Christopher Kleintob, Senr. Will

In the name of God amen, I Christopher Kleintub, Senr, of Salem Twp in Luzerne Co, "yountan"(Arthur Fry's note--Union or Yeoman) being sick of boddy but of sound and perfect mind and memory, revoking all others constitute and appoint this to be my last will and testament.

Article 1: My will is that my faithfull and well belowved wife Margaret shall have the use of the plantation whereon I now live during her natural life, or so long as she the said Margaret remains my lawfull widdow(and no longer for the maintenaints herself and the youngest childe). Also two milche cows, one bead and beadding, one "ten platstove", one dresser, one horse, one watch, six sheep, and seven hogs, one spinning wheel, one wool wheel, one large kettle, one table,

one tea kettle, one iron pott, and also plates, teacups, spoons, nives, forks etc, to furnish the dresser, two chairs and also four bushels of wheat, two of indian corn, eight buckwheet and thirty rye, and twenty of Potatoes with hay sufficient to keep the above mentioned creatures until the fifteenth day of May next, and all yarn, flax, "toe" and c that is at this time in the house and also the leather sole and upper that is in the house at this time.

And my will is that at the deceas of my wife Margate or as soon as she shall cease to have my name as my widdow that my estate is to be equilly divided amongst all my children namely John, Phillip, Jacob, Christophel, Conrad, Solomon, Elizabeth, Houteter, Sarah, Margaret, Magdalen, and Liddia. The land shall be sold or divided divided as the(y) can best agree, accepting Jacob is to have over and above his equil "dardend", one hundred sixty two dollars and seventy two cents with lawful interest from this date, and I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons John and Phillip Kleintub to be executors of this my last will and testament, as witness my hand and seal this ninth day of March ad 1813 Eighteen Hundred and thirteen.


Charles Holloway Christopher Kleintub--seal--

Philip Muixul

Joseph Walton--(son Honteter wife's father)

Luzerne County:

It is remembered that on the seventh day of April, AD One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen before me George Denison, Registrar for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the county of Luzerne aforesaid personally gives Charles Holloway and Philip Mixwell and being duly sworn do respectively say that their names to the within instrument subscribed are their own proper hands writing, that they and Christopher Kleintub the testater therin named sign and seal and heard him publish and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament and that at the time of doing ther of he the said testator was of sound mind and memory and of a disposing

understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief and that they and Joseph WALTON the other witness thereto signed their names to the same as witnesses at the request and in the presence of Christopher and also in the presence of each other.

George Denison, Register

In conformity to the foregoing will letter testementary was executed to John Kleintub and Philip Kleintub Executors therein named they having first been duly sworn hereby to perform the same, exhibit a true inventory and record a just account of their whole administration.

Given under the seal of the Registers office at WilkesBarre the seventh day of April AD 1813. Geo. Denison, Register, Registered 4/7/1813

DEED PROBATE SALE: After death of Margaret.

In 1839, when Christopher and Margaret are both deceased, in a copy of a deed(land sale) of their heirs--the last named is Joseph R. Cortright and Lydia his wife "late Lydia Kleintob" also of Ogle Co, IL.

Luzerne Co, PA

BK 2:535 1/2 Christopher late of Salem Twp--Citation to executors to settle estate 5/25/1836.

This will was donated by Carolyn Atkin.

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