Sheriff's Trea. Deed Book, No. 12, page 134, Luzerne County, Pa.


John Johnsten, Treas. To John R. Dean

On 17 August 1846, John Johnsten, Esq., treasurer of Luzerne County, came personally into court and in open court in due form of law executed and acknowledged a deed dated Aug. 1, 1846, Conveying to John R. Dean, his heirs, and assigns for the consideration of forty dollars + eighty two cents a tract of unseated land situate in Dorrance Township in said county, containing four hundred and seventeen acres, surveyed to Peter Dehaven, and sold for taxes. Bond filed 26 October 1846.

Same to same

On the 17 August 1846 John Johnsten Esq., Treasr., of Luzerne County, came personally into court and in open court in due form of law executed and acknowledged a deed dated Aug. 1st., 1846, conveying to John R. Dean, his heirs and assigns for the consideration of seventy nine dollars + twenty-five cents, a tract of unseated land situate in Carbondale Township in said county of Luzerne, Containing one hundred and forty-two acres, Surveyed to Ellis Solomon, and sold for taxes. Bond filed 26 Oct. 1846.

Same to Same

On the 17 day of August 1846, John Johnsten, Esq. Treasurer of Luzerne County, came personally into open court in due form of law executed and acknowledged a deed conveying to John R. Dean, his heirs and assigns for the consideration of thirty-one dollars + fifty-six cents, a tract of unseated land, situate in Denison Township, in said county, Containing three hundred and sixty acres, Surveyed to John Brown and sold for taxes. Deed dated Aug. 1st., 1846. Bond filed 26 October, 1846.

Sheriff's Treasrs. Deed Book No. 6, page 30, Luzerne County, Pa.

Treasrs Deed To Nathan Beach

On the 16 August 1816. Jacob Crist Esq. Treasurer of Luzerne County came personally into court and in open court in due form of Law acknowledged deed dated the 25 day of June 1816 conveying to Nathan Beach his heir and assigns for the consideration of Twelve dollars sixty two and a half cents Three hundred acres of unseated land in Newport township Luzerne County surveyed land situated in Newport township Luzerne County surveyed to Peter Dehaven sold for taxes.

Treasrs Deed To Nathan Beach

On the 16 August A.D. 1816. Jacob Cist Esq. Treasurer of Luzerne County came personally into court and in open court in due form of Law acknowledge a deed dated the 25 day of June 1816 conveying to Nathan Beach his heirs and assigns for the consideration of Fourteen dollars Nineteen cents, Four hundred and twenty three acres of unseated land situated in Nescopeck Township Luzerne County, surveyed to John Lockhart, sold for taxes.

Treasrs Deed To Nathan Beach

On the 16 August A.D. 1816. Jacob Cist, Esq. Treasurer of Luzerne County, came personally into Court and in Open Court in due form of law, Acknowledged a deed dated the 25 day of June 1816 conveying to Nathan Beach his heirs and assigns for the consideration of sixteen dollars Nineteen cents, Four hundred and nineteen acres of Unseated land situate in Nescopeck Township, Luzerne County surveyed to Thomas Palmer, sold for taxes.


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 Mary Ann Lubinsky, County Coordinator

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