Luzerne County Civil War--- 8th Regiment

Of the 8th regiment, which was organized for three months service, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, and H were recruited in Luzerne County. A Company of cavalry at Wilkes Barre, of which Captain Hoyt and Brisbane had been Commanders, was filled by recuits and became Company C of the regiment. Company F had been an Artillery company of the same city, under command of Captain Emley, who became Colonel of the regiment. Company G had been known as the Wyoming Yagers, which, together with a militia company from Pittston and additional recuits, constituted this company.

Company B---Officers:

Hiram S Travis-Captain
Frank Wambacker-First Lieutenant
Sanford G. Coglizer-Second Lieutenant
Jacob Swartz-First Sergant
John F. Sayer-Second Sergant
John W. Fike-Third Sergant
Delton F. Miller-Fourth Sergant
Benjamin J Stephens-First Corporal
David Weldy-Second Corporal
George Weldy-Third Corporal
Warren Breemer-Forth Corporal
Paul Debler-Musician
William Miller-Musician


William Albro
Shadrach G Austin
Richard Austin
James R. Aten

John Bird
Adolph Bender
Thomas Brennan
Mathias Barclay
George Barnes
Thomas L. Benson

Nicholas Cooper
Nodiah Curtis
George Chrisman
Charles Clouse
Horatio V. Colvin
Thomas R Conner

Henry L. Davenport
James T. Davenport

Horatio P. Felts

Samuel Gilchrist

Lorenzo D. Hoover
Henry M. Hinds
Michael W. Hurley

Frederick John

Abraham Kiser
Samuel Kilpatrick
Joseph Knapp

William La France
Joseph La France
Benjamin Le Compt

Westbrook Murring
Ezra B. Martin
James M'Guigan
James S. M'Doherty

Herbert M. Nogle

Levi Powell

David Robinson
James A. Roach
Morris H. Rhodes
Thomas P. Rhodes
William R. Rockwell
Benjamin F. Rodgers
G. William Ryan
William Rease

Richard H Scott
Freeman Smith
Francis Switer
Robert Smith
Merritt Stalbert
Nelson Swan
David C Sterling
Obadiah Sherwood
Jerome Scott
John Shaffer
Vincent J Sayers
John Smith
Milton Sylich

John A Tanfield
Levi B Tompkins

Joseph W Wallace
Chester Wilber
Patrick Wood

Dorman A Yarrington
Spencer Yeager

Company C---Officers:

William Brisbane-Captain
Joseph Wright-First Lieutenant
William B Conyngham-Second Lieutenant
Lyman R Nicholson-First Sergant
William J Fell-Second Sergant
Beriah S. Bowers-Third Sergant
William C Rohn-Fourth Sergant
Treat B. Camp-First Corporal
Samuel B Hibler-Second Corporal
Albert M Bailey-Third Corporal
Edwin S Osborne-Forth Corporal
Thomas J Schleppy-Musician
Joseph W. Collings-Musician


Andrew J. Crusan
Edward H Chase
William H Cook
Daniel Clossen
Andrew Clossen
George B Carey

Olando Deitrick
William G. Downs
Elisha A Dailey

Joseph H. Everett

Peter Gray
Jacob Gregory
Willet E. Gorham

James Harvey
John Humble
Andrew J Hughey
George Hoover
James D Harris

Burtis Irvin

George W. Jumper

Charles Keller
Patrick Kerney
George W Kelley
James Kelley
Isiah Kizer

William Moser
Charles McWilliams
Daniel W McGee
Norman McNeil
John McCormick
Roderick McFarlane

John Powell
John Piper
Joseph W Patten
Alexander Puterbaugh
William A Partington
Samuel H Puterbaugh
Richard Prideaux

John Reymer
Stephen D Robbins
Adam Robbins
Miles Reel
George A Reese
Wesley Rittenhouse
David L Rohn
Charles Rennard
Jacob Remmel
James A Raub
William W Rines

Giles E Stevens
Nathan Schoononer
Charles F Stevens
Henry Stroh
Frank Smith
Samuel Stookey

Isaac Tripp
Preserve Taylor

William Vanscoten

George E. Waring
William H Ward Jr.
Daniel Wood
Lazarus S. Walker
William W Watson

Alexander Youngst

Company D---Officers:

Jacob Bertels-Captain
Richard Fitzgerald-First Lieutenant
Patrick Lenihan-Second Lieutenant
Michael Riley-First Sergant
John C Riley-Second Sergant
Michael Giligan-Third Sergant
Joseph P. Byrne-Fourth Sergant
Daniel M'Bride-First Corporal
Daniel Shoolin-Second Corporal
Thomas Devaney-Third Corporal
John Ryan-Forth Corporal
Bartholomew Lynch-Musician
John Batterton-Musician


Philip Boyle
John Baney
Patrick Biglin
Patrick Brennan, 1st
Thomas Birmington
Thomas Boran
James Boylan
Patrick Brennan, 2nd

Matthew Coyle
John Caffrey
John Clark
Daniel Cunningham
John Cosgrove
John Collins
Michael Curran
Frank Cull
Michael Coggles
Patick Collins

John Delaney
James Dolton
Evan Davis
James Dougher
James Dougherty

John Evans

Patrick Fogarty
John Graham
Patrick Griffith
Patrick Gallagher, 1st
Patrick Gallagher, 2nd

Thomas Heley
Patrick Houston

Edward Killroy
Michael Keeghran

James Lynch
Patrick Levey
John Looby
John Lisk
Bernard Lynch
Thomas Lahey
Peter Lebar
John Lawler

John M'Dowell
Thomas M'Coy
Thomas M'Cluskey
John M'Conelogue
William Merghan
Thomas M'Maniman
Michael Morris
Michael Mulvey
Patrick M'Tigue
John M'Cool
John M'Reenelly
Michael M'Ginness
Daniel M'Cormick

Thomas O'Donnell

James Plum
Patrick Paul

Martin Ryan
Lawrence Reily
Michael Ruddy

John Sullivan
Timothy Sullivan
Edward Sherron
John Scott

Dalton W Totton

Martin Welsh
John Ward

Company E---Officers:

John M'Casey-Captain
John O'Grady-First Lieutenant
Michael O'Hara-Second Lieutenant
Anthony Lofters-First Sergant
James Howley-Second Sergant
Francis Mahon-Third Sergant
Morris O'Brien-Fourth Sergant
John Lanagan-First Corporal
Richard Lanagan-Second Corporal
Richard Fitzgerald-Third Corporal
John Gerry-Forth Corporal
Peter Pennypacker-Musician
John Hartline-Musician


Joseph Blackman
Mark Burk
Charles Brand
Francis Baronosky
Thomas Buckley

John Cannavan
Samuel Clouser
Henry Cannavan
James Cannavan
Matthew Cawley
Michael Cusick
John R. Corden
William Corden
Jospeh F Colburn
John Churchill
Benjamin Crist

Lewis Decker
Michael Dorson
David H Davis

James Fleming
James Forrester
George Fleevellen
John Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fox
Thomas Foy

Michael Grass
Charles Gallagher
Anthony Gillespie

John Handley

John F. Jackson

Dennis Kelley
Michael Kirk

Patrick Lenihan
Thomas Lanaghan
Edward Lynn

Allen M'Lane
John H Mullison
James M'Grael
Patrick Mullen
Delos Munford
John M'Manus
John J Murray
Rueben Mullen
Daniel M'Cracken
Michael Manning

David Pearce
Francis Rourke
Joseph Ross
John Ruddy

William Shannon
Patrick H Saxton
John Shibblehood
Theodore Sinclair
William Smith

Samuel Tindle
John H Taylor
Michael Tigue

Jeremiah Urfrels

Peter Vankirk

Michael Walsh
Reuben Williams
Joseph Wright
William Whiting
John Williams

Company F---Officers:

Edwin W. Finch-Captain
Butler Dilley-First Lieutenant
Isaiah M Leach-Second Lieutenant
Alpheus C Montague-First Sergant
Charles B Metzgar-Second Sergant
Charles B Stout-Third Sergant
Oliver A Parsons-Fourth Sergant
Benjamin F Louder-First Corporal
John J M'Dermott-Second Corporal
William H. Rowntree-Third Corporal
Paschal L Hoover-Forth Corporal
Charles H Hay-Musician
David C Connor-Musician


Joseph Albert
Casey J. Atherton

Emory Briggs
Martin Breese

James Culver
Hugh Collins
Charles M. Cyphers

Emanuel Detrick
Abraham Doobar

Charles H Elliott
William W. Ellis

Irvin E. Finch
John N. Fordham
Peter Ficklinger
John Frase
Nathan Fritz
Henry Fritz
Samuel C. Fell

John E. Groff
Lee D. Gruver
Henry M Gordon
Allen Gormon

George Hughes
Ebert Hanley
Peter H. Hay

William Johnson
John Jenkins

John C. Krupp
Philip Killian

Andrew J. Lobach
Isaiah M Leach
Robert M'Laughlin
John H Minick
Rufus M'Guire
Ozro Manville
Judson W. Myers

John Neuer
John Newsbiggle

Charles B Post

Alfred Riley
Bernard Riley
Sylvester Rhodes
William Rankins
Alfred Randolph
Henry J Root
C.B. Root
James Russell

James H Shepherd
Charles B Stookey
William A Swan
David R Shutt
John Severn
James Severn

Theodore A Tucker
Thomas O Tucker
Gotlieb Troub
James C Turner
David J Taylor

James Uplinger

William H Valentine

Horton Wood
Reuben H. Waters
Newton T Weaver

Jacob Young

Company G---Officers:

George N Reichard-Captain
John N Treffeisen-First Lieutenant
Gustavus E Hahn-Second Lieutenant
George W Smith-First Sergant
Joseph Harold-Second Sergant
Christopher Walther-Third Sergant
Jacob Goeby-Fourth Sergant
Christian Treffeisen-First Corporal
Andreas Haussam-Second Corporal
Henry Katzenbacker-Third Corporal
John Marr-Forth Corporal
William Kaiser-Musician
Frederick Andrie-Musician


Christian Adrien

Max Burkhardt
Henry Braehl
Benedict Boehm
Peter Bohne
John Bauman
Frederick Bach
Michael Blair
Maurice Brandt

Matlin Early
Charles Engel

Abraham Frauenthal
Charles Firestine
Conrad Futtrer
George Fritz
Zeno Fry

Philip Glessner
Isaac Goebz
Frederick Gersting
Nicholas Gerlitz
Jones Grapp

Andrew Hansam
Henry Harfman
John Haiwish
Joseph Hartman
Emile Haugg
Philip Hess
Nicholas Helfrick

Lorenzo Ittel

Anton Joachim
thomas Jayne

Anton Kinghammer
Rudolph Korff
John Killian

C.F. Loomis
Charles Long
Fritz Loeffier
Jacob Luckhardt

John Mowery
Jacob Mahler
John Mathews
Morton Mehlmann
Florian Mitz

John Oppel

John Peter

William Riester
Henry Russ
Matthew Ruebenach

John Sengfelder
Frederick Schmitt
Frederick Shearer
Ernst Schmalst
William Schaule
Joseph Sittig
Michael Snyder

Albert C Woolbert
Christian Weiss
Jacob Wench
Conrad Wern
Justin Wassmuth

Conrad Zibb

Company H---Officers:

Henry W Derby-Captain
Beaton Smith, Jr.-First Lieutenant
William D Snyder-Second Lieutenant
Thomas Edmonds-First Sergant
Henry Derris-Second Sergant
Charles Kerr-Third Sergant
Joseph R Shultz-Fourth Sergant
Isreal Ruth-First Corporal
William Bryden-Second Corporal
Monroe Koch-Third Corporal
William Booth-Forth Corporal


Charles G Adams

Miles N Bradford
Lyman T Benjamin
Thomas B Bloom
William F. Bloff
Samuel A Bouten
Abram L Bound
James O Brown
Warren Buckland

Theodore Cherry
George W. Conklin
Samuel Cobb
John Coon
Hugh R Crawford

Martin Decker
Hugh M Diehl
Andrew J Drake

Henry Ennis
Frederick Etting
Alexander L Fleming

Peter S. Gabrio
Nathan C. Gregory
Jacob W. Galloway

Dinsmore Habe
John Haines
Stephen H. Haley
John Hasting, 1st
John Hasting, 2nd
Robert Hardy
Henry B. Henson
Harry Houser
John Hopkins

William Jamison

Hudson D Kind
Hiriam P Kirlin

Anthony Long

William Miller
Thomas Mullihan

John M. Palmer
George W. Peters
George C. Palmer

Simon Rhodes
Henry Rex
Nicholas Robbing
Joshua Richards

Joseph S. Shiffer
Mead S. Silkman
Charles Shaffer
Peter Shively
Peter J Smith
William Stark
Roland N Stevens
John G Swartz
William A Staples

William H Thomas

David Wigton
John Wittingham
Edwin B Wilson
Charles E Ward
William H Williams
James Woolley

Fletcher D Yapel

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