Wedding Announcement dated April 25, 1917:
Charles Augustus Moorhead, son of Mrs. J. C. Moorhead of School street and
Miss Helen Geary Logan, daughter of Mrs. James Robert Logan of Philadelphia
street, were quietly married in the home of the bride's mother this afternoon at
3:30 o'clock. The ceremony which was performed by the Rev. Dr. Jesse R.
Zeigler, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, was witnessed by the
immediate members of the two families. Mr. and Mrs. Moorhead left on the 4
o'clock train for a two-months' western trip, the major part of the time being
spent with Mr. and Mrs.Harry W. Wilson, Jr., at their new home in Pasadena,
California. Both going west and returning to Indiana, the couple will visit
points of interest, including the Grand Canyon and Denver. Mr. Moorhead is one
of Indiana's prosperous young business men and is in the coal business. His
bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Logan and has been one of the active members
of the younger social set since the family moved to Indiana several years ago.