Luzerne County PAGenWeb



The volunteers listed here have offered to do lookups. 
  • Please remember that a lookup means checking a particular source for a specific person.  It does not mean doing research or finding all instances of a surname in a source.  Sample of a good request: "I'm trying to find out where John Jones is buried.  He lived in Hazleton in 1880 and doesn't appear in the 1900 census.  Could you please look for him in your cemetery book?"
  • Please remember to tell them what you already know, so they don't their waste time finding that information.
  • Please remember to provide them with specific details:  Example: "I'm trying to find a marriage record for John Jones and Mary Smith, who appear in the 18xx census with two kids aged 5 and 7."
  • Please remember only to ask for one lookup per email, unless you're looking for two specific individuals in the same book.
  • Please remember never, ever, to ask two people for the same request.  Lookup volunteers do communicate with one another, and have been known to quit because of this deplorable practice.
  • Please remember to thank the volunteer for his/her trouble, even if the information isn't in the source.  The thanks is for their work, not the result.
  • Please let me know if any email link is no longer valid.


Lookup list is presently being checked.  Please report bad addresses.


Name and contact info Resource(s) available
Carol Queen 1956 Hazleton telephone book

1939 Hazleton High School Janus

1940 Hazleton High School Janus

50th Anniversary, Hazleton High School Class of 1940 I recently bought two ledgers which were headed to the trash bin. They are the 1940 and 1952 Tax Rolls/Assesments for Foster Township in Luzerne Co., PA. I will do look ups if anyone is in need of info from these two books.
Anna Narcavage I have a book on the town of Luzerne, Luzerne County's 1882-1982 Centennial. It has many interesting items in it such as alumni records of the town's public schools from 1894 to 1966, business, how streets got their names, places of worship, a list of first's such as first blacksmith, first shoemaker, first tanner and so on, also there the earliest picture of the Luzerne High School graduating class of 1911 and much more.
Jo Ann Michel Ulster Emigration to Philadelphia 1803-1850. It is an alphabetical index with names, dates, ports, ships and counties. My family came from Ireland to Philadelphia then onto York and Luzerne Counties.
Bob Hildebrand First Presbyterian Church of Pittston Pa. by Rev.N.G.Parke, Delivered Sabbath, June 12,1876. It contains info on its organization, first preachers of the valley since 1742, Sabbath schools, first church built, many difficulties of preaching in barns,one room schools, homes, expansion of the presbyterian church to West Pittston on Exeter and Spring St., Lists of trustees,elders,and members of 1857,plus a list menbers who dismissed to unite in the new church in West Pittston. There is also a list of other persons who were at one time connected with this church,dismissed to other churches,removed by death or dropped from the rolls.There is a list of present (1879) officers,trustees,and members.
In addition, I have also a regimential history of the 52nd Penna.Vol. Infantry also called the 'Luzerne Regiment' because most of the men came from the county but some companies were filled with men from surounding countys, as one of my ancestors did. (Harvey and Smith in History of Wyo.Val. and W-B only list men from the city and surounding area).
Elizabeth Bartle Brewster, William, History of the Certified Township of Kingston Pennsylvania, 1769-1929. Published by the school district of the borough of Kingston for use in the schools, 1930. Most information on Forty-Fort, Kingston, Wyoming and West Wyoming, Luzerne Borough. Also schools, churches, lawyers and physicians. Lists of names of people who fought in various wars especially World WarII. Gives members of the American Legion Black Diamond Post 395 which includes residents of Kingston, Pringle, Courtdale, Luzerne, Trucksville, Shavertown and Forty-Fort. Also contains bios of many early settlers.

Hartmann, Edward G. The Welsh of Wilkes-Barre and the Wyoming Valley. St. David's Society of Wyoming Valley, Inc., 1985. Contains information on churches founded by the Welsh people in the Wyoming Valley, existing churches and dissolved churches.

Nancy Griffith Chronology of the County of Luzerne (1886) by W. E. Whyte. Although is is only partially indexed, I would be happy to do lookups.
Pam Walton Pioneers Sugar Loaf Valley
James H Culbert Henry Blackman Plumb's 1885 History of Hanover Twp. and Wyoming Valley and Charles Miner's 1845 History of Wyoming.  For Plumb's book, before contacting me please check out the ALL of the lists from this book, which can be found at the following web site: History of Hanover Township
Lynda L. Jones Lookups only at Rosemont Cemetery, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, our neighbor to the west
Raymond LeMay III Limited Lookups for descendants whose ancestors were Veterans In the Spanish American War, Philippine Insurrection, and China Relief Expedition 1898-1902 respectfully out of Pennsylvania.


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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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County Coordinator

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