Jefferson County, Pennsylvania
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PAGenWeb Project &
The USGenWeb® Project

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History ~ Biographies ~ Maps ~ Queries & Lookups ~ What's New
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ FS: Historical Images ~ Obituaries
B ~ M ~ D's
Pennsylvania State Records & Databases
Pennsylvania State Digital Archives
Pennsylvania State Library
'Free PA Records on Ancestry' -
Please Use This Link
Colonial Dames Registers & Records:
The Site has a lot of Colonial Dames Books for Pennsylvania
Family Search:
Births & Christenings: 1709>1950
Pennsylvania Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1976
[Filing Years: 1941-1976]
Allegheny, Beaver & Jefferson
Family Search: Actual Certificates & Petitions
Marriage Records & Resources
Family Search ~ Marriage Records for 'Pennsylvania Neighboring States':
New Jersey
New York
West Virginia Sign into your FS
Account, then use the above links
Family Search ~ Michigan Marriages
This link is for folks born in Pennsylvania and who married in Michigan: 1868 -
1925 [Available Info: Full Name, Place of Marriage, Residence, Place of
Birth, Age, Occupation, Officiant, Witnesses]
Sign into your FS Account, then use the above link.
Pennsylvania Marriages: 1709 >1940
Civil Marriages: Pennsylvania ~ 1677 - 1950
These Record Images have a lot of valuable information
FS: Log in, Collections, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Vital Records [Online Only] FS Catalog
Registration of marriages, 1852-1855
Author:Jefferson County (Pennsylvania).
Register of Wills; Pennsylvania.
County Court (Jefferson County)
Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1916
Author:Jefferson County (Pennsylvania).
Clerk of Orphans' Court; Pennsylvania.
County Court (Jefferson County)
More from FS: "Collections" - Regular Search Function
Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950
Pennsylvania, Church Marriages, 1682-1976
Pennsylvania Obituary and Marriage Collection, 1947-2010
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser
This publication has Marriage and Deaths gleaned from the Newspaper:
The dates range from Jan 1800 > Dec 1810
for both Marriages & Deaths.
The whole book can be downloaded from the FS Catalog:
Log in to FS and use 'Catalog' Search and "Poulson".
The pages are hand written by one person, so once you get used to the formation
of the letters the names are not too hard to read.
Years ago, I created an index for Jefferson Folk who got married in places other than their 'Home County'
The Marriage Records, Certificates, etc were all gleaned from Family Search Databases.
The Search Criteria: "Born in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania."
The Index is Here: There are 45 pages
In addition to the above database from FS,
there are three sets of Marriage Records gleaned
from Ancestry:
Cuyahoga, OH: 1810-1973 ~
Montana: 1865-1987 ~
Washington: 1854-2013 ~
Wisconsin: 1836-1911
Illinois County Marriages, 1810-1940 ~ Illinois, Cook County, Marriages, 1871-1920
Remember that many times folks 'ran away' to neighboring Counties to get married...
Historical Images: Vital Records / Jefferson County "Neighbors"
Armstrong, Clearfield, Clarion, Elk, Forest and Indiana
Early vital records of Pennsylvania :
Church parish records and cemetery inscriptions of western Pennsylvania, 1969 [DAR Records]
Vital Databases on FamilySearch:
Pennsylvania Deaths and Burials, 1720-1999
Pennsylvania Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880
Pennsylvania Obituaries, 1977-2010
Pennsylvania Obituary and Marriage Collection, 1947-2010
Jefferson County Deaths: LDS Film #927545: 1893-1906
Registration of deaths, 1853-1854
[Jefferson Co., PA: Register of Wills - Author]
California Death Index :
Born in Pennsylvania, died in San Luis Obispo Co., CA
[Possible Obits from the above database]
Years ago, I created an index for Jefferson Folk who died in places other than their 'Home County'
The Death Records, Certificates, etc were all gleaned from Family Search Databases.
The Search Criteria: Born in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.
The Index is here, there are 69 pages.
Information Gleaned: Name, Date of Birth, Date of Death, Event = Location of Death Record
and from Ancestry...
Death Certificates: IN, 1899-2011 &
KY Deaths: 1852-1965
Family Search Historical Images
Records that are not available with the traditional FS Search
The Types of Information:
Births [Delayed], Biographies, Cemetery, Census, Deaths & DC's, Deeds, Docket,
Orphan Ct Rec's,
History, Photos, Grantee Indexes, Marriage & Marriage Licenses, Military Discharge Rec's, Naturalization's,
'Soldier Rec's' [Army] Warrants, Wills
Locations & Time Frame:
Jefferson Co., PA
Barnes, Knox Twp, Rose Twp, and Soldier, Winslow Township
Time Frame: 1810 > 1974
Please use this Link for the Chart with the Film Descriptions and Number
And Then:
Search, Catalog, and plug in the DGS Film number of interest from the
Chart in the 'Fiche-Film' slot
Note: If you want to do the searches for yourself:
To acess the Historical Images, log into your FS Account: Click on Search, then at the top of the page: Historical Images:
Enter Location of Interest
Cemetery Records
With the continuing work of volunteers for F~A~G, this page will contain a just link.
There are 174 Cemeteries listed on F~A~G
Other records will be listed as they are located.
St James Lutheran & Methodist Church Cemeteries
Ringold, Jefferson, Pennsylvania
Data Copied: 1950 by Miss Josephine Young, Ogden, Utah
Please use this Link:
Booklet in pdf format
The PA portion of the USGenWeb� Archives has quite a few Cemeteries with Transcriptions
for Jefferson County:
Please use this Link
Family Search has a set of records:
Roll of Honor
Names of soldiers who died in defence of the American Union, interred in...
Please Use This Link - There are 27 Volumes
Ancestry has an interesting collection of Cemetery Databases:

Obituaries There have been a lot of obits transcsribed by the Volunteers for the Jefferson County
portion of the USGenWeb� Archives:
They can be found using this Link.
Obituary Databases & Books: Family Search
PA Obits: 1977-2010
US Obituaries, American His. Soc. of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012
California, Fresno and Napa Counties, Obituaries, 1974-1997
California, Oakland, Alameda County, Newspaper Record Collection, 1985-2011
Idaho, Southeast Counties, Obituaries, 1864 - 2007
Michigan Obituaries, 1820-2006 [FS Dbs]
Arizona, Payson, Obituaries, 1948-2008 [FS Dbs]
"Tidbits from the Big Piney Examiner of Sublette Co., WY"
1912 > 2006 - Some Years Missing
Compiler: Anna Lee Woffinden
Download the Books Here: There are indexes at the end of each book.
The Booklets are full of Obituaries, Death & Funeral Notices
Accidents, and the odd news article about local Pioneers
Obituaries from NewsBank
For these 4 PA Counties:
Allegheny ~ Beaver ~ Jefferson ~ Westmoreland
1983 > 2020 /
Possible Obituaries : California Death Index
California Death Index :
Born in Pennsylvania, died in San Luis Obispo Co., CA
[Possible Obits from the above database]
and... finally
Miscellaneous Vital Records
From the LDS Catalog ~ Sign in for access
Pennsylvania Probate Records: 1683>1994
Will Abstracts: Gen Soc of PA Vol VII [1920] |
Military ~ Crime & Punishment ~ Odds & Ends
Military Records & Resources
War in Pennsylvania
PA Volunteers in the Civil War - Jefferson County
Civil War ~
Civil War Maps ~
War of 1812
Spanish-American War
War of the Revolution
PA Digital Archives ~ War Records ~
Siege of Fort Pitt ~
Military Forts in PA
Internet Archives ~ Misc War Records
US Mexican War Index & Service Records, 1846-1848
Military Records Family Search ~
1890 Veteran's Schedule
Military Headstone Applications ["Died in Jefferson Co." FS Dbs]
Iowa, Armed Forces Grave Registrations, 1835-1998
Compiled Service Military Records
The Internet Archives [] has a huge amount of filmed records.
This link is for Pennsylvania
"Soldiers of the Great War", Vol 3, Pennsylvania
Time Lines for Wars
LDS Catalog
Military Data with a connection to Jefferson County, PA
Life-struggles in rebel prisons : a record of the sufferings, escapes, adventures and starvation of the Union
"prisoners, containing an appendix with the names, regiments, and date of death of Pennsylvania soldiers who died at Andersonville"
Statement of Responsibility:
by Joseph Ferguson ; with an introduction by Joseph T. Cooper
Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1988
Microreproduction of originals published: Philadelphia : J.M. Ferguson, c1865. xxiv, 206 p.
LDS Film # 08812501
A - F: Img 117 - 120 ~ G - L: Img 120 - 123
M - R: Img 123 - 125 ~ S - Z: Img 125 - 128
"Record of the Federal Dead
Buried From:
Libby, Nelle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton Prisons
and at
City Point, and in the Field before Petersburg and Richmond"
Published: US Christian Commission
James B Rodgers, Printers, 1865
There is an Index and an Explanation about the Cemeteries
Download Book from Family Search or
"Soldiers And Patriots Biographical Album Containing Biographies and Portraits of
Soldiers and Loyal Citizens
In the American Conflict, Together with the
Great Commanders of the Union Army"
A History of the Organizations growing out of the War:
The Grand Army of the Republic, The Loyal Legion,
The Sons of Veterans, and The Woman's Relief Corps
Chicago, ILL
Union Veteran Publishing Company, 1892.
There are a great number of Biographies in the above book.
I have gleaned some for Pennsylvania, but there are probably more.
The Complete Index can be found here.
Read online or download here.
Civil War Biographies:
Genealogy Trails Major-General George Brinton Mcclellan ~ Major-General George Gordon Meade
Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock ~ Major-General John W. Geary
Brigadier-General Alexander Hays ~ Major-General John Fulton Reynolds
Lieutenant John T. Greble ~ Rear-Admiral David D. Porter ~Rear-Admiral John A. Dahlgren
Genealogy Trails also has lots of other Pennsylvania Military Data.
Please use this link for access.
"Thanks to Gen Trails" We appreciate You!

Two New Databases:
Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916 [FS] The above set of files is very interesting. There are thousands of records. U.S., Naval Hospital Tickets and Case Papers, 1825-1889 [Ancestry]
Military "Historical Bulletins"
The Historical Bulletin : devoted to patriotism, genealogy and historical research; our ancestors and relatives
and their military achievements
The above magazines are available on FS Books:
Log in, Search: Books: Enter Pennsylvania Military
Then to the left: 'Full Access'
Crime And Punishment
"The Espy Files" PA begins on Pg 275 [US Executions]
Iowa, Consecutive Registers of Convicts, 1867-1970 [Anc Dbs]
Alabama Convicts, 1886 - 1952 [Anc Dbs]
Texas, Convict and Conduct Registers, 1875-1945 [And Dbs]
Miscellaneous Prison & Correctional Institution Records
Family Search Catalog

Odds and Ends
Libraries ~ Archives ~ Newspapers
Pennsylvania State Digital Archives
Pennsylvania State Library
'How to get access to 'Free PA Records on Ancestry'
Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive
There is one Jefferson County Newspaper Listed
The Star , Reynoldsville, 954 Issues
11 May 1892 > 28 December 1910
Library of Congress ~
National Archives
University of Pittsburgh, Digital Library
Pennsylvania Quakers: A lot of great information []
Mining and Land Records
Mining in Pennsylvania
Mining Artifacts
~ Underground Miners
Mining Disasters ~
Knox Mine Disaster
Land Records Guide
Census Records
Records: Indexes & Images
Pennsylvania Mortality Schedules ~
1890 Veteran's & Widow's Census
Population Schedules: Download Rolls of Film
USGW Archives: All Jefferson County Files
Stephen Morse & More
Miscellaneous Gleanings:
PassPort Applications ~
Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959 [FS Dbs]n
California, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1959 Anc Dbs]
New Orleans, Passenger Lists, 1813-1963 [Anc Dbs]
U.S., Departing Passenger and Crew Lists, 1914-1962
[Anc Dbs]
Social Security Applications: 1936>1990 [FS Dbs]
U.S., Chicago and North Western Railroad Employment Records, 1935-1970
[POB: Allegheny, Beaver & Jefferson-Anc Dbs] ]
U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832-1971 [Anc Dbs]
U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection, 1847 - 2015
[Anc Dbs] Note: Ancestry is still updating this dbs,
it has a lot of information available]
Registers of Patients at Naval Hospitals, 1812 - 1934
[Anc Dbs]
Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.)
[Anc Dbs]
Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970
Homes for Disabled Veterans:1866 > 1938 [Anc Dbs]
U.S., List of Interred Soldiers of the U.S. Army, 1827-1889 |
Jefferson County Coordinator:
PAGenWeb State Coordinator:
PAGenWebAssistant State Coordinator (Eastern Counties):
Mary Ann Lubinsky
PAGenWebAssistant State Coordinator (Western Counties):
If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please review our "Volunteer" page and contact us!
There are many ways to participate.
If you have an idea or comment please let us know.
Information contained on all of the pages within the Jefferson County protion of the PAGenWeb may be used
for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due:
Site Updated: 30 December 2023
Online Continuously since 1997
All Rights Reserved
Contact the webmaster
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