Jonathan Linn's Will

Luzerne Co., PA, Will Bk ?, pp. 542-544

"Jonathan Linn’s } "In the name of God Amen, I Jonathan Linn of the township Will } of Newport in the County of Luzerne, being of sound } mind and memory, blessed be the Almighty for it do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First I recomand my Soul to God who has given it, and my body to the Earth from whence it came, to be buried in Christian like manner, to the discretion of my Executors and surviving children. Second, I wish that after my decease my farm in the township of Newport on which I at present reside together with my two lots in the township of Lower Sacona in the County of Northampton one of which is at present under the tenure of Mr. Keller and the other a Wood lot, and also my lot in the township of Upper Sacona Lehigh County now under the tenure of John Youndt and all my real and personal property whatsoever shall be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder and the amount of it together with the amount of all the Bonds and Notes which I have in hands and the amount of all book and other accounts due me after my debts are paid shall be equally divided between my Sons and daughters or their legal heirs, to Each an equal Share, one equal share to my Son Charles, one equal share to my daughter Sarah married to John Youndt, one equal share to my daughter Rebecca married to Edward Buchecker, one equal Share to my daughter Mary married to Jesse Linn, one equal share to my Son Isaac, one equal share to my daughter Catherine (single woman) one equal share to my Son Oliver, one equal share to my daughter Elizabeth married to William Croop. Further I will and bequeath to my son Oliver the sum of Six hundred dollars over and above his equal share to be paid to him out of my whole Estate before any partition is made. Item I will and bequeath the sum of Fifty (50) dollars which is to come out of the share of my son Isaac, to his daughter Sarah Ann (Bastard Child) now residing in the County of Northampton, and do ordain that my Executors put out the said sum of Fifty dollars in land security untill the lawful age of said Sarah Ann, and then to be paid over to her. Item. I wish and order that the share of my daughter Rebecca, shall by my Executors be put on interest secured by Real Estate, and my said daughter Rebecca shall, during her lifetime draw the interest thereof, and after her decease, her children shall receive the principle each an equal share. I further ordain that the amount of every Note or Bond which I hold against any of my children, viz: One of Sixty seven dollars and 87 cts. Against my Son Charles, One of Sixty one dollars and 53 cts. against my daughter Sarah, One of One hundred and Fifty three dollars and 25 cts. against my daughter Mary, One of Two hundred and Sixty three dollars and 50 cts. against my daughter Rebecca, and One of three hundred and Eighty two dollars against my Son Isaac, shall be deducted together with the amount of interest at 3 per cent. from the date of said Notes or Bonds, out of their respective Shares. The amount of outset which some of my children have received is contained in my Book, and I wish that my Executors will make make (sic) it even to them all, in furniture or money as they can agree best. And further I make and nominate John Youndt and Oliver Linn Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and each of them shall receive forty dollars as compensation for their trouble. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Newport this 26 day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six.

"Signed, sealed and delivered by the above Jonathan Linn } Jonathan Lynn {Seal}

to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us }

Jacob Santee – William Frank. }

"Whereas I Jonathan Linn of the Township of Newport, County of Luzerne, Sate of Pennsylvania, have made my last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the twenty sixth day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and forty six, and have therein specified all the Notes and Bonds which I hold against my respective children, and whereas I have since sold my lot in the township of upper Sacon, Lehigh County to my son in law John Youndt for the consideration of Six hundred dollars and likewise my Wood lot in the township of Lower Sacon in the County of Northampton to my Son Oliver for the consideration of Two hundred and fifty dollars, for which sums I have taken Bonds, now I do, by this my writing which I hereby declare to be a Codicil to my last Will, and to be taken as a part thereof, direct that the said Bond of John Youndt for Six hundred dollars shall be de ucted (sic) from the share of my daughter Sarah, and the Bond of my Son Oliver Linn for Two hundred and fifty dollars be taken out of his share in the same manner as the other different Notes and Bonds of my children mentioned in my Will. And lastly it is my desire that this my present Codicil be annexed to and made a part of my last Will and Testament, to all intents and purposes. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Newport this 24th day of April 1848.

"Signed, sealed and declared by the above Jonathan Linn } Jonathan Lynn {Seal}

as a Codicil to his last Will and testament in presence of us }

John x (his mark) Henkey - William Frank. }

"Luzerne County, SS:

"Be it remembered that Jacob Santee, William Frank and John Henky subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Will and Codicil thereto annexed, personally appeared before the subscriber Register for the probate of Wills &c, for said County, on the 8 day of October 1853, who being duly sworn did depose and say that they signed their names as witnesses to the said Will and Codicil thereto attached, and that they saw the testator sign his name to the same, and heard him pronounce it as and for his last will and testament, and at the time of so doing he was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their Knowledge and belief.

Jos W. Potter Register.

"Luzerne County, SS:

"In conformity to the foregoing Will and Probate thereof, Letter Testamentary was this day granted to John Youndt and Oliver Lynn, the Executors in said Will named, they first having been duly sworn, well and truly to Administer the goods and chattels of said decedent, make a true and perfect Inventory thereof and exhibit the same into the Registers Office at Wilkes Barre in one month from this date and a final settlement and reckoning of their whole Administrations in one year or when thereto legally required. Given under the hand of the Register and seal of Office at Wilkes Barre this 8 day October 1853.

"Registered 8 Oct. 1853. Jos W. Potter Register."

This List was donated by Linda.

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