In the name of God, Amen. I ABRAHAM CORTRIGHT of Salem Township, in the County Luzerne, County and State of Pennsylvania, though weak in body yet of a sound and disposing mind and memory(blessed be God for the same) Do make ordain and publish this my last will and testament and first I give my soul to God who gave it me and direct that my body be commited to the Earth as decency shall dictate and as to the property both of a real and personal nature with which it hath pleased the arent of all good to bless me, my desire is that it be disposed of in the following manner that is to say, I wish an Inventory to be taken of my movable property immediately after my Deceased, and that my beloved wife SARAH CORTRIGHT take such articles of household furnature and of livestock as she stands in need of and the residue vendered and applied towards the payment of my honest debts which I wish paid as soon as circumstances will permit by my two beloved sons JOHN B and ISAAC CORTRIGHT and to keep a just account of debts they pay and be allowed for it on a final division and settlement of my Estate and my Will and desire is that my Farm should be valued by men appointed by the Orphans Court and in the demise my beloved Wife, my two sons JOHN and ISAAC take it at the appraisement made as aforesaid should they choose to do so and that they have a reasonable time allowed them to make the different payment in and should they decline doing so, then my desire is that it be sold, and the proceeds of the sale equally divided among my six children, and their offspring(viz:) ELISHA, JOHN, ISAAC, JOSEPH, MARGARET intermarried with SOLOMI PARKER and and(CATKINSON NOTE-both ands are in document) ELLENOR Widow of Martin LINE, excepting my son JOHN in consideration of services rendered after he came of age. I allow him one hundred dollars more than an equal share, and further my will and desire is that my beloved wife SARAH CORTRIGHT have and enjoy the proceeds of my farm during her natural life
with such part or portion of the house as shall be a comfortable home for her if she chooses to remain there, and at her death when the farm is sold or disposed of, that my two daughters receive of the first money paid one hundred dollars each and the remaining part of the portion I wish to be put to interest, the yearly interest to be used by them but the principal to be preserved for their children, and for the better carrying this my will into effect, I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved son JOHN B and ISAAC and my brother ANDREW CORTRIGHT to be my executors. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this_______day of September AD 1840.
In the presence of us at the request ABRAHAM CORTRIGHT of the Testator subscribed or names.
his X mark
Jos. Jameson Recorded 2nd day Nov 1846
!Luzerne Co SS:
Be it Remembered that on the 2nd day of November AD 1846 before me Harris Jenkins Register of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the County of Luzerne personally came Sidney POLLOCK and Joseph JAMESON the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who after being duly sworn according to law doth depose and say that they signed their names to the foregoing will as witnesses and that they saw ABRAHAM CORTRIGHT the Testator make his mark and that he declared it to be his last will and testament and at the time of so doing he was of perfect sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Harris Jenkins Registrar
In conformity to the foregoing will and probate thereof, Letters Testamentary were this day granted to JOHN B and ISAAC CORTRIGHT and ANDREW CORTRIGHT Executors therein named, they having first been sworn to well and truly administer the goods and chattels, rights, and credits which were of the Testator to make a true and perfect Inventory and just and conscionable appraisement within one month from the date hereof, also a trice account and reconing of his said Administration within one year from the date hereof, and whibit(?) the same in the Registrars Office at Wilkes Barre.
Harris Jenkins--------
April 7th 1851, Rule granted upon JOHN B and ISAAC CORTRIGHT devisees having right of choice under Will of Decedant to appear this day and exact or require the real estate at the valuation, continued to 8th April 1851 now April 8th 1851, parties appear in court and it is agreed that the quantity of land under the partition shall be entered as 157 74/160 acres, One hundred and fifty seven acres and 74/160 perches at $26.00 per acre amounting to $4094.00 four thousand and ninety four dollars. JOHN B and ISAAC CORTRIGHT appear in court and accept to take the estate at the valuation of the Inquest of Petition for the amount above stated and continue the taken of recognizance, the first day of next term and same day Citation to ANDREW CORTRIGHT, JOHN B CORTRIGHT and ISAAC CORTRIGHT __ Exrs of the Estate to file an account of their administration, service being made Court awards an attachment to August Term next, not to issue until the first day of June next, and by consent the Executors are to file an account by the first day of June next and Hon John K Conyngham is appointed an Audit or who under this appointment is to Examine the account of the Executors to be filed precisely as if the same had been passed in the ordinanze made, as upon Exceptions which may be filed with the Auditors.
Notice of hearing after exceptions filed to be given by the Auditor. This authority to extend to the ascertainment of the amount for which recognizances shall be taken and the apportionment of the shares under the Will, deducting the balance of Executors accounts and debt if any balance thereby; and distribute the assets and c. Auditor to Report first day of August term next(see agrect filed 7th April 1851)
August 11th 1851, Auditors Report filed and confirmed niri.
August 12th 1851, Exceptions filed to said Report, Nov 14th 1851, other Exceptions filed on part of JB CORTRIGHT and now November 14, 1851 Court on hearing overule the former Exceptions filed and allow the Exceptions this day filed and direct the Auditors Report to be amended so as to allow for JOHN B CORTRIGHT's share the sum of 493 44/100 dollars and to each of the other Heirs the sum of 393 44/100 dollars, and that JOHN B CORTRIGHT and ISAAC CORTRIGHT 2nd enter into Recognizance to pay the several Heirs as reported by Auditor after making the above deductions and deducting the payment made by them to ELISHA CART- and MARGARET PARKER, the several amounts be made payable in six and twelve months from this time, except RICHARD's share which is to be made payable in
three y ears with interest payable annually and Auditors Report as amended by Order of the Court is confirmed absolutely, and same day Recognizance of ISAAC and JOHN B CORTRIGHT taken and filed as directed above.
!Received of ISAAC CORTRIGHT 2nd and JOHN B CORTRIGHT on 11th May 1852 $282-on 9th November 1852, $180, on 15th Nov 1852 $60 and on 15th Nov 1854 $350, and this day $113.24 in full for monies received by their Reconnaisance which is to be made payable in three years with interest payable annually and Auditors Report as amended by Order of the Court is confirmed absolutely, and same day Recognizance of ISAAC and JOHN B CORTRIGHT taken and filed as directed above.
!Received of ISAAC CORTRIGHT 2nd and JOHN B CORTRIGHT on 11th May 1852, $282, on 9th November 1852, $180, on 15th Nov 1852 $60, and on 15th Nov 1854 $350, and this day $113.24 in full for monies received by their Recognizance to ELISHA CORTRIGHT, the children of MARGARET PARKER, and RICHARD CORTRIGHT, 17th Jan 1856.
JB Nicholson, guardian of RICHARD CORTRIGHT and of the minor children of MARGARET PARKER and attorney in fact for ELISHA CORTRIGHT and for the other children of MARGARET PARKER.
Account of Administrators confirmed November 14th, 1851, confirmed absolutely.
NOVEMBER 28, 1852 On Petition of George B Nicholson Court appoint said JB NICHOLSON Guardian of HORACE PARKER and direct bond in $200 and approve ANDREW
BEDFORD as Bail.
!On Petition and motion as above Court appoint GB NICHOLSON Guardian of JOSEPH C PARKER and direct Bond in $200 and approve A Bedford as security.
!On Petition and motion as above Court appoint GB NICHOLSON Guardian of ELIZABETH PARKER and direct Bond in $200 and approve A Bedford as surety.
!In Petition and motion as above Court appoint GB NICHOLSON Guardian of RICHARD CORTRIGHT and direct Bond in $800 and approve A Bedford as security.
CATKINSON NOTE: Richard Courtright was only surviving son of Joseph Courtright decd, who was son of Abraham Courtright. Joseph died Sept 1840, Dixon Twp, Lee Co, IL. He was soon followed in death by two infant children Miller and Amanda. Richard was raised by his mother Lydia Klinetop Courtright(who was the dau of Christopher Klinetop and Margaret Werner/Varner of Salem Twp, Luzerne Co, PA.) My line is Richard Courtright-Charles Henry Courtright-Pearl Courtright Clancy-my mother-me-Carolyn Leverich Atkinson
This will was donated by Carolyn Atkin.©1997-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors
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