Gad died in Wyoming Valley between 27 NOV 1778 (will) and 1 MAY 1779 (probate). He did not leave a written will due to “his laft Sicknefs”, and three witnesses attested to the following:
From: Westmoreland in the County of Litchfield in the Colony of CT - THE WYOMING VALLEY - Probate Records, Liber A. from January 6, 1777 to June 16, 1783. Reprinted from Volume 18 of the Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society.
Page 50 - Att a Court of Porbate holden at Weftmoreland withing and for the Deftrict of Weftmoreland on the 1st Day of may 1779 Prefent Nathan Denifon Efqr then the Laft Will and Teftament of Gad Marfhall was Exhibited to said Court by the Executor mary Marfhall of Weftmoreland and Proved according to Law by John Heath Timothy Hopkins and John Lamphere. Witnefses to Said Will and is in words following (viz)
The laft wiill and Teftament of Gad Marfhall of Weftmoreland in the State of Connecticut made verbally in Prefents of Timothy Hopkins John Lampler and John Heath all of Said Weftmoreland being called upon by said Martial in his laft Sicknefs as Witnefses to the Difpofal of his Inteereft said marfahal being at said time nigh his end and not haveing time to write his will.
Said Gad Marfhal Gave and bequeathed his Eftate Real and Perfonal in manner and form following Imprimas I Gad Marfhal of Weftmoreland Give and bequeath my houfe and houfe lot in Huntington to my Son Almerine Marfhal alfo one pair of my Silver Shoe buckels and my Silver Stock Buckel. Item I Give to my Daughter Deftmony one pair of Silver Shoe buckels Item I Give to my wife mary marfhal all my liv Stock Item I order that the refidue of my Eftate be Defpofed of as my said wife Shall se fit for the maintenance of the family. The above is the Numpative will of the said Gad Marfhal made as his laft will and Teftament. Weftmoreland November 27th 1778
In Prefent off Timothy Hopkins John Heath John Lampher
Truly Recorded this 18 Day of June 1779 Pr Obadiah Gore Clerk
This List was donated by M. Johnson.
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