Luzerne County SS:
To the Sheriff of Luzerne County, GREETING:
WE COMMAND YOU that you levy and attach the goods and chattels, debts, rights and moneys of Harrison Meeker late of your county ______ in satisfaction of a certain judgement obtained at our Court of Common Pleas of said County, at the suit of Colins Sutliff assc to Ammi H. Sutliff against the said Harrison Meeker to August Term, 1860 No. 146 for the sum of Ninety three and 18/100 Dollars with interest from the Eighth of Oct 1863 and costs. And also by honest and lawful men of your bailiwick you make known to the said Harrison Meeker and to William E. Wilkinson, William P. Wilkinson, and Jameson Meeker as Garrishus late of your county, that they be and appear before our said Court at Wilkes Barre, the first Monday of April next, to show if anything they have to say why the said judgement, besides cost of suit, should not be levied of the effects of the said Harrison Meeker, William E. Wilkinson, William P. Wilkinson, & Jameson Meeker Garrishus and have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Hon John N. Conyngham, President of our said Court at Wilkes Barre, the 23 day of February A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven.
A true and attested copy
J. E. Van Seer, Sheriff
M. J.*Philbirg, Prothonotary.
* Contributor's Note: difficult to read actual signature
Donated by Reatha. |
Luzerne County PAGenWeb: Court Records
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Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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