A Brave Soldier Gone.
It is our painful duty to annouce that Sergeant Lewis E. Young, of company D, (Capt. McGettigan) 109th regiment Pa. Vol. was killed in battle at Pine Mountain, Georgia, on Wedndesday the 15ht ult. He was one of the first to volunteer in the defence of his country when the rebellion broke out, and had enlisted for a second campaign, but has now been stricken down by the hand of the enemy. Mr. Young was brave and patriotic, and it is to be regretted that he was not spared to see the war closed. He was about 22 years of age, leaves a wife and one child with other relations to mourn his death.
Source: Taken from an unknown 1864 newspaper.
Submitted by TTroscianec3669 *I am not researching this person, I just found the obit.