Fayette County Genealogy Project

Franklin School is Dedicated; Reunion Held

The Morning Herald, Monday September 30, 1929
Uniontown, Fayette County, Pennsylvania
Hundreds Attend Program Given in Presbyterian Church
Old Pupils Present; History and Roll Read

Dedication of the new Franklin township school near Waltersburg and the first Annual Fund reunion of teachers and pupils of the school, were held together Saturday. Approximately five hundred persons attended the affair which began in the morning with a cafeteria luncheon being served at noon.

George C. Allen of Uniontown, president of the Reunion organization, which was formed about six weeks ago at the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, was in charge throughout the day. The programs were given in the Franklin Presbyterian church near the school. R. B. Barner is supervising principal of the township schools. Steve Barrick is principal of the school, which was burned last February and completed a short time before the opening of the present term. The dedicatory program began at 10 o’clock. Children of the school contributed to the program.

Music for the day was furnished by the Uniontown Martial Band comprised of John Keener, Clark Foster, John Hormell and Russell Craft of Uniontown and C. C. Collins and family of Vanderbilt. Miss Grace Collins sang a solo, and she and her sister, Ethel May, sang a duet. A brother, Clarendon, played the drums in the orchestra, while Miss Ethel played the bass viol and Mr. Collins played the cornet. Miss Miller was their accompanist at the piano.

The noon luncheon was served under the supervision of Mrs. John B. Frasher of Smock, Mrs. William Murphy, Mrs. Ottis Rittenhouse, Mrs. James P.

(Continued on Page Thirteen)

NOTE: Much of the left side of the first column on page 13 reproduced below is missing. Where I cannot guess what the missing words are, I have entered ‘XXX’. – James G. Gottling


XXX n, Mrs. Harold Blaney and Mrs. XXX Townsend of Uniontown.

XXX afternoon program began at 2 XXX with Mr. Allen referring to the XXX of John S. Rittenhouse followed XXX prayer by the Rev. E. J. Knepshield, pastor of the Redstone Presbyterian church. History of the school read by M. E. Townsend of Un XXX who called the roll of former XXX of the school. Two hundred answered the roll call.

XXX combined dedicatory and reunion XXX was given by Judge D. W. XXX erson of Uniontown and short XXX were made by W. H. Cook, Uniontown; Dr. J. L. Cochran, Connellsville and John Lilley of Newton, XXX all former pupils of the school. XXX urday’s affair was the largest XXX ing of its kind ever held in the XXX ship, it is reported. Among the XXX pupils present were Thomas XXX, 78, of Connellsville; Mrs. XXX rt Flenniken, 80, Uniontown and XXX others who are advancing to XXX he 80-year mark.

XXX sting Mr. Allen in arranging for XXX fair were John B. Frasher, XXX, vice-president; John A. Allen, XXX , secretary; Miss Jane Rankin, XXX own, treasurer and M. E. Town- XXX Uniontown, historian.

XXX story of the school together XXX he names of teachers and pupils XXX the present term were read by XXX Townsend


XXX nklin school, situated in Franklin township, Fayette county on the XXX urgh, Uniontown, Morgantown XXX 0 miles north of Uniontown, XXX lles south of Perryopolis. The XXX as well as the township and XXX nnity has many historic rememb- XXX s. In years past this community XXX as composed of farmers who XXX large bodies of land, many XXX large farms, viz: Shotwells, XXX s, Goes, Shearers Rittenhouses, XXX s, Cooks, Bursons, Pattersons, XXX and Allens. In XXX days of these pioneers the school XXX em differed from today, no XXX only by subscription. Some of XXX more able parents employed a XXX er who helped with the other XXX and taught the children. Lat- XXX e subscription school was insti- XXX. Only three months of school XXX attended during the year. Franklin township was one of the nine XXX nal townships of Fayette county XXX ed in 1783. Subscription school XXX inued until 1834.

The first building was a log school house equipped with benches, XXX backs and crudely constructed and XXX t uncomfortable. This building XXX inued in use until the year 1830, XX en a brick school building replaced XXX The second building was used XXX il 1867 or 1868 when the third building was constructed. The brick XXX this building was made on the XXX m of John Patterson, who also had XXX contract for its erection, the farm XXX owned by Allen Ridlinghafer XXX own for years as the Squire Mat- XXX ew Arison Farb. This building continued in use until the spring of the present year, when it was destroyed by fire and replaced this year. By the new two-room brick building XXX the board of education for the township, composed of T. Ben Byers, XXX b M. Johnston, Wm. Galley, Joel Strong and James P. Hazen.

"The school building seems to have never lost its original location, XXX e four buildings occupying almost the same grounds, the history of which is quite interesting. Two and one-half miles west of these school grounds near Smock Station for many years stood the old Redstone Baptist church building. During an annual meeting of Redstone Baptist Association held in this church in 1823, Alexander Campbell, one of the leading ministers of the denomination, dissented and withdrew from the body, XXX uking his followers with him below the church, 'now a dwelling owned and occupied by Finley McCormick,' XXX e standing on a large rock declared his belief and holdings, and established at that time the Canpbellite church, which body bore his name for many years, later know as the Disciples, and today as the Christian church, a strong body of more than one million communicants."

"The title to the school grounds has been in dispute for many years but by referring to Deed Book No. 6, Page 426 in Register of Deeds office in the Uniontown courthouse makes this matter clear, which reads as follows: "Deed dated December 20, 1829. William Slater, High Sheriff of Fayette county to Aaron Brewer, a certain tract of land excepting ninety-eight one-hundredth acres, to the Campbellite Baptist meeting house and school house." Also the same reserve was made in the identical wording in deed made by Aaron Brewer to Isaac Allen dated April 5, 1851, it being later the property of Addison Allen, now John Allen. This piece of land as. Has what is known as a Tomahawk title, viz: a piece of land where the original was secured by marking the trees by blazing them with a tomahawk, taking possession thereby making a title as secure as if obtained by patent. The church building known as the Franklin Campbellite church was destroyed by fire a few years ago and reading on the grave markers the names of many of the old adherents may be found: In the year 1856 a political organization known as the ‘Know Nothing Party’ was formed, it continuing for some time. The principles of this organization was ‘know nothing but the Union, know nothing but America.’ It was a wartime party, and the records as kept by secretary, Addison Allen, were stolen from the school building after having been broken into and the secret papers made public. History states this party was broken up in Western Pennsylvania."

"Near these historic grounds are many remembrances. Just south a short distance stood the old blacksmith shop. On the opposite side of the road was the Stimmell Inn, where the proprietor, Susie Stimmell, sold XX Ale. The reputation of this drink extended far and wide and her patronage was heavy. Just below the same road was the Washington Hess cooper shop, where the barrels and brooms were made. Continuing down the same road was the residence of Preacher Adah Winnett, who expounded the gospel to the Hard Shell Baptists. On the road leading west almost in sight stood the old Hazen cider mill. The squeak of it could be heard for miles. We fancy we see the big heavy beam; it produced a great stimulant for butchering and sheep washing. Then below was the big sugar camps of the Hazens and Pattersons, who made great quantities of sugar and molasses. On the hill above lived John Reed, the greatest millwright of his day, and his family of eight children had the longest distance to school. Below was John Burton who every year bought the wool produced in this community."

"Tippecanoe, or Cooks Hollow, two miles west, was the Cooks flour mill where hundreds of bushels of wheat was ground into flour and made into bread by the mothers of the community. At one end stood the sawmill, straight up and down saw. At the other side Cooks factory where was made the goods for the clothing of the neighborhood; also blankets and yarns, the farmers taking their wool to be made up on shares, or be paid for. The Cooks owned and operated these plants. Daniel Binns kept the store, John Marsh the postoffice, Dr. John H. Davidson did the doctoring and Ed Whetsell made the harness and Old Billy Seldon made the apple barrels; Billy Chesler, Caleb Frey and Watson Murphy made the cane molasses known as sorghum."

"On the east two and one-half miles was Flatwoods postoffice where we all went for our mail, the weekly paper, and the receiver paid the postage on his letters. On the Perryopolis road one mile east was the home of Major Patterson, a tract of 470 acres of land, where was held the general musters; also on this farm was the first steam circular sawmill ever seen in this locality, owned and operated by Milton Patterson and James Stimmell. Out from this school has gone two classes into life, the useful and the useless. Among the former we have the greater number. We find this school has furnished the following: Judge Davis Woodward Henderson; Superintendent of Public Schools of Fayette County W. H. Cook; Superintendent of Public Schools of Seattle, Wash., Mack Layhew; County Commissioner Thomas Hazen, Sr.; Fayette county’s leading auctioneer George C. Allen. The following medical doctors: Dr. James Leeper Cochran, Connellsville; Dr. Jesse O. Arnold, Philadelphia; Dr. Eli Phillips and Dr. Levi Beal, deceased; one preacher, Rev. Matthew Patterson, U. P. minister, New York City."

"In the beginning and for a number of years only two branches were taught, reading and arithmetic. Four of the books used are in possession of Miss Rebecca Patterson of Connellsville, being the property of her father, Proudfit Patterson, who attended his last term of school in the year 1841, Sammy Blaney, teacher. English reader by Lindley Murray, dated 1816; Western Calculator, published in Pittsburgh, 1823. Some of the subjects treated are as follows: Reduction of Vulgar Fractions; Barter; Alligatons; Single Fellowship; Single Rule of Three."

"Later on we find that some of the scholars accomplished a very difficult task, in that or the present day, viz: Geo. C. Allen, Rebecca Patterson, D. H. Cook, Anna Baird and Clara Cook, completed Rays Olneys and Brooks Higher Arithmetic, also the Mental Arithmetic of the same authors, being able to solve every problem contained there."

"Pierce Gween, Ira Lilley and William Bradman competed in Fayette and Westmoreland counties for the championship in spelling and won the prize, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, offered and competed for in California State Normal."

"The writer of this history has only been able under the most difficult conditions to compile you this record, as all the old records were destroyed or was unable to obtain, and the fire in destroying the school building also destroyed the later records. We wish to thank all who in any way helped in obtaining this history as the securing of the list of scholars, viz: 594, and the 59 teachers, was a long, tedious and exacting task."

The roll of teachers and pupils as called by Mr. Townsend follows:

Teachers of Franklin school – Samuel Blaney, A. C. Nutt, William McVey, William Strickler, Louis Hess, David H. Wakefield, Thomas Hazen, Sr., Samuel Colvin, John Johnson, Harriet Riggs, Joseph Miller, Jennie Cook Turner, Ervin Hall, William Allen, Rebecca McLaughlin, Clayton Parkhill, Elma Feuster, Pierce Gween, William Graham, Joseph McKee, Jasper T. King, Frank Rothruck, Enoch Arison, William Lynn, Mack Layhew, John McLoughlin, Mary Wright Dodd, Ella Reed Vandervort, Wilbur Dunn, Anna Garee Swartz, William Campbell, Ola Lang, Lula Carrol, J. Elmer Arison, James G. Robinson, Howard Dunn, Lucy Randolph, Ethel Byers, Nathaniel Byers, Mrs. Breese, Lincoln Rugg, Jeremiah Boyd, Mary Vanpelt, Ida Schobert, Blanch Strawn, Carl Allen, Hazel Allen, Anna Seese, Pearl Mundorf, Jacob Lynch, James Brock, Harriet Brock, Benjamin Hazen, Jr., Gladys Kreger, Edith Johnson Byers, James Hazen, Jr., Hazel Lewin Brownfield, Steve Barrack, Emma Cramer. Total 59.

Pupils of Franklin school–George C. Allen, Robert Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Hannah Murphy Allen, Colonal Allen Jasper Allen, John Allen, Ethel Duff Allen, Carroll Allen, Pearl Allen, Hazel Allen, Marie Pollock Allen, Freda Allen, Paul Allen, Laverna Flery Allen, Rowenna Allen, Ralph Allen, Davis Arison, Samuel Arison, William Arison, Hickman Arison, Jane Arison, Charles Arison, Enoch Arison, Elmer Arison, Roxy Wilhelm Arison, George Armstrong, Mary Townsend Armstrong, Harriet Bute Armstrong, John Armstrong, William Armstrong, William Armstrong, Leora Davidson Armstrong, Jesse Arnold, Anna Arnold, Leroy Arnold, Clara Allison, Lloyd Allison, Kate Bradman, William Bradman, Sr.; George Bradman, Anneta Reed Bradman, June Bradman, William Bradman, Jr., John Bradman, Clarence Bradman, Harry Bradman, Seldon Bradman, George Bradman, Jr., John Bradman, Sr., Margaret Bradman, Ann Hall Bradman, Bessie Bradman, Chads Bradman, Robert Bradman, Levi Beal, Cooper F. Byers, Thomas Burton, Jonathan Burton, Florence Burton, Ernest Burton, Wilson Burton, Clyde Burton, Bessie Burton, George Brock, John Brock, Frank Brock, Anna Brock, Anna Baird, Charles Baird, Dovey Beaman, Addison Beaman, Elmer Beaman, William Beaman, Clem Beaman, Harold Blaney, Ralph Blaney, Louis Blastie, Violet Burchell, Aribell Burchell, Margaret Burchell, John Burchell, James Brink, Lorraine Brink, Robert Baughman, Mary Strickler Blair, Alex Boyd, Margaret Crable, Hannah Crable, Chintz Crable, Anna Crable, John Chesler, Jacob Chesler, Alvey Chesler, George Chesler, Harriet Stone Chesler, Fred Chesler, Jennie Turner Cook, Susan Cook, Elizabeth Shearer Cook, John Cook, William Cook, Esther Patterson Cook, David Cook, Clara Cook, George Cook, Foster Cook, Henry Cook, Sarah Sisley Cook, Dorothy Cunningham, Edward Conn, Mildred Carr, Lavina Carr, Louise Chubboy, Louise Capanna, Tony Capanna, Ross Colley, Jessie Galloway Colley, Freeman Cooper, William Cooper, Bessie Gillande Cooper, Mary Collet, Henry Collet, Oscar Collet, Edward Collet, Alice Collet, Rose Collet, Kate Allen Courtney, Bert Courtney, James Courtney, Mary Curtley, Cyrus Curtley, John Curtley, Bert Duff, Walter Duff, Maude Duff, Hugh Duff, Porcill Dunn, Dr. J. L. Cochran, Susan Dennis, William Dennis, James Dennis, Fred Dennis, Edward Dennis, Tacy Dennis, George Dennis, Arthur Frasher, Fielden Frasher, Jennie Frasher, Melvina Scott Frasher, Elle Frasher, Alex Fleming, Mordecai Fleming, Selina Fleming, Harris Fleming, John Fleming, Guy Fleming, Emma Dunn Fleming, Ray Fleming, Kathryn Fleming, Jacob Fleming, William Freeman, Florence Fortney, May Fuller, Anna Lou Fuller, Emerson Fuller, Ewing Fuller, Russell Gibson, Aurelia (Essington) Gibson, Orpha Ghrist, Thomas Ghrist, Joseph Ghrist, Susan Ghrist, Emma Ghrist, Harriet Ghrist, Jacob Ghrist, Frank Ghrist, Frank Ghrist, Erwin Ghrist, James Ghrist, Hannah Campbell, Etta and Ella Greer, Willard Gillen, Howard Gillen, Mildred Gillen, Leona Gillen, George Gillen, Violet Gillen, Donald Gillen, Edward Gillen, Alberta Gillen, Clara Gillen, Alice Grove, Benjamin Grove, John Gephart, Olive Gephart, Clyde Gephart, Rose Gisnock, John Gisnock, Joseph Gisnock, Kathryn Gisnock, Scott Gamille, Emma Gamille, J. Frank Gamille, Duane Gray, Florence Garee, Maud Garee, Genevieve Gaskill, Charles D. Garee, Pierce Gween, Thomas Hazen, Sr., Benjamin Hazen, Sr., George Hazen, Harriet Murphy Hazen, Phoebe Arnold Hazen, Dorcas Henshaw Hazen, Bell Allen Hazen, Elizabeth Jones Hazen, Abraham Hazen, James Hazen, Annetta Phillips Hazen, Ella Shearer Hazen, William Hazen, Leora Dunn Hazen, James Hazen, Jr., Benjamin Hazen, Jr., Thomas Hazen, Jr., Dorcas Rittenhouse Hazen, Thomas Hazen, Rachel Rankin Hill, Nert Hill, Edward Harvey, Chester Harvey, Ollie Harvey, Fesley Harvey, Addie Harvey, Andy Harper, Anna Harper, Arnold Harper, Lilley McCormick Harper, Cariara Arison Harper, Freeman Haggerty, William Haggerty, Elias Heath, Mary Heath, John Hess, Elizabeth Hess, Sallie Hess, Essio Hess, Davis W. Henderson, Isaac Henderson, Mary Keener Henderson, Edward Hock, Charles Hock, Harry Hock, Cathryn Hock, William Hock, May Hornbeck, Mary Hornbeck, Grace Hornbeck, Guy Hornbeck, Ethel Hice, Samuel Hice, Samuel Hare, Christ Hare, Minerva Johnson, Vera Johnson, Viola Johnson, Jennie Addis Johnson, Roxy Johnson, Lizzie Conn Johnson, William Johnson, William Jerdon, Ray Jerdon, Robert Jerdon, Mary Jerdon, Ruth Kirk, Mary Keffer, George Keffer, Richard Keffer, Ralph Keffer, Raymond Keffer, Joe Kukan, Anna Kukan, Mary Krucosky, Oliver Krepps, Louis Krepps, Mary Black Krepps, Caroline Risbeck Krepps, John Koglosky, Joe Koglosky, Mildred Koglosky, Victor Koglosky, Albert Koglosky, Albert Koglosky, John Inlins, Victor Inlins, Toney Inlins, Abner Lynn, Ayers Lynn, Wesley Lynn, Hester Miller Lynn, Caroline Lynn, Harriet Lynn, William Lynn, Eli Lynn, Mary Lynn, Elmer Larew, Martin Larew, Edward Little, Charlie Little, Walter Little, Sylvia Little, Harriet Little, John Linchack, Elizabeth Linchack, Annie Linchack, Martha Long, Mack Lahew, Holmes McCloy, Edward McCloy, Cora McCloy, Ida McCloy, Harriet Linderman McCloy, Humphrey Morris, Lemuel Morris, Charles Morris, Samuel Morris, William Morris, Robert Morris, Aaron Morris, Albert Morris, Anna Morris, Elias Morris, Bessie Elder Morris, Harriet Morris, Charles Morris, Kate Morris, William Morris, Emanuel Morris, Jabes Morris, James Morris, Edward Morris, Gertrude Morris, Watson Murphy, William Murphy, Reba Moore Murphy, Blanch Murphy, Viva Luce Murphy, Mary Murphy, Plezzie Murphy, Inez Murphy, Andy Murphy, Harriet Hazen Murphy, Elma Meyers, William Mills, John Mills, Eppa Mooney, Harriet Murtland, Prudy Murtland, Rhoda Murtland, Mary Jane Murtland, John Mincer, John Moody, Bell McCormick, William McCormick, Minnie McGowan, Enza McGown, Minta Morris, Rhoda Morris, Anna Miller, John Miller, Ewing Miller, Harold Miller, Leo Macan, Joe Muzica, Gertrude Murphey, Mildred Murphey, William May, Isaac May, Hester Jacobs, Harry Jacobs, Frank Jacobs, Charles Jacobs, Lesley Nichols, Alex Nichols, Donald Orbin, Betty Orbin, Mary Henshaw Martin, Preston Martin, Edna Martin, John Byron Martin, Bertha Piersol, William Perkins, James Perkins, Ada Parker, William Poplarcheck, Emil Poplarcheck, Florence Poplarcheck, William Paige, Carroll Paige, James Patterson, Lester Patterson, Anna Flenniken Patterson, Clara Patterson, Mitchell Patterson, Sarah Parkhill Patterson, Rebecca Patterson, Martha Patterson, Matthew Patterson, Mary Johnston Patterson, Ernest Patterson, Jessie Patterson, William Patterson, Callie Patterson, Hattie Patterson, Robert Patterson, Matthew Patterson, Sr., Flora McMullen Patterson, James Patterson, Sr., Sarah Patterson, Andrew Proudfit, James Proudfit, Lute Proudfit, Elizabeth Milton Proudfit, Hannah Proudfit, James Proudfit, William Proudfit, Robert Proudfit, Hugh Proudfit, John Proudfit, Elizabeth Stimmel Proudfit, Clarissa Murphy Proudfit, Flora Proudfit, Elizabeth Proudfit, Ellen Proudfit, Matthew Proudfit, Edna Proudfit, Nora Proudfit, Carrie Doudin Proudfit, Minnie Powell, Ira Powell, Lilley Powell, Eli Phillips, Ira Lilley, John Lilley, Joe Lilley, William Lilley, Robert Lilley, Nora Lilley, Myrtle Lilley, William Lilley, Ruth Lilley, Floyd Lilley, Emma Lilley, Frank Lilley, Martha Hough Haney, Annie Haney, Elizabeth Haney, Nora Haney, Ella Appleby Haney, Aaron Ridlinghafer, Anna Rancosky, Paul Rancosky, Sadie Stimmel Ritenour, Charlie Rose, Ben Rose, Francis Rogosky, Santford Rhodeback, Burd Rogan, Edna Rutter, Walter Rutter, Kent Russell, Louisa Russell, John Raymond, Bertha Raymond, Netta Rankin, Jane Rankin, Jack Stimmel, Jennie Stimmel, Martha Snyder Stimmel, Julia Shackelford, Joe Strawn, Alice Rittenhouse, John Rittenhouse, Clayton Rittenhouse, Ottis Rittenhouse, John Reed, Emma Fuller Reed, Chintia Reed, Elizabeth Lewis Reed, Eta Vanderwort Reed, Sarah Murphy Reed, James Reed, Frank Reed, James Oglevee, Annie Oglevee, Mary Oglevee, Isaac Oglevee, Lula Oglevee, Francis Oglevee, Ray Strickler, Willis Strickler, Paul Strickler, Dewain Strickler, Bell Cooper Strickler, Bertha Cooper Strickler, Ella Harper Strickler, Emma Bute Strickler, Stewart Strickler, John Strickler, Emily Barner Strickler, Gadd Smith, Mary Bell Smith, Dateman Smith, Lilley Smith, William Short, John Short, Lafayette Short, Nelson Short, May Schroyer, Kate Flemming Shearer, Emmanuel Shearer, Fred Shearer, Emma Shearer, Jessie Shearer, John Shearer, Harry Shearer, Benjamin Shearer, David Steward, Andy Steward, Aaron Steward, Finley Steward, Charles Smith, Frank Smith, Jennie Smith, Ben Sisley, James Sisley, Hezekiah Smith, Charles Smith, Alice Smith, Hannah Smith, Catharine Goe Shotwell, Savannah Cope Shotwell, Rosetta Smith Shotwell, Emily Shearer Shotwell, Harriet Timms, Goldie Timms, George Tonkovich, Tony Tonkovich, Reed Vandervort, Lula Vandervort, Allen D. Shaffer, Phoebe Stevens Shaffer, Clayton Shelkey, Cora Allen Watson, Mary Brown Watson, Pearl Watson, Elizabeth Boyer Watson, Rena Arnett Watson, Nancy Bell Watson, Louie Nusbaumer Woodward, Walter Woodward, George Wagner, Martha Wagner, Dave Wagner, Mose Wolfe, George Wolfe, Bill Wolfe, Jacob Wolfe, Diana Piersol Wolfe, Elizabeth Wolfe, Margaret Wolfe, Tish Wheeler, Berdie Whetzel, Gladys Wilson, Ottis Wilson Louis Wilson, Chares White, John White, Hulda White, George White, Percy Wise, Elizabeth Walters, Sarah Walters, Bert Wilson.