Contributed by Anne Stone

*See also in FTP:  the Patterson Bible, and the will of William Hart Patterson at Juniata Co. Archives
 Will of John Patterson
                             Filed March 28, 1877

I John Patterson of Spruce Hill Twp. Juniata Co. & state of Penna. acknowledging the uncertainty of life & being of sound & disposing mind do make & publish this as my last will & testament hereby revoking & making void all other wills by me at any time made.
Having by deed of a recent date conveyed to my son George about eighty (80) acres of the farm on which I now live being the western part & on which the buildings are erected I will & bequeath to the children of my son Alfred the remaining portion of the aforesaid farm being the Eastern part & containing about forty five acres (45) together with about seventy acres of mountain land adjoining lands of Alex. Pattersons Heirs & I. (?) K. Patterson & to their assigns forever.
In witness of this my last will and testament I hereby affix my hand and seal this 8th day of March AD 1877

                                      John Patterson    his seal

And at the request of the testator and in his presence & the presence of each other we subscribe our names as witnesses to the above will

G.W. Graham
Fanny L. Hacket

Written on accompanying court papers is the following:
In the Estate of John Patterson
In the Orphans Court of Juniata County
Fanny L. Hacket being duly sworn say that the said John Patterson died the 19th day of March A.D. 1877 about the hour Seven o'clock AM at his residence in Spruce Hill Township. Fanny L. Hacket
Sworn and Subscribed this 28th day of March I. D. Musser

!Will of William Hart Patterson
The last will and testament of William H. Patterson of the township of
Beale in the county of Juniata and state of Pennsylvania.  I, William H.
Patterson considering the uncertainly of this mortal life and being of
sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and
testament in manner and form following.
Item 1 I will that all my justs asfor---- be by me owing at the time of
my death together with all my funeral expences shall in the first place
be paid and satisified.

Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane I. Sterrett my piano and
the small portrait of Willie and I bequeath to my daughter Annie E.
Vandyke the portraits of myself,  and of my daughter Jane, and I direct
that my silver spoons be divided between my daughter Jane and Annie.

Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter Salina Baird two beds and

I direct that the residue of my personal estate be appraised and then
sold, or if any of children wish to have any of my personal items that
they shall have the privlidge of taking it at the appraised price.

Item I direct my Executor hereinafter named as soon as the bank
belonging to the firm of William H. Patterson & Brother shall have
worked out  to have an inventory taken by three disinterested persons of
all my interests in any and all of the personal property in Penn
Township, except the stock of hides and ------ in the yard.  The price for
tanning and delivering of the---- at Perrysville by the firm of Patterson
and Van Dyke ---- ---- shall be fixed by three appraisers chosen by the
parties to be sent to market  the price of which is to be applied in the
first place to the payment of the debts of the firm of William H.
Patterson & Brother, and after the debts are paid the the proceeds
attached(?) to my estate and taken out until the investments are equal
then the balance to be divided equally between the estate and John

Item  I direct my Executor herein after named to sell and dispose of all
my real estate and all interest that I may have in any real estate either
at public of private sale for the best price that can be had for the same
and giving them full power to make deed or deeds of convey or transfer
the same.

Item  I direct that after my estate shall be turned (?) with money it
shall be divided equally between my four children, John J Patterson, Jane
I Sterrett, Annie E. Van Dyke and M. Salina Baird, share and share alike
except that John J. Patterson is charged with five hundred dollars that I
have advanced to him.

Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter M. Salina Baird two hundred acres
of land that I have in the state of Iowa at the sum of two thousand
dollars, this to be part of her share of my estate she only to have of the
proceeds of the same during her natural life, and at her death to descend
to her children, but if she should die without issue(?) the the land to
---- to my other children or their heirs and I further direst that the part
of my estate I have divided to my daughter Salina Baird  to be paid to
James P. Sterrett her trustee and that he pay to her the interest of the
same annually during her natural life and at her death to pay the
principal to her children but if she should die without issue, he is to pay
the same to my other three children or their heirs, and I further direct
the trustee James P. Sterrett  to devote such portions of the money in
his hands as he should think right to improvements of the Iowa lands and
erection of buildings and that the trustee invest the money in good
mortgages or real estate and the said trustee when he desires to do so
may appoint his successor the same the said successor to be approved of
the court of the county in which he may reside.
I make and appoint and ------ John J. Patterson  and ---------------
executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former
wills by me made and I further allow them five years to settle up my
estate, to date from the time---------are paid-----------------------
whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of August in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred fifty eight.
W.H. Patterson  His seal

Witnessed by
?? WIlson
J. Barnard
Thomas Barnard