In the name of God, Amen, I, Elisha Courtright of Salem, of township in this county of Luzerne and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being in good health and of a sound and disposing mind and memory(praised be God the for same) considering the uncertanity of this life and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs will and testament(hereby revoking and making void all wills, by me at any time heretofore made) in manner following, to wit,-principally and first of all, I commend my immortal soul into the hands of God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and christian like manner, at the discretion of my executors herinafter named, and as to such worldly estate, with which God hath been pleased to bless me with in this life or give and dispose of in manner following, to wit-I give and bequeath to my beloved wife MARTHA all the property she brought to my house with her and all the bedding, clothing and such like property for family use in the house that has been made by us since our marriage, my will is shall be divided into two equal parts and that my said wife shall have her choice of one part and also her choice of our cow and three sheep, and as she has been and is untitled to dower out of her former husband's estate, the use and benefit of which has gone to her children since our marriage, I give and bequeath to her forty five dollars a year during her natural life to be paid equally by my three sons, ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and ANDREW in lieu and in and in full satisfaction of the right of dower out of my estate and under these circumstances my wish and desire is will please accept of the (source?) for said purpose, I give and bequeath to my four beloved daughters, to wit--CORNELIA HOOVER, EVE DRAKE, ELLENOR RHODES, AND MARGARET SANTEE all my sheep together with all my household and kitchen furniture not heeretofore bequeathed to be equally divided between those immediately after my decease and each of said daughters to have and to keep the household goods given them by me at their beloved mother's decease, and without any account being made thereof, and further I give and bequeath to each of my said daughters out of my real estate the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid to them by my three sons ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND ANDREW equally in manner following one third of said sum in one year after my decease and one third in two years and the remaining one third in three years after my decease. I give and devise to my three beloved sons all my real estate and all my personal and moveable estate remaining undisposed of in manner following, to wit-all my personal and moveable property undisposed of my will is shall be equally divided between my said sons and of my real estate ABRAHAM shall have the place where he now lives being about one hundred acres, ISAAC and ANDREW shall have the places where they now live ISAAC to have the lower part and ANDREW to have the upper part and the dividing line between them to be the same one that was run by James Chestner. Said tract to ISAAC and ANDREW contains about one hundred and thirty acres and in consideration of my son ISAAC having expended money on buildings and the deficiency occasioned by the schoolhouse lot having been taken off from that part herein given to ISAAC, I give and bequeath to ISAAC one hundred dollars to be paid to him by ABRAHAM and ANDREW equally which I think will make them all equal, the said one hundred dollars to be paid to ISAAC on the division of the personal and moveable property between my said three sons ABRAHAM, ISAAC and ANDREW herein given to them. And further as to the real estate where I now live, my will is that my executors shall dispose of the same as they shall think proper for the equal benefit of my said three sons. Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my sd three beloved sons ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and ANDREW on the summons of (them) to be my Executors enjoining them as soon as circumstances will permit the faithful discharge of all my just debts at my decease, together with funeral charges and legacies all of which are to be born ____ equally by my said three sons except the legacy to my son ISAAC. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Signed, sealed, published and ELISHA COURTRIGHT declared by Elisha Courtright the testator in our presence and we subscribed the same in his presence and in the presence of each other. Tabor Reebe, Thomas P Richardson, LeGrand Bancroft Berwick 9/13/1820 Columbia County's Personally _____ before me Thomas P Richardson, Doct Tabor Reebe, and LeGrand Bancroft and his name to the within will in their presence and that each of them subscribed their names as witnesses to sd will in sd Courtright's presence, and in the presence of each other, and that believed and considered sd Court- at the time of his subscribing his hame as aforesaid possessing a sound and disposing- and that he declared the same to be his will. Samuel (Herie) Justice of the Peace Luzerne County ss: This twenty second day of August A D eighteen hundred and twenty one before me Chester Butler, Esq Register for the probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for the county aforesaid personally came Thomas P Richardson and LeGrand Bancroft tow of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and being duly sworn according to law did depose and say that their names to the foregoing will subscribed as witnesses are of their own handwriting respectively, that they were present and saw ELISHA COURTRIGHT the testator sign the same will and heard him publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his testament and last will that at the time if so doing he was of perfect and sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge observation and belief and that they respectively signed the same in the presence and at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other. Chester Butler, Register

In conformity to the foregoing will and the probate thereof letters, testamentary were granted to ABRAHAM COURTRIGHT, ISAAC COURTRIGHT AND ANDREW COURTRIGHT the executors therein named, they having first been duly sworn truly to administer the goods and chattels rights and credits of the testator and make a true and perfect sounding thereof and exhibit the same into the Registers office at Wilkes Barre in our reach and to render a true account calculation and recording of their whole administration in one year or when thereunto legally required. Given under the seal of the Registers office at WilkesBarre this 22nd day of August AD 1821. Registered Aug 23, 1821

Chester Butler, Register

This will was donated by Carolyn Leverich Atkinson.

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