1933 Times Leader Article-Wilkes-Barre, PA

October 12, 1933


Church Here To Observe Anniversary

Special Services to Mark Jubilee of Congregation Founded Fifty Years Ago


Second Welsh Congregational Church, corner of Hazle and Parrish streets, will

celebrate its golden jubilee on Sunday October15. The church was granted its charter by Judge Stanley Woodward, on motion of Attorney John McGahren on  October 16, 1883. Both the jurist and lawyer are now dead.


The church has a present membership of approximately 200 and its Sunday

school 300. The first pastor was the late Rev.*** Thomas and the present

minister is Rev. John M. Owen.


Original Organizers

The original subscribers to the charter of the church were: Board of

Trustees-John G. Jones, president; James Herring, secretary; Idris Lloyd,

treasurer; Hugh Owens and Robert E. Williams; also church members Hugh

L.R.Owens, William Samuel, Lewis Anthony, Daniel Evans, John G. Jones. Daniel

Pritchard, Idris Lloyd, James herring, Robert E. Williams, William Williams,

john R. Davis, William G.Edwards. All have since passed away.

Present officers of the church are: Pastor, Rev. John M.Owens;

deacons-W.E.Parry, John Bennett, Caradoc Jones, Robert Williams,  and

Mrs.Edward Roberts; treasurer, Edward Belton; financial secretary Thomas

Pugh; recording secretary Mrs.Margaret Martin; trustees- Lewis Harris,

chairman; Davis Woodhams, secretary treasurer; Richard Stevens, John Bennett

and Morris Hughes, Jr.


Officers of the Sunday School are Superintendaent, Morris Hughes; Junior

Superintendent Richard Stevens; secretary Donald Morgan; assistant secretary,

Arthur Williams; treasurer, Edward Belton; chorister, William John Roberts;

organist, Blodwyn Parry; librarian, Arthur Belton


Note from Barbara Hughes DiMarco, most of these gentlemen were born in Wales. How  do I know, I grew up in this church and as a very young child sermons were

actually preached in Welsh.

The above information was donated by Barbara Hughes DiMarco

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
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