Will of Richard Hunewell

Luz. Co
Will Book A.
Page 356
Probated July 9, 1830

Dallas February 5th 1830. In the name of God Amen, I Richard Hunewell of Dallas Township Luzerne County Sate of Pennsylvania being weak in body but sound in mind and memory do make and constitute this my last will and Testament in manner and form following (viz)...Firstly to my son Nathaniel I bequeath forty eight acres of land including the homestead as the lines are at this time -----Secondly To my son William forty eight acres where he now lives as the lines are at present together with a piece of land bounded by Edward W. Carty Isaac Clearing and land now occupied by Stephen Bran. Thirdly To my Daughter Catharine twenty four acres where she now lives as the lines now are. Fourthly. To my son Isaac forty eight acres bounded south by Catharine to extend North. Fifthly To my son Richard Forty eight acres where he now live as the lines are at present.. Sixthly To my son Charles forty eight acres where he now lives as the lines are at present. Seventhly To my daughter Esther twenty four acres where she now lives to be for the use of her and her husband as long as they live after their death to be for their children. Eightly To my son Samuel fifty acres bounded by Abraham Hunewell southeast by Thomas Swayse north by unseated land surveyed to Amos Wichersham west by Bern B. Doty be the same more or less. Ninthly to my beloved wife Jane I bequeath a cow Feather bed and bedding and a sufficiency of Kitchen furniture and that part of the hous we now occupy moreover I will that my sons William Nathaniel, Charles, Richard Isaac and Samuel each pay he three bushels of Wheat, Rye, Corn and Buckwheat yearly while she lives and after he death what remains to her to be equally divided between my before mention six sons and as touching my loose property I will that of my moveable property notes &c after my debts are all discharged my sons Isaac and Samuel shall have each a cow and fifty dollars in money or a team prcised by uninterested persons to be worth fifty dollars and the rest to be equally divided among all my children the loose property to be disposed of in six weeks after my death and the share to be paid to each in one year after my death. And as I suppose that there will be some overplus land north of Isaac after his forty eight acres is surveyed off I will that all the overplus land shall be divided equally among my six sons the division line running from south to North----I nominate constitute and appoint my three sons William, Nathaniel and Charles Hunewell my executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have unto set my hand and seal this day and year aforesaid.

Richard Hunewell

Thomas Swayse
Philip Kunchel
Conrad Kunchel

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