Luzerne County PAGenWeb

Delayed Births - C Surnames



This information is from the Luzerne County Orphan's Court's Delayed Birth Register No. 5, A-K, filed 1941-1973, available on microfilm from the Family History Library through your local LDS Family History Center.  The microfilm number is 960579.  Contributor: Carol Queen


The information reads: Name /  Number / sex / color / date of birth / place of birth / number of children at birth / number of children surviving / name of father / age / name of mother / age / residence / occupation of father / birthplace of parents / date of record.



Carle, C. Henry / 644 / male / white / June 13, 1902 / Kingston, Pa / 7 / 4 / Charles A. 30 / Myrtle 24 / Kingston, Pa / carpenter / Missouri-Wyoming co, Pa / 11-21-1941


Cottle, Harry Norman / 1224 / male / white / June 2, 1889 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 4 / 3 / David / Lydia S. / WilkesBarre, Pa / executive / England / England / 5-2-1942.


Crossman, Harry William / 1225 / male / white / Jan. 31, 1896 / West Pittston, Pa / 6 / 5 / William 28 / Sallie 27 / West Pittston, Pa / clerk / Exeter Twp, Pa / Exeter Twp, Pa / 9-23-1942


Courtright, Harry Lewis / 1226 / male / white / Aug. 15, 1905 / West Pittston, Pa / 4 / 4 / Lewis D 30 / Sarah R. 27 / West Pittston, Pa / Carpenter / Scranton, Pa / Scranton, Pa / 3-7-1942


Coward, Henry Roberts / 1227 / male / white / July 21, 1904 / West Pittston, Pa / 2 / 2 / Frank C. 28 / Jennie C. 26 / West Pittston, Pa / salesman / West Ottston, Pa / Tunkhammock, Pa / 3-16-1942


Connors, Herbert / 1228 / male / white / April 1, 1902 / Pittston, Pa / 3 / 3 / Max / Fanny / Pittston, Pa / Butcher / 3-7-1942


Callender, Harry LeRoy / 1229 / male / white / Aug. 11, 1890 / Sweet Valley, Pa / 6 / 5 / George 37 / Sarah 29 / Sweet Valley, Pa / Farmer / Sweet Valley, Pa / Lake George, Pa / 1-31-1942


Campbell, Henry / 1230 / male / white / Sept. 12. 1891 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 7 / 4 / John 40 / Bridget 38 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Miner / Ireland / Ireland / 2-19-1942


Curtis, Jr., Hiram H. / 1231 / male / white / May 26, 1905 / West Pittston, Pa / 6 / 6 / Hiram H. 33 / Rachel 28 / West Pittston, Pa / Railroader / West Pittston, Pa / Plains / 3-21-1942


Carr, Sr., Harold Apt / 1232 / male / white / Sept. 12, 1905 / Pittston, Pa / 3 / 3 / Joseph R. 33 / Minnie. W.A. 34 / Pittston, Pa / Barber / Hughestown, Pa / West Pittston, Pa / 1-8-1942


Clark, Helen Rhone / 1233 / female / white / Nov. 5, 1884 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 2 / 1 / Daniel L. 46 / Rosamond / 20 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Lawyer / Pa / California / 2-24-1942


Curley, Helen Clare / 1234 / female / white / June 5, 1900 / Avoca, Pa / 3 / 3 / Patrick 30 / Mary H. 20 / Avoca, Pa / Miner / Avoca, Pa / Scranton, Pa / 3-22-1942


Chappell, Hannah / 1235 / female / white / July 3, 1877 / West Nanticoke, Pa / 15 / 4 / Charles 41 / Rhoena 36 / West Nanticoke, Pa / Miner / Wales / Wales / 3-11-1942


Cora, Hyacinthia Mary / 1236 / female / white / Oct. 15, 1892 / Fern Glen, Pa / 15 / 14 / Simon 36 / Marie D. 20 / Fern Glen, Pa / Laborer / Austria / Mileville, Pa / 4-1-1942


Cease, Harry Eugene / 1237 / male / white / Dec. 6, 1905 / West Nanticoke, Pa / 2 / 2 / William H. 22 / Elizabeth I. 21 / West Nanticoke, Pa / Blacksmith Helper / West Nanticoke, Pa / Beach Haven, Pa / 4-13-1942


Conrad, Henry Nickolas / 1238 / male / white / June 24, 1887 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 8 / 7 / Nickolas 25 / Catherine 20 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Carpenter / WilkesBarre, Pa / WilkesBarre, Pa / 4-13-1942


Cornell, Harvey Irvin / 1239 / male / white / / Aug. 19, 1903 / Hunlocks Creek, Pa / 6 / 6 / Peter 38 / Bertha 28 / Hunlocks Creek, Pa / Farmer / Hunlocks Creek, Pa / Philadelphia, Pa / 4-22-1942


Coronway, Hugh Roy / 1240 / male / white / Sept. 30, 1886 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 9 / 4 / George 44 / Margaret 38 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Clerk / England / USA / 4-29-1942


Conkey, Helen Nesbitt / 3650 / female / white / May 11, 1899 / Avoca, Pa / 5 / 3 / Alexander 40 / Jane 38 / Avoca, Pa / Miner / Scotland / Scotland / 6-12-1942


Carelli, Helen / 3641 / female / white / July 29, 1901 / Hazleton, Pa / 7 / 6 / Vincent 28 / Rosina 25 / Hazleton, Pa / Laborer / Italy / Italy / 6-23-1942


Collins, Hugh Henry / 3642 / male / white / Dec. 22, 1881 / Upper Lehigh / 12 / 5 / James / Hannah / Upper Lehigh, Pa / Miner / Ireland / Ireland / 9-26-1942


Calvey, Hannah / 3643 / female / white / Sept. 3, 1904 / Avoca, Pa / 17 / 4 / Daniel T. 37 / Mary 38 / Avoca, Pa / Miner / Bayone, NJ / scranton, Pa / 9-18-1942


Cohan, Henry / 3644 / male / white / Jan. 28, 1890 / Jenkins Twp, Pa / 6 / 2 / John 35 / Mary 25 / Jenkins Twp, Pa / Trucker / Ireland / Ireland / 10-2-1942


Corby, Harvey Bennett / 3645 / male / white / May 14, 1897 / Larksville, Pa / 3 / 3 / Coray A. 30 / Harriett 25 / Larksville, Pa / Farmer / Wyoming Co., Pa / Wyoming co. Pa / 6-23-1942


Crooks, Harriet Jane / 5259 / female / white / May 20, 1905 / Plymouth, Pa / 6 / 2 / Humphreys 28 / Annie 20 / Plymouth, Pa / Miner / Larksville, Pa / Plymouth, Pa / 11-9-1942


Cohen, Hannah / 5935 / female / white / Dec. 25, 1895 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 4 / 4 / Joseph 35 / Rebecca 33 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Baker / Russia / Russia / 1-25-1943


Costello, Helen / 6257 / female / white / July 24, 1892 / Plymouth, Pa / 10 / 6 / Michael 42 / Mary 27 / Plymouth, Pa / Mine Worker / Ireland / Ireland / 3-3-1943


Caldwell, Hazle Pearl / 6258 / female / white / Oct. 17, 1905 / Pittston, Pa / 10 / 1 / William A. 35 / Sarah E. 34 / Pittston, Pa / Railroader / Hazle Twp, Pa / foster Twp, Pa / 3-11-1943


Corcoran, Helen / 6561 / female / white / Sept 19, 1903 / Pittston, Pa / 10 / 7 / Andrew 33 / Mary 39 / Pittston, Pa / Miner / Pittston, Pa / Pittston, Pa / 3-21-1943


Clark, Herman DeWitt / 6801 / male / white / Oct. 19k 1901 / West Pittston, Pa / 4 / 2 / Samuel 41 / Alice  34 / West Pittston, Pa / Farmer / Harrick Pontuck??? / Harrick, Pontuck??? / 3-31-1943


Cannon, Hugh / 6968 / male / white / Dec. 18, 1895 / Hazle Twp, Pa / 11 / 5 / Charles 37 / Ellen 34 / Hazle Twp, Pa / Miner / Ireland / Hazleton, Pa / 4-23-1943


Courtright, Harold F / 7089 / male / white / Oct. 26, 1904 / Jenkins Twp, Pa / 3 / 3 / Benjamin F. 37 / Louise 38 / Jenkins Twp, Pa / Operator / W.Pittston, Pa / WilkesBarre, Pa / 6-11-1943


Cole, Harry C / 7203 / male / white / Oct. 25, 1887 / WilkesBarre, Pa / 9 / 6 / Samuel 34 / Margaret A. 19 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Plumber / WilkesBarre, Pa / Wales / 6-30-1943


Cranford, Jr., Harry Walter / 7306 / male / white / Feb. 14, 1903 / Newport Twp / 5 / 4 / Harry W. 27 / Nellie R. 27 / Newport twp, Pa / Merchant / Muncy, Pa / Muncy, Pa / 7-13-1943


Clifford, Helen / 8071 / female / white / June 14, 1892 / Avoca, Pa / 11 / 4 / John W. 26 / Catherine 21 / Avoca, Pa / Miner / Pittston, Pa, / Ledgedale, Pa / 12-7-1943


Caton, Herbert Ellsworth / 8187 / male / white / Dec. 2, 1889 / Pittston Junction, Pa / 6 / 6 / Thomas 23, / Caroline 22 / Pittston Junction, Pa / Miner / Jeddo, Pa / Buttonwood, Pa / 3-4-1944


Ceppa, Helen / 8188 / female / white / Oct. 7, 1904 / Nanticoke, Pa / 10 / 7 / John M. 47 / Jadwiga 40 / Nanticoke, Pa / Miner / Poland / Poland / 3-7-1944


Czyz, Helen / 8486 / female / white / May 20, 1905 / Duryea, Pa / 10 / 8 / Joseph 27 / Rosalia 22 / Duryea, Pa / Laborer / Poland / Poland / 6-23-1944


Carr, HelenVaughn / 10300 / male / white / July29,1890 / WilkesBarre / 5 / 5 / Edward 25 / Sarah 24 / Wilkesbarre, Pa / Bookkeeper / Sandoviski, Mass / Scranton, Pa / 5-13-1948


Carver, Hannah (Dietz) / 10666 / female, white / Sept 18, 1886 / Plymouth, Pa / 13 / 8 / John 33 / Clara 29 / Plymouth, Psa / Laborer / Askam, Pa / Plymouth, Pa / 6-26-1951


Cohen, Helen L. / 10862 / female / white / Nov. 16, 1901 / WilkesBarre / 9 / 8 / Jacob 39 / Sara 36 / WilkesBarre, Pa / Merchant / Russia / Russia / 2-8-1952


Conely, P. Hazel / 11021 / female / white / Mar. 8, 1888 / Glen Summit / 11 / 2 / Henry J. 31 / Ann 23 / Drifton, Pa / ??? / Virginia / ??? / 2-13-1953


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