Mattias Van Loon Will

Luzerne Co., PA, Will Bk A, pp. 62-64 (LDS Film # 0959120)

"Matthias Van Loon. "In the name of God, amen. "I, Matthias Van Loon of Plymouth in the county of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the same, "Do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, (that is to say)

First, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Rebekah Van Loon, all of my goods and chattels, or the use thereof during her natural life. Also the use of my now occupied House lot with all the privileges thereto belonging, Except one half of the dwelling house I now live in and the dwelling house lately occupied by my son Evert Van Loon, and to the road and of sd house lot to my ganding(?) fence, and with the line of the fence across sd lot, Also one sixth part of the produce that shall arise from from (sic) fifteen acres of my flats or meadow land.

"I also give and bequeath to my son Nicholas Van Loon five acres of the meadow land with delivering one sixth of the produce to his honored Mother during her life. I also give and bequeath unto my son Abram Van Loon three acres and a half of house lot from land owned by Thos Davenport and to take three apple trees before the door of my now dwelling house, also sixteen acres and half of the meadow land with delivering one sixth part of the produce to his honrd Mother during her life of five acres.

"I do also give and bequeath unto my Grandson Stephen Van Loon, the remainder of House lot. also eighteen acres and half of the meadow land with delivering one sixth part of the produce of five acres to his Grand Mother, Rebekah Van Loon, during her life, provided the sd. Stephen clear said land from all incumbrances then the betterments shall be apprized by two men and said Stephen shall money back and the remainder to be equally divided among the sons of Evert Van Loon, deceased, except the eldest son Matthias, except the use of one third which shall be to the use of my son Everts widow, during her widowhood, and then to cease.

"And also to my Daughter, Catharine Roberts all my personal estate after the death of her mother.

"I do also give and bequeath to my Grandson Matthias Van Loon fifty acres off of the north end of fifth Division lots Nos. 22 & 24 and the remainder of my unimproved land to be equally divided between my sons Nicholas Abram and the heirs of Evert, deceased, all severally as I have before mentioned to them their heirs and assigns.

"I hereby appoint Nicholas Van Loon, Abram Van Loon and Stephen Van Loon my sole executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

"In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of December in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and four.

"Signed sealed published and declared by } Matthias Van Loon {seal}

the above named Matthias Van Loon to be }

his last will and testament in the presence }

of us who have hereunto subscribed our }

names as witnesses in the presence of the }

testator. }

Thomas Davenport }

Jonah Rogers }

"Luzerne County ss:

"On the 28th day of January 1805, before me, Jacob Hart Register for the probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the county of Luzerne, personally came Thomas Davenport one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testament of Matthias Van Loon, deceased, and being duly sworn, and Jonah Rogers, the other subscribing to the same, and duly affirmed, did respectively declare that they were present and saw the testator sign, seal and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament, and at the doing thereof, he the said testator, was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that the deponent and affirmant subscribed their names thereto as witnesses in the presence of and at the request of the testator.

Jacob Hart


"In conformity to the foregoing Will Letter Testamentary was granted to Nicholas Van Loon, Abram Van Loon and Stephen Van Loon the Executors therein named, They having first been qualified truly to perform the same exhibit a true Inventory and render a just account of their administration.

"Given under my hand and the seal of my office at Wilkes Barre the 28th day of January 1805.

Jacob Hart. Register.

"Registered, January 28, 1805."

This List was donated by Linda.

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