Fayette County Genealogy Project

From Beers Biographical: page 1120:
Contributed by Karen Souhrada 

[Samuel Hagerty; shown in “Beers” as Haggarty]

"Robert Haggarty is a son of ...

Samuel Haggarty, who was born in County Down, Ireland, and was brought to America by his parents when but four years old.  He grew to manhood on a farm in Fayette County, Penn., which was located one mile from Coal Center, Washington County, and there attended the log-cabin schools of the period.  In early manhood he was married to Elizabeth Blayney (sic BLANEY), a member of a prominent pioneer family, and she born him the following named children: Mrs. Louisa Russell, of Fayette County, Penn.; William, living in Monongahela; Samuel, deceased at the age of nine years; Johnson, who died in Ohio at the age of twenty-two years; Reuben, who went to Missouri with $1,500, and died seventeen years later, leaving a property of $50,000, and Robert.  The father died in 1857 at the age of sixty-one years.  He was a prominent member of the Democratic party."...

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