built, Charles Plumb, my husband,
built the pulpit in the church part. The church room was over the school room.
There was a house beyond the schoolhouse where Thomas Bennett kept a tavern. He
married a daughter of old Mr. George Espy. Alexander’s store and the house had
not been built in 1818, and it was near this time when Mill’s house and barns
were burnt, I should think. The road here, a little ways from Bennett’s tavern,
turned down towards the river, towards Lee’s mill. I can’t remember how thing
were arranged down there by the creek, near the mill. Harry lived in the first
house on the left across the creek, I think, and then a road turned off to the
left down into Newport, and then across the road were two or three more houses
along the road near-by towards Col. Lee’s, and then a large nice house in which
John P. Arndt lived. Arndt had two sons while living in Wilkes-Barre before he
moved to Nanticoke, Philip and Hamilton. Philip was drowned in the Susquehanna
River while trying to catch driftwood, and I think his body was never found.
I think the first school I ever
went to was up on the Middle road, near Lorenzo Ruggles’, in some one’s private
house, across the creek from his house, and below it, southwest of it. I wasn’t
more than four or five years old at the time. We didn’t call it but a mile from
our house then, but now it is two miles. Lydia Richards was the teacher. What
makes me remember the school is that she would put her switch or stick on the
noses of the disobedient to hold there without touching it with their hands.
There were three disobedient at one time and they were made to hold up their
faces so that the whip would lie across the noses of all a once, and not fall
off, and then they yelled. I remember among the scholars Ruth Edgerton, Rachael
Hoover and Phoebe Wright. I only remember these three. Ruth Edgerton married
Anthony Wilkeson. Lydia Richards was the sister of Elijah Richards, of Wright
Township, afterwards. The next school I attended was on the "Green",
about two miles or more off. The teacher was a Scotchman. The scholars I remember
were myself, Elisha and Betsy Blackman and Maria Askam. Maria Askam afterwards
married Thomas Brown, and lived about forty years at what is now called
Newtown, in Hanover, adjoining the Wilkes-Barre line on the back road. They
moved to Iowa. I don’t remember any others. At Behee’s millpond, on the road to
this school, there was a saw mill close to the dam and they were sawing logs.
We could go to the mill right off the dam. The dam was also the road there as
it is now-across the creek, and the children would frequently go into the saw
mill and sit on the logs it as being sawed. I sat on one once with Maria Askam.
I think Ludwig Rummage owned Behee’s mill when ‘I went to school first on
"The Green", but it may have been later a few years. Behee owned it
when I was 12 years old anyway. The school house stood on the hill top at
"The Green" and the unfinished church stood to the left of it. This
was about 1811-12. They had meetings in the church sometimes though. Father
said he used frequently to sit in the upper story of that church and look over
here towards his own house to see if it took fire from the fires in the woods
in the spring and fall. Nobody lived over back here then but he, or nearer than
the Middle road, nearly a mile off, and the fires used to burn in the woods
clear to the Middle road at Askam’s; but that must have been before 1806. Askam
sometimes used to live in a little log house near South Wilkes-Barre on the
Middle Road at Soloman’s Creek. He was a tailor by trade, but he would rather
do peddling than anything else, and so he wanted to live near town. In his
peddling excursions he had been, he said, to Canada twenty-one times.
The first preacher I remember
was called Paddock, and I think he was a Methodist. He preached at Rufus
Bennett’s house in the evening, and mother went to hear him, and I was only a
little bit of a girl, about 1809, she took me along. I and Pattie Minerva
Bennett at first sat on chairs or benches, but so many people came and it got
so crowded we had to give up ours to grown people. There was a small room by
the end of the larger one and there was a bed in it and a fire and we were
crowded in there, and in there Selest Bennett had "a beau", and as we
did not like to stand there looking at them crawled under the bed. People came
all the way from Nanticoke at Col. Washington Lee’s to this meeting, more than
four miles. They came so far, and at night, too, because meetings were so
scarce. Ann Jameson, a little girl like me, and her parents, Squire Samuel
Jameson and Mrs. Jameson, were there, also from Nanticoke, and she sat in their
laps. I think the lady that Philip Weeks afterwards married was there. She was
some relative to Col. Lee’s wife, and lived there, I believe, and I think her
name was Campbell. I think that was before the school house was built in the
end of Hog-Back, near Rufus Bennett’s. This was before I had gone to any
school, and I must have been about four or less. I don’t think there was any
cleared land by the side of ours then. Bennett’s house was near the Middle Road,
and ours was near the Back Road, about a half mile apart. I heard my mother say
that when she first moved here, in 1791, from Wilkes-Barre, the trees were
standing so near the house that if any of them had fallen or been blown down
towards the house they would have fallen on it. But that was in 1791, and this
meeting was about 1809 or ’10, and our land was more cleared up by then. I
think Perry Gilmore lived in the stone house on the Middle Road then and kept a
tavern there. He used to borrow father’s neck kerchief to wear when he went to
Wilkes-Barre. Father sent sister Betsey-she was six years older than I-there
once after his necktie or handkerchief, when he did not return it, and she took
me along. Gilmore had it on his neck when we went there, and he was mad because
father had sent for it. He was an Irishman and his wife was a Dutch woman. In
the same little hollow where Rufus Bennett’s house stood, there stood at that
time two or three houses some twenty or thirty rods further up towards John
Hoover’s, and a man by the name of Covert lived in one and a man by the name of
Paul Thorp lived in another, but I don’t remember who lived in the third. I
think they stood pretty near together and all belonged to Bennett.
Covert had a son 10 or 12
years old that was sick or crazy, and they thought he was bewitched. He was
lying in bed down stairs, and every once in a while he would start up, open his
eyes and stare towards the ceiling or joists above, and point with his finger
from place to place and cry out There she is! There she is! Covert got a
heavy club and one time when the boy pointed his finger and cried There she
is!, he struck a whack up against the floor and joists above as hard as he
could at the place the boy pointed to, and an old woman sitting there in the
room on a low chair, helping them during child’s sickness and then knitting,
had not seen him prepare to strike screamed and jumped and fell on the floor.
So they thought sure she must be the witch, and that the club hit her up
against the upper floor and made her scream and fall out of her chair.
I heard mother tell of a
little matter that happened when she was a girl, living at her mother’s, on the
River Road, near the Red Tavern. A man that lived down the river about a mile
from her house, towards Nanticoke, was heard one night before bedtime yelling
and swearing in a loud voice for a good while. They knew the voice, and all the
family went out of doors to hear the racket. The next morning they saw him
going by their house towards Wilkes-Barre, and they asked him what the noise
was down his way last night. He was crossing the river in his boat from
Shawney, and the water very high and the night very dark and rainy, and he got
lost, and couldn’t find the shore, and so he went to cursing and swearing as
hard as he could and he got ashore at last. If he hadn’t sworn as hard as he
did he should never have been able, he said, to manage his boat and he should
have been "drownded", but he swore so hard that he got ashore at last
and saved himself.
When I was a very little girl
and used to go to Wilkes-Barre with my mother and father, the first house along
the Middle Road after passing Askam’s Corner-where L. L. Nyhart lives now- was
the stone house. Perry Gilmore lived in it. The next house was Willis Hyde’s,
where Richard Metcalf now lives, across the creek from the stone house.
Opposite Metcalf’s a private road or lane turns off from the main road to the
right and runs around a hill close by the main road, and back of that hill,
some twenty or thirty rods from the Middle Road, is the Rufus Bennett house,
and fifteen or twenty rods or further beyond Bennett’s dwelling were some more
houses, all built before I was born. Bennett’s house and the others where they
stood could not be seen from the Middle Road. On the left of the lane as you
entered it, and opposite to the Willis Hyde or Metcalf house, there was built,
many years afterwards - after the time I was such a little girl - a house close
by the road. Rufus Bennett, Jr. built it, but it was never finished, and no one
ever lived in it. They used to have preaching in it sometimes, but it was soon
taken down, and Rufus went West. But when I was a very little girl, the next
house along the road was James Wright’s, near Lorenzo Ruggles’, but I learned
afterwards that there were houses between, only they were back from the road
and out of sight pretty much. They used to have preaching in it sometimes, but
it was soon taken down, and Rufus went west. But when I was the very little
girl, the next house along the road was James Wright’s, near Lorenzo Ruggles’,
but I learned afterwards that there were houses between, only they were back
from the road and out of sight pretty much. There was Henry Hoover’s house back
somewhere to the right, and Edward Edgerton’s back to the left; and there was
still nearer, this side of Edgerton’s, near where Hoover afterwards took out
coal on the left, was where Aunty Warner lived. It was in the hollow southwest
of the present Hoover Hill school house, some forty rods or so. Aunty Warner
was a hired girl at the Slocum’s in Wilkes-Barre when the Indians in the fall
of 1778 carried off Frances Slocum. Aunty Warner ran off to the fort with one
of the Slocum children in her arms, while the Indians took up a little boy, and
the mother, showing the Indian he was lame, the Indian put him down and took up
the little girl and carried her off. Aunty Warner had lived at what is now
called Sugar Notch, near the creek that crosses the back road there. But she
lived over near the Middle Road when I was a little girl, and died here, I
think about 1820, when I was about 14 years old. She lived with Johnny Burgess.
Johnny Burgess was a boy whose parents were very poor, and Aunty Warner didn’t
have any children; and so she took him when a little child and brought him up.
Johnny got married, and when Aunty Warner’s husband died and Aunty was getting
old and feeble, Johnny thought so much of here that he took her to his own
house and kept her till she died there, or rather, perhaps, he returned her
kindness in kind, which is about the same thing as thinking much of her. This
was his house back in the hollow. I don’t remember Aunty Warner’s name before
she was married. I used to visit with her mother. I think the next house to
James Wright’s was Lorenzo Ruggles’, across the creek from Wright’s.
There was a house, some years
afterwards moved from some place beyond Ruggles and put on a lot just under
what is now called Hoover Hill, where the school now stands. That was an old
house when it was moved there, and Nathan Bennett lived in it afterwards. It
was not there in my earliest recollection of the houses along the road here,
for I went to school by these houses a year or so after my first recollections.
Henry Hoover’s house on the hill across the road was not then built, nor Mrs.
Whipples, behind the school house, or nearly behind it. Jacob Worthing built a
house somewhere near Lorenzo Ruggles’ house, and he had a loom that through the
shuttle itself. I was a little girl, and went in there with Lavina Ruggles to
see it, and I put my foot on the treadle, and as it went down it drove the
shuttle across to the other side, and then I put my foot on the other treadle
and threw it the other way. I think Jacob Worthing himself was on the loom and
told me to do it, and when the shuttle went across he drew up the lay and
showed me how it worked. Lovina Ruggles was a little younger than I. She was
Ruggles’ oldest child, and died while she was a little girl, with the measles,
I think. Jacob Worthing’s wife was a daughter of Comfort Cary. Worthing’s wife
died young, and then he broke up housekeeping. They had only one child, a boy,
a baby then. It was named Comfort Cary Worthing. The child grew up to manhood,
and afterwards taught school at the Lutsey settlement, and used to stop here at
our house sometimes. That loom wasn’t used much afterwards, I think. It was
thought it didn’t make the cloth as good as the old way.
There was a house near where
Ruggles’ home was afterwards built, where an old man called "Blind
Davis" lived. He was blind and his wife was deaf. He sold out and went to
Ohio to live, blind as he was. I must have been six or seven years old then.
Ruggles must have built his house about that time, I think. Benjamin Cary’s
house was next, on the right a little ways from the road, but I don’t know much
about it. He was a brother of James Wright’s wife. Mr. Cary owned the land, and
I heard Mrs. Cary say they had to pat three times for it. Her name was Mercy
Abbott. Jacob Fisher’s house was next on the left. The old house where Jacob
fisher’s father lived, was still standing and was back of the new one quite a
number of rods, and there was a road to it, I think, along the top of the hill
from the school house on the cross road below Fisher’s. The next house was on
the corner of the cross road that goes over to Sugar Notch and a Mr. Burrier
lived there as long ago as I can remember. He had a son, a young man then,
called Thomas, that I here is alive yet. Now the rest of them from there to
Wilkes-Barre I can’t remember about, when I was so little. I do remember though
two old men that used to walk up and down the road on the side of the hill at
what was then or afterwards Christian Nagle’s house, where there was a water
spout and a trough for horses and cattle to drink at.
My brother, Harry Blackman,
married and staid here, but Ebenezer went to Ohio, when he came of age (1814).
Then when brother Hurlburt (Blackman) came of age he got sick, and could not
work. He used to ride a horse to Wilkes-Barre every once in a while to see the
doctor. After about a year of illness he concluded to go West and see if he
wouldn’t get better (1816). He came back some years afterwards on horseback on
a visit, and tied his horse and came in and asked if he could stay to dinner
and have his horse fed. We didn’t know him and asked if he was’nt some of our
folks. He laughed and said he was, and then she knew him. There was no canal
then, and I don’t know how he went West, but he told us that when he had been
on the boat a few days he could eat pork and beans as well as any of them. He
went to Troy, Miami Co., Ohio, where Brother Ebenezer was. When he went back,
Sister Betsy went with him (1820), intending to stay only a year and then come
home again, but when she was ready to come, Hurlbut got sick and she didn’t
come. Then she staid and got married. Then Brother Elisha became of age, and he
went West, also to Ohio (1822). They all learned trades there, and staid in
Troy, except Elisha, who got married and went to Indiana. They all married.
They are all dead now. The country there in these early times was unhealthy,
but they all lived to be about seventy years each, except Ebenezer. They each
of them came back on a visit to father before he died. Ebenezer and his family
came in 1839, and went back in 1840. Hurlbut, Betsey and Elisha came back
together in 1841, and went back after a few weeks. Elisha was executer of
father’s estate, and came here in 1846 to settle that up. Father died Dec. 5,
Within my recollection people
wore clothes generally made of cloth at home. It was raised, spun, woven and
dyed at home. This was for common wear, but people generally had a suit
"for nice" that was made of boughten stuff. When I was a little girl
father bought me a calico dress at 25 cents a yard. He thought it was so cheap
he got it. But at first washing it all faded out, and we dyed it over at home.
Calico that was good for anything was 30 cents a yard. I don’t think anybody
around here wore buckskin except that old colored woman that lived over the mountain.
She was called "Shots", I think. She was the mother of the colored
man called "Black Joe", and his wife was called "Blue Sal".
I don’t know but his name was Joseph Taylor. Old Shots was an old woman when I
was young, and lived in Wright or Slocum Township, as it was afterwards called,
and used to come over the mountain to our side on the Warrior Path, dressed
half in man’s and half in woman’s clothes. She lived with a man, or he lived
with her, that was old and lived on a pension he got for service in the
Revolutionary War. I don’t remember what his name was, but they lived in what
we called the swamp, or in that neighborhood, according to my recollection. She
used to dress partly in buckskin. The poor things had been slaves, and then
they were set free and had to take care of themselves the best way they could,
and they didn’t know how.
Death of a Pioneer’s Daughter
Mrs. Julia Anna Blackman Plumb Passes Away at the Age
of 83
Some of the Trying Hardships of Pioneer Life.
Julia Anna Blackman
Plumb died on June 29, at the residence of her son, H. B. Plumb, Esq., in
Plumbtown, at the advanced age of 83 years. She passed peacefully and
painlessly away, in full possession of her faculties up to the last. With the
exception of a slight cold she was in her usual health and death was due to the
infirmities of advancing age. Funeral at 2 p. m. on Tuesday, interment in
Hollenback Cemetery.
She was probably the last survivor of the second generation of the
pioneers who participated in the battle of Wyoming, July 3, 1778. About seven
years ago she became blind, an affliction that was severely felt by her, she
having been a great reader. She had also become deaf. Otherwise here declining
years have been marked with a degree of health and vigor not common to such advanced
age. She was possessed of those sterling traits of character which ennoble our
human nature and made her life a benediction to all whom she was thrown in
contact. Her religious faith was after the teachings of the Swedenborgian
Church. Fore many years she has made her home with her son, who has ministered
to her every want with the most tender and devoted parental solicitude.
Mrs. Plumb was in
the sixth generation from John Blackman, who was in Dorchester, Mass., now
Boston, in 1640. He had eight children.
Second generation –
Joseph Blackman, 1661 – 1720. He had five children.
Third generation –
Elisha, born 1700. He had four children.
Fourth generation –
Elisha, 1727-1804. Had five children.
Fifth generation-
Elisha, 1760-1845. Had ten children.
Sixth generation –
The subject of this sketch, who was the ninth child.
Seventh generation –
H. B. Plumb, of Hanover Township.
She was the daughter
of Elisha Blackman and Anna Hurlbut, of Hanover Township, Luzerne Co., and was
born on the same farm where she passed her entire life, April 25, 1806. She was
married to Charles Plumb Dec. 21, 1828, he dying three years later. The only
child was Henry Blackman Plumb, the local historian and member of the Luzerne
Bar, who survives. Her father was deeply attached to her, she being the
youngest daughter, and she never left the parental roof. Upon her mother’s
death she assumed the entire care of her father’s household, a duty far more
arduous than falls to women nowadays. Her father was an extensive farmer and
nearly everything with the exception of tea, coffee, and sugar was raise upon
the homelands. The round of exacting duty embraced spinning, weaving, dairying
butter and cheese, wool raising, bee culture, flax raising, the care of harvest
hands and numerous other domestic duties quite unknown to the generation now
growing up. Her father died December 5, 1845, at the age of 86, her mother
January 26, 1828, at the age of 65.
Her father was
Elisha Blackman, born April 4, 1760, in Lebanon, Conn. He came here with his father,
Elisha Blackman, in 1772, and participated in the battle of July 3, 1778, he
being one of the fortunate few who escaped. He was a member of Capt. Bidlack’s
company, from lower Wilkes-Barre, out of whose 32 men only eight escaped. After
the repulse he succeeded in making his way to the Susquehanna River, which he
attempted to swim. His efforts were noticed by a savage along the bank who
fired a flintlock musket at him, but fortunately without effect. He succeeded
in reaching the Monoconock Island, where he secreted himself in the bushes. He
was an eye witness to the killing of Philip Weeks, who had also sought to
escape the river, but was induced by a savage to return to shore on a promise
that his life should be spared. It is needless to say that the promise was
shamefully and instantly violated and Weeks was killed and scalped. The
Blackman boy, for he was a lad of only 18, lay concealed until darkness had
covered the earth for several hours, when about midnight he took advantage of
the dead silence and returned to the west side of the river and made his way to
Forty Fort, in which such of the frightened settlers as had not fled towards
Connecticut had taken refuge. About the same time another refugee came to the
fort, Daniel McMullen, who was entirely naked, he having thrown aside his
clothes when he took to the river. The next morning (July 4, 1778), these two
men objected to the proposed capitulation of the fort and rather than fall into
the hands of the British and Indians as prisoners they took advantage of the
opening of the gates to admit somr cattle and fled, reaching Wilkes-Barre fort
in safety. This fort was already abandoned, Dr. William Hooker Smith and the
aged men composing the local military company, the Reformadoes, having gone to
the Five Mile Mountain as an escort for the women and children who were fleeing
towards the Pocono on their way to their old homes in Connecticut. The only man
in Wilkes-Barre fort was young Blackman’s father. The family home was in South
Wilkes-Barre near where the late Judge Dana’s residence stands. Hastily
concealing such family valuables as could be buried they got the cattle
together and drove them toward the lower end of the valley, away from the
Indians, where the oxen were found in safety several months later. They fled
down the river, then up Nescopeck Creek, and succeeded in crossing the
Nescopeck Mountain to Stroudsburg, where they overtook the main body of the
fugitives who had gone by the way of the Shades of Death and Pocono Mountain.
When Capt. Spalding’s company returned to the desolated valley in August to
bury the dead, young Blackman accompanied and assisted in that melancholy duty.
He then gathered such of his father’s crops as had escaped the malignity of the
Tories and Indians. His father returned in November and the crops harvested by
the son found ready purchasers in the troops who were stationed in the valley.
Father and son then returned to Connecticut, winter now drawing on, and the son
enlisted in the Revolutionary Army. He served a year in the New York lake
region, and then returned to Lebanon, Conn. In 1786, fe returned to
Wilkes-Barre with his two brothers, Ichabod and Eleazer. In 1787 his father
came, and took the oath of allegiance to Pennsylvania before Timothy Pickering.
The son married in
January, 1788, Anna Hurlbut, daughter of Deacon John Hurlbut, of Hanover, and
in 1791 removed to Hanover and settled on the land where the family have ever
since lived. He cleared up a tract of land, built a house and planted an orchard.
This was between the middlr and the back road. It was probably the only
clearing on the southeast side from Newport to Wilkes-Barre. Rufus Bennett came
about the same time.
Burial of Mrs. Plumb
The burial of the
late Mrs. Julia Anna Plumb took place Tuesday afternoon fron the residence of
her son, H. B. Plumb, Esq., in Hanover Township. Rev. J. K. Peck was the
officiating clergyman, and the pall bearers were these neighbors: Messrs.
Metcalf, Taylor, Harrison, Reinhammer, Albert and Edwards. Mr. Peck’s address
was pronounced and excellent one, being both religious and historical. Interment
was in Hollenback Cemetery.
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