

Wilson M. C. Stewart

Wilson M. C. STEWART


Stricken with paralysis while visiting at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs Ella REAM, Morris Street, Wilson M. C. STEWART of Adams Street died Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock. He had been at the Ream home but a day or two when he was taken ill suddenly yesterday morning.

Mr Stewart was 81 years old and was a veteran of the Civil War. He served three years and six months in Company G of the seventh regiment, Ohio Cavalry. He was a member of the Fourth Presbyterian church.

Surviving are his wife Mrs Mary C. Stewart, and the following children: Mrs Anna CROWELL, Mrs Ella SHOAR, Mrs Ollie McCONNELL, Mrs Ida WASSON, Mrs Grace BLACK of this city. Samuel Stewart of Sharpsburg, Harry J., Wilson M. C. and Geroge M. Stewart of this city.

The remains have been take to the home of his son-in-law, Charles A. Wasson, 919 Adams street, where he made his home. Funeral services will be held at the residence Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Interment will be made in Oak Park cemetery.

Source: New Castle Herold, June 18, 1919

Submitted by Cindy

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