Solomon Dotter

A survey and a Patent , on file in the Land Office, Dept. Of Internal Affairs, Harrisburgh, Pa.

Covering Lot # 14 in the 2nd Division of Newport Twp., Luzerne Co. Pa. Patented to Solomon Dotter, Jan. 31, 1816, by the Commonwealth of Pa.

Survey book 7, pg. 217
Patent book H. Vol. 11 , pg. 614

( contained 122 acres, 85 perches)

Two Deeds are on file at Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co. Pa. Recorder of Deeds, Court House , Luzerne Co. , Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Henry & Susanna Dotter - ( note:maiden name Myers/ Meyers need info.need info.)
Solomon Dotter

Dated April 8, 1816
Recorded Feb. 13, 1817
Deed book # 17, pg. 506

Solomon & Catherine Dotter
John Driesbach

Dated Oct. 19, 1816
Recorded Feb. 13, 1817
Deed book # 17, pg. 508

Deed -1- covers part of lot 22 , second division of the land of Newport Twp. Luzerne Co. Pa. , the consideration of $380.00

Deed -2- covers this same part of lot # 22 and also lot #14 , received by Solomon Dotter as a patent from the Commonwealth of Pa. The consideration here is $1600.00. In these deeds , all parties concerned lived in Newport Twp.

I am searching for information on where Solomon died in Luzerne Co. and where he was burried. Also any info on what his wife Catherine's maiden name was and her family. Henry Dotter's wife Susanna also.
The only clue I have is that there is a record of Adam H. Dotter son of George & Anna, died Nov. 8, 1851 age 2 yrs. 5 mos 17 days , buried in the Newport Twp. Cemetery. Adam Henry Dotter b. May, 1849 at Newport Twp. Luzerne Co. Pa. He was named for Anna's (Bridinger) father Adam Gridinger and George's father Henry Dotter. ( mentioned above)

Henry purchased his first tract of land in Portage Co. Oh. while living in Luzerne Co. Pa. in 1842. I have listed what I have for him in that area of Ohio, as someone may be trying to find out where he went from Pa.

Ohio Records:

Henry Dutter or the State of Pa. Vol. 40 pg. 71
Portage Co. Rec.
From Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds,
Joseph Baker and Lucinda Baker , his wife Dated Apr. 12, 1842
Filed May 17, 1842
Recor ded May 24, 1842
Consi deration $1600.00

Situated in the Twp. of Freedom, County of Portage, known as part of Lot No. 63. Containing 89 and 6/100 acres, with the exception of one acre and 23 rods deeded to the Trustees of Freedom Twp., in Trust fro the use of the inhabitants of said township fro a public Buring ground, etc.

James Goodelland Vol. 49, pg. 278
Eleanor Goodell Dated Dec. 25, 1847
To Rec. Feb. & recorded
Henry Dotter of the Commonwealth of Pa. March 15, 1848
Situated in the Twp. of Freedom, being No. 4 in the 7th range of Twps. in the Connecticut Western Reserve in the State of Ohio, and which is also in the Co. of Portage and is known as containing 100 and 84/100 acres of land.

Eli Barnam of Freedom Twp. Vol. 50, pg. 247
To Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds
Henry Dotter of Freedom Twp. Dated ( blank) Received Aug. 22, 1848
Considerat ion $150.00 Being part of Lot No. 82 Deed sighned Eli Barnam and Jerusha Barnam , his wife Note: Henry Dotter evidently moved to Ohio from Luzerne Co. Pa. between the dates on these two deeds. Between Dec. 1847 and Aug. 1848

George Goodell of Shalersville Vol. 50 pg. 248
To Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds
Henry Dotter Dated May 26, 1848
Consid eration $700.00 Located in the Twp. of Freedom , containing 51 acres

Silas Crocker & Cynthia Crocker , wife Vol. 51, pg. 7
of Shalersville Full satisfaction
To Dated Nov. 10, 1848 Henry Dotter Recorded Feb. 3, 1849
Located in the Twp. of Shalersville, being No. 4 in the 8th range of twps. in the Conneticut Western Reserve in the State of Ohio and which is also in the County of Portage and is known by being part of Lot No 36, etc.

William Baker & Polly P. Baker Vol. 51, pg. 568
of Shalersville Dated Feb. 2, 1849
To. Received June 9 Henry Dotter Recorded June 26, 1849
Located in the Twp. of Shalersville, part of Village Lot No. 23, etc. 1/4 acre

Lewis Phelps & Fanny M. Phelps Vol. 51 pg. 572
of Freedom Twp. Portage Co. Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds
To Dated Apr. 20, 1849
Henry Dotter Received June 9 Recorded June 27, 1849 by Orsamus L. Drake J.P.
Considerati on $1050.00

Henry Dotter of Shalersville , Co. of Portage , State of Ohio Being a part of Lot No. 82, containing 56 acres

James Perkins & Eleanor Perkins Vol. 51 pg. 570
of Shalersville Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds
To Dated May 7, 1849
Henry Dotter Rec. June 9 Recorded June 27, 1849
Consideration $1700.00
Being a part of Lot No. 18 in the Twp. of Shalersville, containing ten acres of land, in three pieces of land, the other two pieces being part of Lot No. 3 & part of Lot No. 18. One piece 10 acres, one piece 105 acres, one piece 2 acres.

Isaac Kasson & Polly Kason, wife Vol. 55 pg. 225
of Shalersville Dated Nov. 9, 1850
To Deeded and Rec. Jan ?? can't read
Henry Dotter

Samuel Strawder & Harried E. Strawder, wife Vol. 55, pg. 618
of Portage Co. , Oh. Dated July 29, 1851
To Received Oct. 29, 1851
Henry Dotter Consideration $1000.00 of the same place
Located in the Twp. of Shalersville, being part of Village Lot 8 & part of original lot No. 36 etc. a part of the Shaler Farm, so called. One half acre of Land and also a second piece in the twp. of Shalersville known as part of Village Lot. No. 9, part of the original lot no 35

Henry Dotter & Wife Susanna Dotter Vol. 63, pg. 22
Of Shalersville Dated July 19, 1853
To Received Aug. 17th
Frederick Broad & Elizabeth Broad Recorded Sept. 10th , 1853
his wife of Freedom Consideration $1600.00
$800.00 from each of them
( Elizabeth Dotter Broad dau. of Henry Dotter & Susanna (Myers) Dotter)
Located in the Twp. of Freedom known as part of Lot No. 82. The undivided half to each of them the said Frederick & Elizabeth Broad, etc. Containing 56 acres of land.

Henry Dotter Vol. 64, pg. 108
To Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds
Ruben & Catherine Cooley Consideration $1700.00
$800.00 of Ruben Cooley
$900.00 of Catherine Cooley
Dated Feb. 18, 1854
Received March 16
Recorded March 30, 1854
Ruben 8/17ths
Catherine 9/17ths undivided
105 & 40/100 acres & ?? & 1/400 acres
Signed Henry Dotter , Susanna Dotter
( Catherine Dotter Cooley, dau. of Henry & Susanna Dotter)

Henry Dotter Vol. 64, pg. 128
To Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds
Henry Dotter Jr. of Freedom Dated Feb. 18, 1854
Received March 20
Recorded March 31, 1854
Consideration $800.00

Solomon Dotter of N.Y. son of Henry Dotter deeded his interest in a piece of land he inherited from his father to his brother James Dotter. Solomon Dotter & Sarah Ann Dotter of Albany, N.Y.
James Dotter of Shalersville, Ohio

Vol 69, pg. 94 Portage Co. Rec. of Deeds, Quied Claim Deed , Dated Jan.12,1856 Acknowledged at State of N.Y. Albany Co. before Alexander Frank , J.P. Witness Wm. Orelop, Jr., Received Jan. 12, 1856. Recorded, Sept. 2, 1856 , Consideration $100.00
All such right & title as we the said Solomon Dotter & Sarah Dotter , heirs at law of Henry Dotter, deceased have or ought to have to ... lot 36 and containing 21 acres of land as deeded by Silas Crocker to Henry Dotter , deceased.
Also one other piece, Lot. 25, containing 4 acres & 34/100 acres, deeded by Isaac Carson to Henry Dotter, deceased, etc.

Signed, Solomon Dotter & Sarah Dotter

These records were donated by: Carol (Dutter) Gilliland

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
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