The Board of Trade Journal
Industrial Easter Edition
April 1906

Background Information

Here you will find six pages of industries, and of members' names, titles, and the industries they served; these are mostly of persons in the Scranton area. This page was contributed to the Lackawanna County page by J. Fabrio.

The Journal is approximately 9 x 12, and contains approximately seventy pages. In this issue, Vol. II No. 5, appears articles and advertising of various industries in the Scranton area. C. F. Miller, Editor and Proprietor and T. L. Sexsmith, Associate Editor and Business Manager.

On the following pages will be printed names, industries, and anything else of genealogical interest.

The Scranton Board of Trade was organized in 1867 and was incorporated in 1871.

The Officers and Standing Committees in 1906 were as follows:


Standing Committees:

On page 10 is a short memorial to William D. Zehnder, president of the Scranton Nut and Bolt Company who had recently died. Of genealogical interest: he removed to Scranton seven years ago (circa 1899) he was survived by his wife and son. (no names given)

New Industry for Scranton:
The Kitsee Storage Battery Company. Located at 628 and 629 Connell Building, Scranton. Officers were:

Page 23. James S. Shepherd

"From breaker boy to owner and operator of one of the largest colleries in the anthracite region, from the lowlier walks of life to a position of affluence and wealth, such is the proud record of James G. Shepherd, chairman of the Manufacturers' Committee of the Scranton Board of Trade. It is the old story over again of the poor boy, without money, but possessed of ability and ambition, who found his opportunities and made the most of them."

"Born in the town of Nanticoke, September 11, 1867, Mr. Shepherd received his early education in the public schools and at Wyoming Seminary. Locating at Jermyn in 1885, the first responsible position he held was in the employ of Simpson & Watkins coal operators, whith whom he was given employment as clerk. After a short term in this capacity, he was appointed paymaster of the Edgerton Coal Company."

Other companies he worked for included: Edgerton Colliery; Edgerton and North Western Coal Companies; Simpson & Watkins; the Sterrick Creek Coal Company and the Lackawanna Coal Company of Olyphant.

"In 1901, in company with his stepfather, J. L. Crawford, he formed the People's Coal Company, operating the Oxford colliery."

"Mr. Shepherd is a director in the Pennsylvania Casualty Company, Traders' National, Keystone, Taylor Discount and Deposit Banks, Elmhurst and Nay Aug Falls Boulevard Company, Spring Brook Water Company and numerous other business and financial concerns."

Mr. Shepherd takes a strong and particular interest in art, especially in Dutch and American landscapes.

He is vice-president of the Scranton Y.M.C.A., a member of the official board of the Elm Park Church, a trustee of Wesleyan University, Dickinson College, and Wyoming Seminary. For two years was the president of the Scranton Oratorio Society and for seven years president of the Elm Park Epworth League.

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These pages were contributed by Jane Fabrio
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