From Orphans Court Docket, Luzerne Co. Court House, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Docket No. 3, Page 75.
No. 8.
In the matter of the Estate of John Henry dec'd.
The petition of William Freas was read setting forth that a number ago he purchased by parol Contract of John Henry late of Nescopeck Township Luzerne County Now deceased, the following piece of land situate in the Township aforesaid and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a heap of stone thence North four degrees West thirty and 5/10 perches to a post thence East forth Eight and five tenths perches to a stone near a Pine, thence South nineteen degrees East 33 ¾ perches to a White Oak, thence South Eighty Eight and a half degrees West 57 ½ to place of beginning, Containing ten acres and sixteen perches strict measure, also an other piece or parcel of land in the Township aforesaid beginning at a post thence by fishing lands North 88 degrees West 94 perches to post thence by land of Joseph Moore South 10 degrees E. 20 perches to a stone thence by Same North 88 deg. 5 perches to a Stone, thence by lands of john Henry South 9 ¼ Deg. East 144 7/10 perches to a post, thence by land of John Bittenbender & others 89 ¼ deg. West 39 8/10 perches to a post, thence North 22 degrees W. 5 perches to a post thence 75 deg. W. 23 perches to a post, thence by other lands of John Bittenbender W. 22 deg. West 163 perches to a post the place of beginning Containing 74 Acres & 102 perches and allowance of six per cent. Your petitioner further states that in pursuance of said parol Contract he paid to the Said John Henry in his life time the full amount of the purchase money for the said land as he believed to the entire satisfaction of the said John, but that the said John, died Without Executing any conveyance to said petitioner. He would therefore pray your Honors to grant him such relief as is provided by Act of Assembly in such case made provided. Whereupon August 7, 1838 The Court direct notice to be given to the Administrators & heirs of decedent 30 days before Nest term. Case to be heard Next term.
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