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Will of Emanuel Shellhammer
Dated: 1889

Source: Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Will Book L, Page 6

I, Emanuel Shellhammer of Hollenback Township Luzerne County and State of Pennsylvania, do declare and publish this my last will and testament revoking all wills heretofor made in manner and form following that is to say. I wish the funeral expenses of a Christian burial together with my just debts be paid immediately after my decease.

I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Hannah Shellhammer the interest of one third part of all my estate both personal and real during her natural life and one hundred and fifty dollars cash in hand together with the use and occupancy of the tenant house and one half acre of ground together with a cow and the feed and stabling for the same with the other cows kept on the farm free of charge and to the use of the water at the spring and at the pump or well at the farm house and is to have egress and regress to the barn and well and spring during her natural life time.

I give to my son Daniel Shellhammer one hundred dollars above the book accounts or besides the book accounts charged against him.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Phebe Knorr the interest of one hundred dollars less than share and share alike during her natural life the principal to be paid to her children after her death. I give and bequeath to my daughter Lydia A Mowry the interest during her natural life of one hundred and fifty dollars less than an equal share with the common heirs the principal to be paid to her children after her death. I give and bequeath to my son George Peter Shellhammer, Maria Blum, Susannah Michael, Catherine Boyer, Sophia Swank, Lucy Eckrote and Ragena Gearhard share and share alike of my Estate. It is my will that the amount of the mortgage I hold against Josuah Boyer husband of Catherine Boyer if not paid before shall be a set off against her share. The house and kitchen furniture my wife Hannah brought with her when she moved here belongs to her. I add to the above bequest of my wife Hannah one bed her choice together with the helps of a servant girl when she feels the need of help the expenses thereof to be paid by my Executor out of my estate. I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Mary Burbeck one hundred dollars. It is my will that the legacy of my daughters Lydia A Mowry and Phebe Knorr remain secured as a dower on the farm the interest being or to be paid annually. It is my will that my wife Hannah shall remain and occupy the dwelling we now occupy for one year after my decease.

I appoint my son George Peter Shellhammer sole Executor of this my last will and testament and it is my will that he shall have a reasonable time to carry out the purpose of my will and my Executor shall have the power to sign a deed of conveyance of my real estate the same as I myself could do if I should live as for time of sale my Executor shall exercise his own judgment.

In witness where of I the above testator have set my hand seal to this my last will and testament this fourth day of February A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight.

Emanuel Shellhammer


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