From Orphans Court Dockets, Luzerne County Court House, Wilkes-Barre, PA

August Term 1835
Pages 498 & 499

Estate of John Henry, dec'd. (Return of Inquisition).

        Inquisition indented and taken at the dwelling house late of John Henry deceased in the Township of Nescopeck in the County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania on the Sixth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, before James Nisbell Jr. Sheriff of Said County by Virtue of a Writ of partition or Valuation to him directed and to this inquisition annexed by the Oaths of John Briggs, Jonas Buss, Jacob Sloyer, Peter Good, Philip Weaver, Andrew Keen, Isaac Keen, John N. Zeizer, George W. Briggs, William Smithers, Peter Good Jr. and Jacob Breyfogle, Twelve free honest and lawful Men of his Bailwick who on their oaths […] Said respectively do Say that on the day and Year aforesaid they went to and upon the premises and tenement of which John Henry in the Said writ Mentioned and Seized and then and there did find that the Same lands and tenements with their appurtenances Could not be Parted and divided to and Among the Widow and all the Children of the Said dec'd without prejudice to or Spoiling of the Whole and the inquest aforesaid on their Oaths Aforesaid did then and there further find that the said lands and Tenements with their Appurtenances will accommodate four of the Children of the Said deceased that is to Say that part of the Said land and Tenements included in and Bounded by the following Course and distance to wit, Beginning at a Stone Corner South two degrees West Sixty Seven perches to a Corner North 88 degrees West to a Corner South Two degrees West Seventy four perches to a Stone Corner South eighty Nine degrees West Seventy four perches to a Stone Corner South eighty Nine degrees West Nineteen perches to a Corner South fifty two degrees West fifty three and five tenth perches to a Corner West forty perches to a Corner, east fifty two perches to a Corner, east fifty two perches to a Corner, North four degrees west forty three perches to a Corner, east Seventy two perches & five tenths to the beginning Corner Containing eighty Nine Acres and twenty five perches Strict Measure As by the annexed diagram Marked A., Will accommodate one of the Children of the Said deceased, that Other part of the Said land and Tenements included in and bounded by the following Courses and distances to Wit, Beginning at the first Mentioned of lot Marked B, West Ninety perches to a corner North ten degrees West one hundred and fifty perches to a Corner east eighty perches to a Corner North four degrees west thirty three division Corner Between A & B, thence the Seven Courses on the division line between A. & B two hundred and twenty eight perches to the beginning Corner Containing eighty Nine Acres and ten perches Strict Measure as by the Annexed diagram Marked B, will Accommodate One Other of the Children of Said deceased, And that Other part of the lands and Tenements included in and bounded by the following Courses and distances, to wit, Beginning at a Corner South 10 degrees east One hundred and thirty One and a half perches to a post North Seventy Seven degrees West Ninety perches to a post Corner North Seventy Seven degrees West Ninety perches to a post Corner North Sixteen degrees east fifty perches to a Corner North four degrees West forty five perches and Seven tenths to a post North eighty east fifty Six perches to a Corner, Containing forty eight Acres one hundred And eighteen perches Strict Measure as by the annexed diagram Marked C, will accommodate one of the Children of the deceased, And one other part of the land and Tenements included in and bounded by the following Courses and distances to wit, Beginning at a post the division Corner between C & D, North Seventy two degrees West twenty two & Seven tenths ps. To a Corner North forty one degrees West Nine perches to a Corner North Seventy five degrees west Ninety four perches 3/10 to a Corner North ten degrees west twenty Six perches to a Corner North Sixty eight degrees east Ninety eight perches to a post t{…} division Corner between C & D, form thence the Several Courses Ninety five & Seven tenths ps. To [the] Place of Beginning Containing fifty one Acres one hundred and twenty tow perches Strict Measure s by the annexed diagram Marked D, will accommodate One Other of the Children of the Said deceased. And the inquest aforesaid upon their Oaths Aforesaid do Value [and] appraise that part of the Said property Contained in and described by the diagram he[re] Annexed And Marked; A, at for the Sum of Seven dollars & twenty Seven Cents lawful Money for each and every Acre thereof, and the inquest aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do Value and Appraise that part of the property Contained in and described by the diagram hereto annexed Marked B, at and for the Sum of Six dollars and thirty three Cents lawful Money for each and every Acre thereof, And the inquest aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do Value and appraise that part of the property Containing in And described by the diagram hereto annexed And Marked C, at & for the Sum of three dollars & eighty Nine Cents lawful Money for each and every Acre thereof, And the inquest aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do Value and appraise that Other part of the Said property Contained in and described by the diagram hereto Annexed and Marked D, at and for the Sum of three dollars and Ninety Six Cents for each and every Acre thereof. In witness whereof as will the Said Sheriff as the Inquest aforesaid to this Inquisition in the presence of the parts[?] Indented have interchangeably Set their hands and Seals the day and Year aforesaid.
                                James Nisbell Jr. Sheff. SEAL

Peter Good SEAL John Briggs SEAL
Isaac Keen SEAL Jonas Buss SEAL
Jacob Bryfogle SEAL John N. Zeizer SEAL
Jacob Sloyer SEAL Philip Weaver SEAL
Andrew Keen SEAL Wm. Smithers SEAL
George W. Briggs SEAL Peter Good, Jr. SEAL

Augt. 15, 1835. Confirmed Nisi.

>From Orphans Court Dockets, Luzerne County Court House, Wilkes-Barre, PA

January Term 1836
Volume 2, Pages 512, 513, 514
Estate of John Henry. Dec'd Recognizan of George Henry.

        Know all Men by these presents that we George Henry and John Henry Jr.
acknowledge ourselves indebted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the Sum
of three hundred dollars, lawful Money of the United States, which payment
well and truly to be Made we do bind ourselves, our heirs executors &
administrators firmly by these presents dated the eighth day of January 1836;l
Whereas a Writ of partition issue out of the Orphans Court of Luzerne County
Returnable Aug. Term 1835, for the partition of the estate of john Henry
deceased, and that the said inquest divided the Said estate and made Valuation
of the Same in Manner following Viz, Lot Marked D Value at $202.52 which was
adjudged to George Henry on his entering into a Recognizance with Surety to
pay the Amt. over and above his own Share to each of the others heirs and
legal representatives of Said decedent, indebted to the Same according to the
Amt. Of their Shares respectively, Now the Condition of this obligation is
Such that if the said George Henry the above bounded his heirs executors,
administrators And assigns Shall well and truly pay the above amount of to
such of the other heirs entitled to the Same in ________ form the date hereof
________ then this obligation to be void and of no effect otherwise to remain
in full force & virtue.
        Signed Sealed and Acknowledged
        In Open Court Jany. 8, 1836.
        Test H. Pettibone, Clk.

[NOTE: Written vertically over the above paragraph is found the following:
Rec'd February 14, 1838 of George Henry the sum of forty dollars toward reg
[?]. Legacy of John Henry, dec'd. Attest Sol.n Keck. Sol'n Keck $40.
                                                Catharine X Keck

                                                        (Recog. of Sam'l. Henry)

        Know all Men by these presents that we Samuel Henry and George Henry
acknowledge ourselves to Owe the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the Sum of One
thousand dollars lawful Money of the United States, which payment well and
truly to be Made we do bind ourselves our heirs an administrators firmly by
these presents dated the eighth day of January 1836, Whereas a Writ of
partition issued out of the Orphans Court of the County of Luzerne and
Returnable August Term 1835, for inquest award by the said Court, divided the
Said Estate, and Made Valuation of the Same in the Manner following Viz, Lot
Marked A, valued at $648.16, which lot was adjudged to the said Samuel Henry
on his entering into a Recognizance with Security to pay the widow her dower
and the balance over and above his own portion and the said dower, to such of
the other heirs as are entitled to the Same. Now the Court bound of this
Obligation is Such that if the said Samuel Henry the above bounden his heirs
executors administrators and assigns shall well and truly pay to
Henry Widow of the Said John Henry, each and every Year during her Natural
life the Sum of interest She will be entitled to when the precise Amt. Of the
daid dower shall be Ascertained; And also a further Sum when the Amount over
and above his share & Sd. Dower Shall be Ascertained to the heirs of the Said
John Henry and also the further Sum immediately of the death of the
Henry, widow of the Said decedent to Such of the heirs and legal
representatives of the Said described as Shall be entitled to the Same then
this obligation to be void and of None effect otherwise to remain in full
force and virtue.
        Signed Sealed taken & acknowledged in Open Court Jany. 8, 1836.
                                                Test H. Pettibone Clk.

                                                (Recog. of Jacob Henry)
        Know all Men by these presents that Jacob Henry and William Hess acknowledge
ourselves to be indebted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the sum of
four hundred dollars, lawful Money of the United States, which payment well
and truly to be Made, we do bind ourselves our heirs executors and
administrators, firmly by these presents, dated the eighth day of January
1836, Whereas a Writ of Partition issued Out of the Orphans Court of the
County of Luzerne Returnable Aug Term 1835, for the partition of the estate of
John Henry, deceased, and that the Said inquest divided the Said estate and
Made Valuation of the Same in the Manner following, Viz, Lot Marked C, Valued
at $189.58 which was the amount over and above his own Share to Such of the
Other heirs and legal representatives of the Said decedent entitled to the
same according to the Amt. Of their Shares respectively, Now the Condition of
this obligation is such that if the Said Jacob Henry the above bounden his
heirs executors administers and assigns shall well and truly pay the above
Amt. To Such of the other heirs entitled to the Same in ___from the date
hereof with interest on the Same then this Obligation to be void, and of No
effect Otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
        Signed Sealed and acknowledged in Open Court Jany. 8, 1836.
                                                H. Pettibone Clk.

                                                        (Recog. of William Henry)
        Know all Men by these presents that we William Henry and Benj. Stircky [?]
acknowledge ourselves to owe the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the Sum of eight
hundred dollars, lawfull Money of the United States, which payment well and
truly to be Made we do bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators
firmly by these presents, dated the eight day of Jan. 1836. Whereas a Writ of
partition issued out of the Orphans Court of the County of Luzerne returnable
Aug. Term 1835 for the Partition of the estate of John Henry deceased, and
that the said inquest divided the Said estate, and Made Valuation of the Same
in the Manner following Viz, Lot Marked B, Valued at $563.76, which lot was
adjudged to William Henry on his entering into a recognizance with Security to
Pay the Amt. Over and above his own portion to Such of the other heirs
entitled to the Same the Amt. Of their Shares respectively, Now the Condition
of this Obligation is Such that if the Said William Henry the above bounden
his heirs executors administrators and assigns, shall well and truly pay the
above amount of to such of the other heirs entitled to the same, the Amt. Of
their shares respectively heirs entitled to the same, the Amt. Of their shares
respectively in ____form the date hereof, then this obligation to be void, and
of None effect, Otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue.
        Signed Sealed and acknowledged in Open Court Jany. 8, 1836
                                                        H. Pettibone Clk.

>From Orphans Court Docket, Luzerne Co. Court House, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Docket No. 3, Page 109. 1839
Nov 17.

Estate of John Henry late of Nescopeck etc. dec'd.
        Account of Samuel Smith and Samuel Henry Administrators.

[Debit side]

The Accounts charge themselves With amount
        of Inventory $1639.99
and Sale at Vendue above appraisement 112.96
Also, amount against Jos. More, amount of
        Bridge Share & Amount of Rent received etc 101.05
Account against Casper Henry 92.00

[Credit side]

The Accountants claim an Allowance on
        Items as follows,
For due Bills - Notes - Claims Book Accts. $1016.89
Also for debts paid 1074.77 ½
                                                          2091.66 ½
                                        [less] 1946.00
                                                         $ 145.66 ½

        And Now, to wit April 3, 1839. Confirmed Nisi.
                                By the Court.

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