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Luzerne County PAGenWeb Nathan Forbes, 1755-1833 Court Record: Partial Revolutionary War Pension File, No. S42201. |
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Court of Common Pleas.
State of Pennsylvania
On this sixteenth day of July, AD 1818, before me, the subscriber, one of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the said County of Luzerne in the Eleventh Judicial District in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, personally appears, Nathan Forbes, ^ of the Township of Huntington in the County of Luzerne in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ^ who being, by me, first, duly sworn, according to the law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late Act of Congress, entitled, "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the Land & Naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War." That he, the said Nathan Forbes, enlisted in Hampshire County in Massachusetts, in Captain John Ferguson's Company, in Colonel Samuel Brewer's Regiment in the Massachusetts Line, about the first of May, in the year 1776, for nine months and served the term of enlistment, and about one month over the term. That he was discharged at Bennington, in the State of Vermont. That his discharge is lost and he knows not what became of it.
And that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the Assistance of his Country - And that he has no other evidence, now in his power of his said Service except the Testimony of Gideon Post, here present.
Sworn to Subscriber and declared Nathan Forbes before me, the day & year aforesaid
Jesse Fell
The interlineation of his place of Residence in the fifth line from the top [in the original], was inserted in the presence and on oath before me, August 9th, 1819, with my hand.
August 9th, 1819
Jesse Fell
On the same day & place, came Gideon Post, who being duly sworn, did depose and declare that he was knowing to service of Nathan Forbes in the Revolutionary Army, as above stated & that he served in the same regiment with him and further saith not.
Sworn & subscribed before the day & Gideon Post
Jesse Fell
This page was typed by Ken Forbes |
Luzerne County PAGenWeb: Court Records
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