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ALEXANDER | Fermanagh Twp. | Hugh Lloyd Hamilton | Family | |
ALLEN | Milford Twp. | Audrey R. Sizelove | none | |
ANDERSON | Juniata Co. | Donna Davis | none | |
AUBURN | Juniata Co. | Dave Wyble | none | |
AUKER/ACKER | Kellerville | Linda Akers | Family | |
BARDELL | Beale Twp. | Kelly MacDonald | none | |
BARGO | Juniata Co. | Kimberly B. Riggins | none | |
BARNARD | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
BARTON | Lewistown Beale Twp. | Suzanna Jordan Auscher George Allen Beale |
none Family | |
BASSLER | Juniata Co. | Wilmer Hassler | none | |
BEALE | Juniata Co. Beale Twp. | Edward Phipps George Allen Beale |
none Family | |
BEIDLEMAN | Juniata Co. | Debbie Barnes | none | |
BELL | Juniata Co. Mifflintown, Fermanagh Twp. | Mary Jane King David Barnham |
none none | |
BENNER | Juniata Co. | Mary Roeder | none | |
BERRIER | East Waterford | Diane Thomas | none | |
BERRY | Juniata Co. Juniata Co. Lack Twp. | Dan Miller Brett W. Berry Susan Latour |
none none none | |
BISHOP | Juniata Co. | Robert L. Good | none | |
BLACK | Juniata Co. | Dave Schubert | Family | |
BLACKBURN | Juniata Co. | Nancy Bateman | none | |
BLAINE | Juniata Co. | Dave Schubert | Family | |
BOAL | Juniata Co. | Joyce Cox Lund | none | |
BOGAR/BOGER | Juniata Co. | Suzette K. Thompson | none | |
BOGGS | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
BOWERS | Juniata Co. | Kay Anderson | none | |
BOYD | Fermanagh Twp. | Hugh Lloyd Hamilton | Family | |
BRAGDON | Mexico/Lack Twp. | Connie Knox Beck | none | |
BRANNON | Juniata Co. | Kay Anderson | none | |
BRATTON | Juniata Co. | Jo Ott | none | |
BRUBAKER | Beale Twp. | George Allen Beale | Family | |
BRUNER/BRUNNER | Delaware Twp. | Gerry Bruner | none | |
BRYNER | Juniata Co. | Garth E. Brackbill | none | |
BUBB | Beale Twp. | Robin Faught Collins | none | |
BUCHANAN | Lack, Milford, Fermanagh Twps. | Angela Buchanan-Bloch | Family | |
BURCHFIELD | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
BURDGE | Fermanagh Twp. | Muriel Reynolds | none | |
BURRIS | Fayette Twp. | Barbara M. Kelley | none | |
CAMERON | Juniata Co. | Harry D. Cameron | none | |
CAMMON | Beale Twp. | Jo Ott | none | |
CLAIR | Fayette Twp. | H.A. Kippenhan | none | |
CLARK | Lack Twp. | Judith A. Banja | none | |
CLUM | East Watertown | Laura Adair | none | |
COCHRAN | Juniata Co. | Dave Wyble | none | |
CODER | Milford Twp. | Audrey R. Sizelove | none | |
COLYER | Thompsontown | Roxanne Colyer Clingman | none | |
CONNELL | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
COOKSON | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
COPELAND | Juniata Co. | John Geyssen | none | |
COX | Juniata Co. | Joyce Cox Lund | none | |
CRATER | Thompsontown, East Salem Twp. | Geraldine Ann Shurtz | none | |
DELANCEY | Spruce Hill Twp. Juniata Co. | Mariellyn Hilgeman Patricia Hess Sher |
none none | |
DEMUTH | Juniata Co. | Peggy McKenzie | Family | |
DEPEW | Juniata Co. | Amy Jo Miller | none | |
DEWITT | Juniata Co. | Nancy Bateman | none | |
DILLMAN | Juniata Co. | Brad Haubert | none | |
DIVEN | Juniata Co. | Connie Diven | none | |
DOYLE | Juniata Co. | Lonnie Doyle | none | |
DROLSBAUGH | Juniata Co. | Charles Drolsbaugh | none | |
DUNN | Juniata Co. Fayette Twp. | Kathy L. Peters Barbara M. Kelley |
none none | |
DURST | Juniata Co. | Karen Portzer | none | |
EAGLEY | Juniata Co. | Shirley A. Garvin | none | |
EARLE/EIRLE | Greenwood Twp. | James Hannum | none | |
EBERHART | Juniata Co. | Edna Park Laller | none | |
ELDER | Juniata Co. | Dave Schubert | Family | |
FARNER/FERNER/FURNER | Walker Twp. | J. Austin Furner | none | |
FASIC | Millerstown | Doris Fasic Miller | none | |
FELKER | Juniata Co. | Kathy L. Peters | none | |
FISHER | Juniata Co. | J. Alexander | none | |
FLECK | Juniata Co. | Sherryl Clark | none | |
FLETCHER | Juniata Co. | Suzette K. Thompson | none | |
FLICKINGER | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King | none | |
FOGLE | Juniata Co. | Stacie Swick | none | |
FRANK | Turbett Twp. | Claudia Kotter | none | |
FREET | East Salem & Thompsontown | Dolores M. Burns | none | |
FRY | Walker Twp. Juniata Co. Juniata Co. | Kevin Powers Fran Stitzinger Frank L. Fry Jr. |
none none none | |
FULLER | Juniata Co. | Judith Ellis Wrinkle | none | |
FULTZ | Mifflintown | Iris Crall | none | |
GARDNER | Millerstown | Doris Fasic Miller | none | |
GEEDEY | Juniata Co. Juniata Co. | Judy Keller Edna Park Laller |
none none | |
GIFFORD | Juniata Co. | Mike Gifford | Family | |
GINGRICH | Walker & Greenwood Twp. Mexico, Walker Twp. | Denise Sallee Barbara L. Rivas |
none Family | |
GLASS | Juniata Co. | Linda Webb | none | |
GLOSS | East Waterford | Laura Adair | none | |
GOSHEN | Juniata Co. | Jo Ott | none | |
GOOD | Juniata Co. | Robert L. Good | none | |
GRAHAM | Juniata Co. | Fran Stitzinger | none | |
GRAYBILL | Juniata Co. | John O. Graybeal | none | |
GREEN | Juniata Co. | Brain & Paula Deml | none | |
GRUBAUGH/CRUBAUGH | Lack Twp. | Jocelyn Fox Wilms | none | |
HAMBRIGHT | Mifflintown | James W. Hambright | none | |
HAMILTON | Fermanagh Twp. | Hugh Lloyd Hamilton | Family | |
HARKENS | Juniata Co. | J. Alexander | none | |
HARNER | East Salem | Annita Box Powell | none | |
HARVEY | Lack Twp. | Jere Keefer | none | |
HASSENPLUG | Juniata Co. | Joyce Peterson | none | |
HAUBERT | Juniata Co. | Brad Haubert | none | |
HENRY | Lack Twp. | Stacie Swick | none | |
HENTHORN | Juniata Co. | Faye Spence | none | |
HIME | Juniata Co. | Linda L. Steinke | none | |
HOCKENBERRY | Juniata Co. | Rebecca Davis Pauley | none | |
HOKE | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
HOOP | Greenwood Twp. | Robert Gene Hoop | none | |
HOOPES | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King | none | |
HOSTETLER | Thompsontown, East Salem | Geraldine Ann Shurtz | none | |
HOUGH | Juniata Co. | Jerald Criswell | none | |
HOWARD | Juniata Co. | R.J. Howard | none | |
HUBBERT | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King | none | |
HUGHES | Juniata Co. | Kathy L. Peters | none | |
IMLER | Juniata Co. | Nora Hull | none | |
IMES | Juniata Co. | Carol A. Black | Family | |
ISEMINGER | Fermanagh & Lack Twps. | Jocelyn Fox Wilms | none | |
JOHNSON | Juniata Co. | Zelda Starr | none | |
KAUFFMAN | Juniata Co. | Peggy McKenzie | Family | |
KEELY | Juniata Co. | Annita Box Powell | none | |
KELLER | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King Judy Keller |
none none | |
KENNAN | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
KENNEDY | E. Waterford Twp. | J. Alexander | none | |
KEPNER | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King Zelda Starr |
none none | |
KILMER | Juniata Co. | Medrith Collins | none | |
KIRK | Juniata Co. East Waterford | Medrith Collins Dallas F. Kirk |
none none | |
KISTLER | Juniata Co. | Patricia Hess Sher | none | |
KLAIR | Juniata Co. | Annita Box Powell | none | |
KLEIN | East Watertown | Laura Adair | none | |
KNOX | Mexico/Lack Twp. | Connie Knox Beck | none | |
KYLE | Beale Twp. | George Allen Beale | Family | |
LANTZ | Juniata Co. | Bill Lantz | none | |
LAUVER | Juniata Co. Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King Debra Dennis |
none none | |
LEACH/LEECH | Milford Twp. & Millerstown Juniata Co. | Audrey R. Sizelove
Robert L. Good |
none none | |
LECKENTON/LECKINGTON | Juniata Co. | Linda L. Steinke | none | |
LEISTER | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King | none | |
LEONARD | Mexico/Lack Twp. | Connie Knox Beck | none | |
LINN | Juniata Co. | Eileen M. Burbage | none | |
LONG | Lack Twp. | Judith A. Banja | none | |
LOUDON | Juniata Co. | Donna Davis | none | |
LOWDER | Juniata Co. | Jerald Criswell | none | |
MAURER | Juniata Co. | Jennifer Mosella | none | |
MCCACHREN | Juniata Co. | Robert Keagy | none | |
MCCAHAN | Juniata Co. | Brian & Paula Deml | none | |
MCCOY | Juniata Co. | Barbara Harris | none | |
MCCULLOUGH/MCCULLOCH | Juniata Co. | Medrith Collins | none | |
MCFARLAND | Mifflintown | Iris Crall | none | |
MCKEEHAN | Juniata Co. | Shirley A. Garvin | none | |
MCMATH | Juniata Co. | Mike Gifford | Family | |
MCMULLEN | Juniata Co. | Dolan R. McMullen | none | |
MELOY | Milford Twp. | Audrey R. Sizelove | none | |
MERRITT | Lack Twp. | Susan Latour | none | |
MILLER | Juniata Co. | J. Alexander | none | |
MILLIKEN | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
MOIST | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
MOREHEAD | Juniata Co. | Howard P. Roush | none | |
MOYER | Beale, Milford, Spruce Hill Twp. | Paul Moyer | none | |
MUMPER | Juniata Co. | Amy Martini | none | |
MURPHY | Juniata Co. | Debbie Barnes | none | |
MURRAY | Juniata Co. | Linda Webb | none | |
NAUDAIN | Fermanagh Twp. | Hugh Lloyd Hamilton | Family | |
NELSON | Juniata Co. | Researcher | none | |
O'NEAL/O'NEIL | Juniata Co. | Karen Hunter | none | |
OWENS | Lack Twp. | Susan Latour | none | |
PAGE | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King | none | |
PANNEBAKER | Thompsontown | Roxanne Colyer Clingman | none | |
PANNEBECKER | Juniata Co. | Maria Reasonover | none | |
PATTERSON | Juniata Co. | Gerald E. Patterson | none | |
PENNYPACKER | Juniata Co. Beale Twp. | Suzanna Jordan Auscher Robin Faught Collins |
none none | |
PETERSON | Juniata Co. | Brock Peterson | none | |
PLANK | Juniata Co. Juniata Co. | Connie Diven Dallas F. Kirk |
none none | |
POLLOCK | Juniata Co. | Joyce Peterson | none | |
PORTZLINE | Juniata Co. | Brad Haubert | none | |
POWELL | Juniata Co. | Annita Box Powell | none | |
PRETTYLEAF | Juniata Co. | Connie Diven | none | |
PRY | Juniata Co. | Mary Jane King Joanne P. Howard |
none none | |
QUAY | Port Royal | Laura D. Cleaper | none | |
RAPP | Juniata Co. | Brad Haubert | none | |
RENNELS/REMMELS | East Watertown | Laura Adair | none | |
REYNOLDS | Fermanagh Twp. | Muriel Reynolds | none | |
RHODES | McVeytown | Dave Wyble | none | |
RICHFIELD | Monroe Twp. | Dane E. Spriggle | none | |
RICKENBACH | Juniata Co. | Bill Kurtz | none | |
RISSER | Juniata Co. | Debra Dennis | none | |
RITTENHOUSE | Juniata Co. | Kathy Baus | none | |
ROBINSON | Juniata Co. Lack Twp. | Dave Schubert Stacie Swick |
Family none | |
ROBISON | Port Royal | Jo Ott | none | |
ROGERS | Beale Twp. | Kathy Mahmens | none | |
ROOP/RUPP | Walker Twp. | J. Austin Furner | none | |
ROSS | Juniata Co. | Fran Stitzinger | none | |
ROUSH | Mifflintown | Howard P. Roush | none | |
ROWE | Juniata Co. | Amy Jo Miller | none | |
SAYLOR/SAILOR/SEILER | Juniata & Huntingdon Cos. Juniata Co. Walker & Milford Twps. | Charles T. Lichy Jack Saylor Marcia Hardesty |
none none none | |
SELFRIDGE | Juniata Co. | William Hohmann | none | |
SHAFFER | Juniata Co. | Edna Park Laller | none | |
SHARON | Juniata Co. | Shirley A. Garvin | none | |
SHAVER | Juniata Co. | Barbara Harris | none | |
SHELLENBERGER | Juniata Co. | Debra Dennis | none | |
SHIFFER | Susquehanna, Greenwood & Perry Twps. | Jill Shiffer Gehrig | none | |
SHINNEY | Juniata Co. | Connie Diven | none | |
SHORTHILL | Juniata Co. | Sandy Mumford | none | |
SHUMAN | Mifflintown | Richard Mayne | none | |
SHURTZ | Thompsontown, East Salem Twp. | Geraldine Ann Shurtz | none | |
SIEBER | Juniata Co. | Bill Kurtz | none | |
SIZER | Juniata Co. | K. Rothrock | none | |
SMELKER | Juniata Co. | Maria Reasonover | none | |
SMITH | Walker Twp. Thompsontown | J. Austin Furner
Garth E. Brackbill |
none none | |
SNELLENBERGER | Juniata Co. | David Hilbert | none | |
SNOUFFER/SNAUFFER | Fayette Twp., Mifflintown | Lois Snouffer | none | |
SNYDER/SCHNEIDER | Turbett Twp. Juniata Co. | Claudia Kotter Herman Stephan |
none none | |
SPAHR | Juniata Co. | Amy Jo Miller | none | |
SPECHT | Juniata Co. | K. Rothrock | none | |
STAYNER | Juniata Co. | Jerald Criswell | none | |
STEWART | Juniata Co. | Jerald Criswell | none | |
STINE | Millerstown | Doris Fasic Miller | none | |
STRASSER | Juniata Co. | Robert D. Keagy | none | |
STUART | Juniata Co. | Jean Allread | none | |
SWAILS | Thompsontown | Roxanne Colyer Clingman | none | |
THOMPSON | Juniata Co. | Joyce Cox Lund James W. Thompson |
none none | |
UMHOLTZ | Mifflintown & Lost Creek | Joseph R. Umholtz | Family | |
VALENTINE | Juniata Co. | Stacie Ewick | none | |
Juniata Co. | Linda L. Steinke | none | |
WALKER | Milford Twp. | Marcia Hardesty | none | |
WALLACE | Juniata Co. | Dan Miller | none | |
WALLICK | Juniata Co. | Jeff Wallick | none | |
WALTERS/WATTERS | Honey Grove Juniata Co. | Charles Dale Watters Robert D. Keagy |
none none | |
WEBSTER | Juniata Co. | Karen Portzer | none | |
WEISHAUPT | Juniata Co. | Barbara Eberhart | none | |
WELLER | Juniata Co. | Judy Keller | none | |
WHITMER | Juniata Co. | Debra Dennis | none | |
WILEMAN | Juniata Co. | Edward Phipps | none | |
WILLIAMS | Beale Twp. Beale Twp. | Kathy Mahmens George Allen Beale |
none Family | |
WINEY | Juniata Co. | Peggy McKenzie | Family | |
WITMER/WHITMER | Juniata Co. | William Hohmann | none | |
WOODS | Mexico/Lack Twp. | Connie Knox Beck | none | |
WYBLE / WIBLE | Juniata Co. | Dave Wyble | none | |
YEATER | Juniata Co. | Edna Park Laller | none | |
YEIGH | Mexico/Lack Twp. | Connie Knox Beck | none | |
ZEIDERS | Juniata Co. | Joyce Cox Lund | none | |
ZIEGLER | Mexico/Lack Twp. | Connie Knox Beck | none |