Submittedby Michele Napoli
Obits -Elizabeth Hill Steele
Waynesburg Republican
April 24, 1919

Mrs. Elizabeth Hill Steele, widow of James Steele, deceased, died atthe home of her daughter Mrs. J. R. Cross of Waynesburg, Thursday,  April 17, aged 86 years, of paralysis.  She hadbeen an invalid for the past thirteen years from paralysis.  Mrs.Steele was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, deceased, and wasborn at the old Hill homestead two miles west of Waynesburg, on January5, 1833.  After her marriage she resided for a number of years atWest Liberty, W. Va., and later the family removed to Waynesburg, Mr. Steele for some time having charge of the Hotel Walton.  Afterthe death of her husband Mrs. Steele resided in Pittsburg for severalyears then removed to Waynesburg and made her home with herdaughter.  She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and washighly esteemed.  Her husband died twenty-three years ago. The following children survive:  Mr. J. R. Cross of Waynesburg;James Steele of Center Township; Mrs. N. C. Woodruff, this county; Mrs.Belle Murray of Pittsburg; Charles B. Steele of Pittsburgh, and ThomasH. Steele of Cincinnatus, N.Y.  She also leaves three sisters,Mrs. Samuel Scott, of Waynesburg; Mrs. E. R. Throckmorton ofWaynesburg; Mrs. Florence Campbell of Pittsburg, and tow brothers,Thomas Hill of Amblersburg, W. Va., and James Hill of nearWaynesburg.  The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon,conducted by the Rev. R. M. Patterson.  Interment in Green MountCemetery.