Ache Farm Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Acklin Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Allen Farm Cem., Franklin Twp.
Associate Reformed Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Ball Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Beaver Creek Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Bethel Church of Christ Cem., Lower Tyrone Twp.
Bethel Memorial Park, Wharton Twp.
Bethelboro Presbyterian Church Cem., North Union Twp.
Bidwell Cem., Stewart Twp.
Bigham Cem., Springfield Twp.
Bird/Burd Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Blacksmith #6 Cem., Perryopolis
Blosser Cagey Cem., Springhill Twp.
Boal Family Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Bowell Jones Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Bowman Flatwoods Cem., Franklin Twp.
Boyd Family Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Boyd Mitchell Family Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Braddock Grave, Wharton Twp.
Breading Family Cem., Redstone Twp.
Brick Church Cem., Springhill Twp.
Bridgeport Cem., Brownsville
Brooks Family Cem., Springfield Twp.
Brothers Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Brown Cem. #1, German Twp.
Brown Cem. #2, German Twp.
Brown Cem., Wharton Twp.
Brownfield Cem., Smithfield
Brownfield Family Cem., South Union Twp.
Brownfield Jennings Cem., Georges Twp.
Bryan Methodist Cem., Lower Tyrone Twp.
Bryner Farm Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Bryner Ridge Cem., Stewart Twp.
Buchannan Woodward Cem., German Twp.
Buncic Cem., Springhill Twp.
Burnsworth Family Cem., Stewart Twp.
Carroll Cem., Wharton Twp. (Dinner Bell Rd)
Carroll Cem., Wharton Twp. (Wirsing Rd)
Cedar Grove Cem., Springhill Twp.
Chalfant Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Chalk Hill Cem., Wharton Twp.
Chestnut Hill Cem., Connellsville
Chrise Family Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Christ Episcopal Cem., Brownsville
Clare Cem., Springhill Twp.
Clearview Cem., Uniontown
Cochran Cem., Lower Tyrone Twp.
Cole Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Collins Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Collins Cem., Springfield Twp.
Conn Family Cem., Georges Twp.
Connell Family Cem., Connellsville Twp.
Conwell Family Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Cove Run Cem. (New), North Union Twp.
Cove Run Cem. (Old), North Union Twp.
Crawford Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Cromwell Cem., Wharton Twp.
Cummings Cem., Springfield Twp.
Dan Snyder Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Davidson Williams Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Dearth Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Dickerson Family Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Dickerson Run Union Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Dickey Cem., Springfield Twp.
Dietz Cem., Springfield Twp.
Dunlap Burial Ground, German Twp.
Dunlap's Creek Presbyterian Cem., Redstone Twp.
East Liberty Presbyterian Cem., Vanderbilt
Edenborn Cem., German Twp.
Eutsey Cem. (New), Saltlick Twp.
Eutsey Cem. (Old), Saltlick Twp.
Evergreen Memorial Park, Springhill Twp.
Fairchance Cem., Georges Twp.
Fairview Cem., North Union Twp.
Fairview Church of the Brethren Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Fairview Community Church Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Fairview United Methodist Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Falls Cem., Perryopolis
Fayette City Public Cem., Fayette City
Fayette County Cem. (New), North Union Twp.
Fayette County Cem. (Old), South Union Twp.
Felgar Cem., Saltlick Twp.
First Christian Church Cem., Redstone Twp.
Foor Family Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Franklin Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Fulton Knob Cem., North Union Twp.
Gallatin Grave, Springhill Twp.
Gallentine Family Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Gates Shacklett Cem., Georges Twp.
Glade Cem., Stewart Twp.
Goe Family Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Good Hope Lutheran Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Grable Cem., Redstone Twp.
Grace Chapel Episcopal Cem., Menallen Twp.
Great Bethel Baptist Cem., Uniontown
Green Lane Cem., Brownsville
Greenbrier Cem., Stewart Twp.
Greendale Mennonite Cem., German Twp.
Greenlick Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Green Ridge Mem. Pk., Bullskin Twp.
Griffin Family Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Griffith Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Grimm Family Cem., Springfield Twp.
Grove Church Cem., Georges Twp.
Hansel Family Cem., Wharton Twp.
Hardin Family Cem., Springhill Twp.
Hardin/Harding Cem., Georges Twp.
Harmony Presbyterian Cem., Perry Twp.
Hay Smalley Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Haydentown Christian Church Cem., Georges Twp.
Hebrew Cem. Assoc., North Union Twp.
Hickman Chapel Cem., Stewart Twp.
Hill Grove Cem., Connellsville
Hillview Cem., Springfield Twp.
Hinebaugh Umbel Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Historic Presbyterian Public Cem., Uniontown
Holland Family Cem., Stewart Twp.
Holt Family Cem., Springhill Twp.
Holy Rosary Cem., Redstone Twp.
Holy Society Cem., North Union Twp.
Holy Trinity Cem., Connellsville Twp.
Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cem., German Twp.
Honsaker Johnson Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Hopewell Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Hopewell Presbyterian Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Hopwood Cem., North Union Twp.
Horner Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Hughes Cem. #1, Dunbar Twp.
Hughes Cem. #2, Dunbar Twp.
Hughes Cem. #3, Dunbar Twp.
Hull Cem., Wharton Twp.
Humberston Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Imel Cem., Springfield Twp.
Indian Creek Baptist Cem., Springfield Twp.
Irwin Memorial Cem., Stewart Twp.
Jacob's Evan. Luth. Cem., German Twp.
Jake Miller Cem., Stewart Twp.
John Allen Cem., Stewart Twp.
Johnson Chapel Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Jones Family Cem., Georges Twp.
Jumonville Cem., North Union Twp.
Keefer Family Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Keslar Cem., Saltlick Twp.
King Cem., Springfield Twp.
King Cem., Upper Tyrone Twp.
Knopsnider Cem. (New), Bullskin Twp.
Knopsnider Cem. (Old), Bullskin Twp.
Lafayette Mem. Pk., Redstone Twp.
Lambie Cem., Stewart Twp.
Laurel Hill Presbyterian Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Laws Cem., Springfield Twp.
Lecky Cem., German Twp.
Leighty Family Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Leonard Cem., Stewart Twp.
Lettermann Cem., Georges Twp.
Lieb Cem., Wharton Twp.
Lincoln Family Cem., North Union Twp.
Liston Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Liston Cem., Stewart Twp.
Littell Custead Family Cem., South Union Twp.
Little Arlington Cem., Springhill Twp.
Little Redstone Presbyterian Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Little Redstone United Methodist Cem., Washington Twp.
Lowe Cem., Georges Twp.
Lynn Point Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Lyons Cem., Springhill Twp.
Mack Farm Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Maple Grove Cem., Georges Twp.
Maple Summit Cem., Stewart Twp.
Masontown Cem., Masontown
Maust Cem., Wharton Twp.
McClelland Gravesite, German Twp.
McClellandtown Presbyterian Cem., German Twp.
Melcroft Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Methodist Episcopal Cem., Masontown
Methodist Episcopal Cem., Uniontown
Miller Sisler Cem., Georges Twp.
Miner Cem., Springfield Twp.
Mitchell Cem., Stewart Twp.
Moore Family Cem., Uniontown
Moore Hess Cem., Redstone Twp.
Morris Family Cem., Stewart Twp.
Mt. Auburn Cem., Fayette City
Mt. Auburn Cem. (New), Dunbar Twp.
Mt. Auburn Cem. (Old), Dunbar Twp.
Mt. Calvary Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Cem., Smithfield
Mt. Moriah Presbyterian Cem., Springhill Twp.
Mt. Nebo Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Mt. Olive Brethren Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Mt. St. Macrina Cem., North Union Twp.
Mt. Sterling Cem., German Twp.
Mt. Tabor Cem., Springfield Twp.
Mt. Vernon Methodist Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Mt. View Mem. Pk., South Union Twp.
Mt. Washington Cem., Perry Twp.
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Cem., Wharton Twp.
Mt. Zion Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Mt. Zion Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Moyer Family Cem., Wharton Twp.
Moyer Umble Cem., Wharton Twp.
Myers Frazee Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Nicholson Family Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Nickelson Cem., Springfield Twp.
Normalville Cem., Springfield Twp.
Oak Grove Cem., South Union Twp.
Oak Grove Cem., Springhill Twp.
Oak Hill Baptist Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Oak Lawn Cem., South Union Twp.
Old Dunkard Cem., Lower Tyrone Twp.
Old Jewish Cem., Brownsville
Old Laurel Hill Presbyterian Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Old Stone House Cem., Nicholson Twp.
Park Place Cem., North Union Twp.
Pennsville Baptist Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Pennsville Independent Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Pennsville Mennonite Cem., Upper Tyrone Twp.
Pleasant Hill Cem., Springfield Twp.
Pleasant View IOOF Cem., Smithfield
Pleasant View Presbyterian Cem., Franklin Twp.
Point Marion Cem., Springhill Twp.
Point of Rocks Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Price Cem., Georges Twp.
Providence Quaker Cem., Perry Twp.
Quaker Cem., Redstone Twp.
Rayle Collins Cem., Menallen Twp.
Redstone Cem., Brownsville
Rhodes Swaney Cem., Georges Twp.
Rice Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Rich Hill Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Roberts Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Roebuck Cem., Dunbar
Rush Family Cem., Stewart Twp.
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Sadler Cem., Point Marion
St. Agnes Roman Catholic Cem., German Twp.
St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Cem., Dunbar Twp.
St. Cecilia Cem., North Union Twp.
St. Cecilia Cem., Redstone Twp.
St. Emory's Roman Catholic Cem. (New), Connellsville Twp.
St. Emory's Roman Catholic Cem. (Old), Connellsville
St. Hedwig Cem., Franklin Twp.
St. John the Baptist Byzantine Cem., North Union Twp.
St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Cem., Uniontown
St. John's Cem., Dunbar Twp.
St. John's Roman Catholic Cem., Perry Twp.
St. Joseph's Polish Catholic Cem., Upper Tyrone Twp.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cem., Georges Twp.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cem., North Union Twp.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cem. (New), Connellsville Twp.
St. Mary's Cem., Redstone Twp.
St. Mary's Nativity Orthodox Cem., German Twp.
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cem., Brownsville
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cem., German Twp.
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cem., North Union Twp.
St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Cem., Brownsville
St. Nicholas Greek Catholic Cem., Perry Twp.
St. Peter's Historic Cem., Brownsville
St. Peter's National Pike Cem., Redstone Twp.
St. Procopius Roman Catholic Cem., German Twp.
St. Raymond's Roman Catholic Cem., Saltlick Twp.
St. Rita's Roman Catholic Cem., Connellsville Twp.
St. Stephen's Byzantine Catholic Cem., Dunbar Twp.
St. Thomas Roman Catholic Cem., German Twp.
St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Salem View Cem., Menallen Twp.
Sands Cem., Stewart Twp.
Sandy Hill Quaker Cem., Menallen Twp.
Sansom Chapel Cem., Wharton Twp.
Scarlett Knob Cem., Stewart Twp.
Seneff Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Sessler Farm Cem., Georges Twp.
Shaffer Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Shearer Cem., Jefferson Twp.
Shultz Family Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Sloneker Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Snider Cem., Redstone Twp.
Sparks Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Spaw Family Cem., Wharton Twp.
Spear Cem., Stewart Twp.
Springhill Furnace Cem., Springhill Twp.
Stateline Cem., Springhill Twp.
Stevens Family Cem., Franklin Twp.
Steyer Cem., Springfield Twp.
Stirling Cem., German Twp.
Stouffer Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Strickler Cem., Dunbar Twp.
Strickler Porter Cem., Upper Tyrone Twp.
Studebaker Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Sugar Grove Cem., Stewart Twp.
Sugar Loaf Cem., Stewart Twp.
Sunset View Memorial Cem., Wharton Twp.
Swaney Cem., Georges Twp.
Swearingen Family Cem., North Union Twp.
Sweitzer Husak Family Cem., Bullskin Twp.
Sylvan Heights Cem., North Union Twp.
Tent Presbyterian Church Cem., Georges Twp.
Thomas Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Thomas Cem., North Union Twp.
Thomas Conneway Loudermilk Cem., Markleysburg
Thompson Farm Cem., South Union Twp.
Tinker Ridge Cem., Wharton Twp.
Tinkey Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Tressler Cem., Stewart Twp.
Tyrone Presbyterian Cem., Lower Tyrone Twp.
Ulery Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Umbel Cem., Henry Clay Twp.
Uniondale Cem., Georges Twp.
Unknown Cem., Franklin Twp.
Unknown Cem., Saltlick Twp.
Unknown Cem., Wharton Twp.
Upper Middletown Meth. Cem., Menallen Twp.
Van Sickle Cem., Wharton Twp.
Vance Cem., Upper Tyrone Twp.
Virgin Cem., Luzerne Twp.
Visitation Roman Catholic Cem., Wharton Twp.
Walnut Hill Meth. Cem., Georges Twp.
West Bend Cem., Luzerne Twp.
West Side Hill Cem., Connellsville
White Rock Cem., Georges Twp.
Woodbridge Union Cem., Georges Twp.
Woodlawn Cem., Brownsville
Workman Rush Cem., Wharton Twp.
Workman Wilson Cem., Wharton Twp.
Zaring Matthews Cem., North Union Twp.