Arthilla Fell DEVAN
Mrs. Arthilla Devan, wife of the late William Devan, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Fell, both deceased, died at her home in Hopwood at 8 o’clock Monday morning, May 11th 1925, following a long illness caused by a complication of diseases. Mrs. Devan was 73 years of age on Sunday, May 10th, Mother’s Day. She will be sadly missed not only by those who are related through ties of blood but by a much larger family of friends and neighbors by whom her kindly influence has been strongly felt. With a large group of other young people, Mrs. Devan, then a girl of 18, joined the Methodist Protestant Church of Hopwood just 65 years ago during the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Lucan. She has often been referred to as the “the Mother of the Church,” a title which she considered the highest honor and which she bore with modest pride. Until she was taken ill seven months ago she was superintendent of the Sunday school and had for years been a teacher in the Sunday school. She was interested in the Christian Endeavor and always ready to assist the young people with their work, she was also president of the Ladies’ Aid Society and was a steward of the church. Mrs. Devan was the last of the group who joined the church in 1870. Her co-worker, Mrs. Pricilla White, having died about three years ago.
There are two sons, John and Mahlen Devan and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Ashby and Mrs. George West, all of whom reside in Hopwood. A sister, Mrs. I.G. Roby, lives in Uniontown. There are a number of grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon. Friends will gather at the home at 3 o’clock and at 2:30 there will be a service at the Hopwood M.P. Church. The Rev. T.W. Colhouer of the Second M.P. Church of this city, a former pastor, and the Rev. D.E. Minerd of the Hopwood church, will be in charge. Interment will be in Devan Cemetery.
Donald B. Devan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Devan of the Coolspring Road, Hopwood, was killed instantly New Year’s Day when the car in which he was riding with companions from Fort Howard left the road near West Frindship, Md., over turned and crashed into a tree and culvert. The other fatally wounded passesger was Achor Loren, also of Company C 12th Infantry, Fort Howard. The other two men who escaped with lacerations and contusions were Clyde Buckett and Charles C. Smith, Jr., both of Headquarters Company, 16th brigade Fort Meade, Buckett’s home is in Pau-Pack, Pa., and Smith is from Carlisle, Pa.
Besides his parents Corporal Devan is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Merill Bell, Brownfield; Frank of Hopwood; Fred of Hopwood; Margaret and John at home.
Funeral arrangements will be completed today when the body arrives.
Edward B. Devan, 60, veteran engineer for the Pennsylvania Railroad, died at his home, 71 Nutt Avenue, Monday afternoon, April 28, 1941, at 2:30 o’clock of a complication of diseases. He had been ill for a month. Mr. Devan was employed by the railroad for 40 years and for the past several years had been working out of the Rainey Yards, Uniontown. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen Local No. 347 and of the Central Christian Church, Uniontown.
Surviving are his wodow, Mrs. Emma J. Devan, three sons, Morris, Edward Jr., and James of Uniontown; three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Laughery of Uniontown and Virginia and Betty at home; a sister, Mrs. Adah Cooley of Dayton, Ohio, and four grandchildren.
The body will be removed at noon today from the Gleason Funeral Home to the family residence. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Frank C. Devan, 51, of Bennington Rd., Hopwood, died in Uniontown Hospital. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ruth McKinney Devan; two daughters, Mrs. John (Janet E.) Brasuk and Miss France A. at home; two sisters, Mrs. Alvin (Margaret) Miller of Hopwood and Mrs. Harold (Muriel) Bell of Brownfield; two brothers, Fred of Hopwood and John of North Chili, NY.
Fred W. Devan, a longtime resident of Hopwood, Pa., went to be with his Lord on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002. The son of Mahlon and Ella Beeson Devan, he was born in Hopwood, on Oct. 23, 1912. He was retired from Hankin-Paulson Construction Company, and was a faithful member of the Grace Brethren Church of Uniontown, for over 60 years. He will be greatly missed by his wife of 63 years, Mary F. Devan of Hopwood; his son and daughter-in-law, Fred and Margie Devan of Virginia Beach, Va.; and his daughter and son-in-law, Ken and Karen Love of Roanoke, Va. Mr. Devan was a loving grandfather to five grandchildren, Laura D. Lyons and her husband, Scott of High Point, N.C., F. Warren Devan III of Boones Mill, Va., Steven M. Love and his wife, Anthea of Blythewood, S.C., James A. Love and his wife, Susan of Salem, Va., and Timothy A. Love and his wife, Karen of Roanoke, Va. He also had six great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by an infant son, William Mahlon Devan; three brothers, Frank, John and Donald; and two sisters, Margaret Miller and Muriel Bell. The family will receive friends in the DONALD R. CRAWFORD FUNERAL HOME, Hopwood, on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A memorial service will be held on Friday at 11 a.m. Officiating ministers will be his son, the Rev. Fred W. Devan, Jr., his son-in-law, Pastor Kenneth Love, the Rev. Nicholas Philposian and the Rev. Darrel Taylor. Burial will be in Sylvan Heights Cemetery.
George W. Devan, aged 63 years, died Tuesday afternoon, February 14, 1922, at 2:45 o’clock at his home in Hopwood. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ella Devan, and the following children, Mrs. Benjamin Provance, of Hopwood, Harry Devan, of Lockrone, and Miss Carrie Devan of Lockrone.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the late home. Interment will take place in the Devan cemetery at Hopwood.
George Washington DEVAN
( -1864)
DEVAN — John Devan, George Washington Devan, and Huston Devan. These three brothers have fallen-and they are some of the bitter fruits of the late fearful and fatal war. A sever stroke to fall upon one family. The friends of some families have miraculously escaped the dangers of the field, while others have suffered distressing losses,--Among the latter is the family of Mr. P. Devan, of Monroe.
George Washington Devan fell at his post, on picket duty, May 20, 1864, aged 33 years. Huston Devan, lieutenant, died June 2 of Typhoid Fever, at Douglas Hospital, aged 25 years, and John Devan, who departed this life, May 9th, at his residence near Monroe, in the 44th year of his age, of that fatal and insidious malady, consumption, the seeds of which were sown in the service of his country.
The bereaved parents and families of these patriotic sons and soldiers, have the satisfaction of knowing that their lives were sacrificed on the altar of their country. They died no fellon's death, but cheerfully shed their blood in the defense of their Government. And also that the bodies of two out of the three are sleeping in the dormitory at home, while the remains of the third are quietly reposing in the Southern soil, where he laid down his life for his country.
It is also an additional satisfaction and an unspeakable consolation to know that the latter, G. W. Devan was also a soldier of the Cross of Christ, and like that great and good man whose name he bore, was a man of prayer, and was prepared for his sudden change. To him, sudden death was sudden glory. In his last letter to his parents he expresses his “trust in the Lord,” and should he see them no more on earth, he hoped to “meet them all in heaven.” He also repeatedly admonished his parents and friends not to be troubled on his account, and said, “If it is the Lord's will that anybody is to lie here, I am satisfied. I don't want you to trouble about me. You can think if my body is here my soul is in heaven, ready to meet you there. Don't trouble yourself, mother, I will meet you there. Don't mourn after me as one that is lost, for you will find me in that great day. Tell all my friends to meet me there. All the trouble I have is to leave them dear little children to the mercy of the world. But if there is such a thing as guardian angels, I will take care of them and stay with them. I leave them in the care of the Lord.” “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their words do follow them.”
Harry L. Devan, 62, a well known resident of Masontown, died suddenly at this home Saturday (4 April 1953) following a brief illness. An employee of the Union Supply Company, he was assistant manager of the Leckrone store. He was a member and trustee of the First Presbyterian Church and a member of the Valley Lodge 459, Free & Accepted Mason of Masontown.
The son of the late George and Ella Ingles Devan, he is survived by his wife, Alice Provance Devan, and one daughter, Mrs. Clarence Rarry, of Masontown. A foster-daughter, Mrs. Robert Beatty, of Ronco, also survives.
Friends are being received at the Honsaker Funeral Home, Masontown, where services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. R.J. Shields officatiatin. Burial will be in Sylvan Heights Cemetery. Masonic rites will be conducted at the funeral home at 6 tonight.
Devan, James Ray—Aged 36, died in the family residence, Meadow Brook, Monday, November 10, 1959 at 9 p.m. He is survived by two brothers, Norris E. Devan, Meadow Brook; Edward P. Devan, Baltimore, Md.; three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Laughery, Uniontown; Mrs. Betty Harbarger, Topeka, Kansas; Virginia Devan, Meadow Brook. He was a veteran of World War II.
Friends will be received aft 4 p.m. today in the Gleason Funeral Home, 114 E. Fayette St., where services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. The Rev. J.V. Mullens of the Christ Methodist Church will officiate. Interment will be in the George C. Marshall Memorial Plot, Sylvan Heights Cemetery.
DEVAN— February 7th, JOHN DEVAN, of Consumption, aged 18 years, 11 months and 7 days.
John Wesley Devan who passed his 87th birthday anniversary last February 17, died at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday (May 30, 1944) afternoon, after a stroke he suffered Friday morning at the home of this son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Gangawere in East Murphy Avenue, where he had lived for several years.
Son of a Civil War soldier, Corporal George W. Devan, Mr. Devan was born at Dunbar, in 1857, and lived there nearly all his life. His father was killed in the battle of Ware Bottom Church, Virginia, May 20, 1864, as he neared the end of a three-year enlistment as a member of Company I of the 85th Pennsylvania Infantry. By virtue of his father having been in the armed service, John Wesley was admitted to the Uniontown Soldiers Orphans School. At that time, the school was located in Uniontown. During his years as a student it was moved to Jumonville, five miles distant in the mountains. There he completed his education, being discharged at the age of 16, under the rules governing such schools.
Returning home, Mr. Devan learned the carpenter trade and followed it during his active life. He had been employed on many building projects in various parts of Fayette county. He married May McGill of Dunbar. Eight children were born to them, of whom four are living.
The latter are Mrs. Nellie Gangawere, wife of L.B. Gangawere, this city; Mrs. Claire Bell, of Dormont; Mrs. Jennie Hines, wife of James Hines, Athol, Mass, and Mrs. Ruth Bahler of Pittsburgh. There are 15 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Mrs. Devan died in 1918.
Mr. Devan was a member of Franklin Methodist Church at Dunbar during his residence there. He was a member from the beginning of the Jumonville Reunion Association. For many years he played with the Dunbar Drum Corps and until two years ago marched with the corps each Memorial Day, beating a snare drum.
The body was removed to the Burhans Funeral home in Dunbar where the funeral service will be held at 2:30 o’clock Friday afternoon with Rev. W.S. Hamilton, pastor of the Franklin Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be made in Franklin Cemetery.
John William DEVAN
DeVAN, JOHN WILLIAM, aged 71 years, died Thursday, July 5, 1945, at 7 p.m. in the home, Hopwood-Coolspring Road, Hopwood, Pa., following an illness of about a week. Hew was born in Hopwood and was the son of the late William and Arthilla Fell DeVan, pioneer settlers of Hopwood.
He is survived by one sister, Mrs. George West, of Hopwood; two aunts, Mrs. Hester Logston, of Hopwood, and Mrs. Marjorie Roby, of Uniontown.
Friends will be received in the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella DeVan, Hopwood-Coolspring Road, after 2 o’clock this afternoon where services will be held Saturday afternoon, July 7, at 2:30 with Rev. J.H. Lamberton of the Hopwood Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be made in the DeVan cemetery, under the direction of the Minerd Funeral Home, Uniontown.
Mahlon Francis Devan, 63, died at his home in Hopwood Tuesday morning, June 10, 1941, at 1:50 o’clock following a two-year illness of a complication of diseases. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Mary Beeson Devan; three sons, John at home and Frank and Fred of Hopwood; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Miller of Hopwood and Mrs. Merle Bell of Brownfield Road, and six grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at the home in Hopwood Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock Daylight Saving Time. Rev. J.D. Stillwagon, former pastor of the Hopwood Methodist Church, but now located in Pittsburgh, will officiate. Burial under the direction of the Minerd Funeral Home will follow in the Devan Family cemetery at Hopwood.
Mary May McGill DEVAN (1861-1917)
Mrs. John Wesley Devan is critically ill at her home in Dunbar and her husband, who had been working in Youngstown, Ohio, can not be located. Word from Mr. Devan had not been received for months and is feared that he has met with foul play.
Notes from contributor:
Mary May McGill Devan
Born March 1861- Dunbar
Died May 4, 1917
Mrs. J. W. Devan, who has been quite seriously ill for the past month, is making no improvement. Her husband, who when last heard from some months ago, was at Youngstown, O., has not returned and fears are entertained as to his safety. No replies have been received from letters sent to his last address and no word as to his whereabouts can be obtained.
Mrs. Wesley DeVan, 66 years old, one of the best known residents of Dunbar, died yesterday following an illness of complication of diseases. Funeral tomorrow afternoon from the Methodist Protestant church, of which the deceased was a member, with Rev. T. M. Gladden, the pastor, officiating. Interment in Mount Auburn cemetery. Mrs. DeVan’s maiden name was Miss Mae McGill. In addition to her husband she is survived by the following children; Mrs. Lloyd Gongaware, Mrs. Joseph Bell, Mrs. E. P. Hartman, Mrs. Emma Morgan, all of Dunbar; Miss Iva Ruth DeVan, at home; one brother, Clarence McGill of Dunbar, and eight grandchildren.
The immediate family of the late May Devan, desire in this manner to thank all those who so kindly assisted them in the illness and death of their mother and especially those who sent floral tributes; the pastor, Ladies’ Aid and the choir of the Methodist Protestant Church; Mr. Wortman, Mr. Holsing, Mr. Charles Hiles, Mr. McGee and Mr. Gilespie, who so kindly offered the service of their automobiles and also Rev. Minerd.
Signed Mrs. E. T. Hartman, Mrs. N. B. Morgan, Miss Ruth Devan and J. W. Devan.
Lieut. Muston DEVAN died in 1862.
At Douglas hospital, in Washington City, D.C., June 2, of Typhoid Fever, Lieut. MUSTON DEVAN, aged 25 years, of Company I., 85th Penn'a., Regiment.
His remains being embalmed were brought home by his aged and afflicted mother. They were interred in Monroe, on the 8th inst., attended by an unusually large concourse of people Lieut Devan was highly esteemed, both as a citizen and a soldier, for his many good qualities. The following lines were suggested on his death.
In these troubled times when the scourge of war, Through the length and bredth of our land afar, Vast armies have called - to each quiet home How oft, alas! Sad tidings come. We now bewail the untimely end of a son, a brother, a much loved friend. The pride of his home he was for many a year; For him was offered many a prayer. But he hastened away at his country's call , our flag to defend - to survive or fall, In the fearful strife , where death's arrows fly , In the glorious cause to live or die, But it was Heaven's doors that he should not wield, The warriors arms on the battle field; But a victim of fever - God's ways are best, Peace be to thy ashes- rest brother rest. Far away from thy home thou was called to dread, The cold garden of death and the dying bed, No parent attend - no mother was nigh, And strangers bent o're thee when called to die. In thy martial cloak thou art sleeping now, and peaceful and calm is thy youthful brow.
The Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. June 19, 1862.
Vol. 2. Number 20., pg 5, col. 4.
Contributed by Roy Lockhart, typed by Sandy Riggen McGill
While en route from Barberton, Ohio to Uniontown, where they expected to make their future residence, Oliver DeVan, 81, father of E.B. DeVan, this city, was fatally hurt, and Mrs. Emma Weaver and son, Hugh, were injured when the truck in which they were riding wrecked on Route 51 near Large. The elderly gentleman died in the McKeesport hospital. Mrs. Weaver, his housekeeper, and her son sustained minor injuries.
Mr. Devan formerly resided at Hopwood but for the past several years had lived in Barberton. He is survived by a son, E.B. DeVan of Uniontown; two daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Hutchinson, Uniontown, and Mrs. Ada Colley, Dayton, Ohio, 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Mrs. Sophia Devan is dead at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.A. Hazlett, Sycamore Street, South Side. Mrs. Devan was a resident of Dunbar for many years, but for several years past has made her home with her daughter in Connellsville.
Her surviving family is: Henry of Allegheny, and John Wesley of Dunbar, and one daughter Mrs. W.A. Hazlett, Connellsville. Three surviving brothers and three sisters are: James, Smithfield; George, Lemont; Daniel K., Dunbar; Mrs. Dobson and Miss Phoebe, Scottdale, and Mrs. Eliza Dunaway of Connellsville.
The funeral services were conducted this morning at 10 o’clock by Rev. W.H. Gladden, pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church, of which deceased had been a member at Dunbar for many years. The remains were taken to Dunbar on the 10:52 A.M. Pennsylvania train, upon the arrival of which services were held in the Methodist Protestant Church at that place.
Tobias Sutton Devan, aged 69 years, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Hiram Logston of Hopwood, Tuesday, August 21 at 5 p.m. from a complication of diseases dating back for several years.
Deceased was the son of the late John and Mary Devan and was born in Hopwood where he spent his entire life. Kindly of disposition and sympathetic with all in distress “Toby” as he was familiarly known endeared himself to all who knew him. Although his death was not unexpected, it came as a severe shock to his many friends. Mr. Devan was engaged in mining in the plants about Hopwood the greater part of his life. His parents, two sisters and four brothers preceded him in death.
Funeral services will be held from the home of his sister, Mrs. Logston at Hopwood, Thursday afternoon, Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. with Rev. Jewel, pastor of the Free Methodist church officiating assisted by Rev. John Hodds, pastor of the M.P. Church. Interment will be made in the Devan Cemetery at Hopwood.
William, the nine-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Devan of Hopwood, died Thursday morning, November 5, 1903, of diphtheria. Funeral Friday at 10 a.m. from the home. Interment in Hopwood cemetery.
Contributed by Marilyn M. Tolentino <jcb486 at>, typed by Carole Clarke
Of the 51 miners who were in the mine at the time of the accident, 30 escaped through the man-way on the left side of the main slope. The fortunate were as follows, William Landy and two sons, William and Morris Jones, and William Yates, Barney and John Cosgrove, Patrick and Terrance Begley, who are brothers of Richard and Joseph Begley, two of the entombed unfortunates, Maurice Pine, James Miller, John McGuill, John Kerwin, Edward Condron, John Boyd, Thos Kelly, George Lowry, James Murphy and Thomas Shearen. The miners who were in the right heading number 31. Their names were as follows:
The unfortunate men were residents of Dunbar and vicinity. They were chiefly of English Irish and Scotch descent, no Hungarians or Poles having ever been employed at these works. Many of them owned their neat little homes and those who were not native born were naturalized. They were a frugal honest body of workmen, and were above the average miners in intelligence and thrift. They were personally known to nearly every resident of Dunbar and vicinity. Almost all were married and fathers of families ranging in numbers from one to ten children. The following gives more in detail the condition of the families left fatherless by the sad calamity.
Article includes individual accounts for each victim. For complete text, see David Davis.
John Devanny was the father of two small children. He was 29 years of age and leaves a widow. Their home was on Speer’s Hill. John Devanny, a trapper boy, 17 years old, who was no relation of the Devanny just named, lived with his father at Ferguson.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
MANY ANXIOUS AND more curious people will assemble at the ill- fated Hill Farm mine this morning to witness the removal of the bodies of the victims of the disaster of June 16th, 1890, the long and weary search for which ended yesterday in the recovery of all but six of the twenty-nine. The flat in which these bodies were found was reached late Wednesday afternoon. The air was horrible and no attempt was made to pursue the search beyond the first few bodies.
Article includes complete account of the recovery of victims. For complete text, see John X. Joy.
Of the 51 miners who were in the mine at the time of the accident, 30 escaped through the man-way on the left side of the main slope. The fortunate were as follows, William Landy and two sons, William and Morris Jones, and William Yates, Barney and John Cosgrove, Patrick and Terrance Begley, who are brothers of Richard and Joseph Begley, two of the entombed unfortunates, Maurice Pine, James Miller, John McGuill, John Kerwin, Edward Condron, John Boyd, Thos Kelly, George Lowry, James Murphy and Thomas Shearen. The miners who were in the right heading number 31. Their names were as follows:
The unfortunate men were residents of Dunbar and vicinity. They were chiefly of English Irish and Scotch descent, no Hungarians or Poles having ever been employed at these works. Many of them owned their neat little homes and those who were not native born were naturalized. They were a frugal honest body of workmen, and were above the average miners in intelligence and thrift. They were personally known to nearly every resident of Dunbar and vicinity. Almost all were married and fathers of families ranging in numbers from one to ten children. The following gives more in detail the condition of the families left fatherless by the sad calamity.
Article includes individual accounts for each victim. For complete text, see David Davis.
John Devanny was the father of two small children. He was 29 years of age and leaves a widow. Their home was on Speer’s Hill. John Devanny, a trapper boy, 17 years old, who was no relation of the Devanny just named, lived with his father at Ferguson.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
MANY ANXIOUS AND more curious people will assemble at the ill- fated Hill Farm mine this morning to witness the removal of the bodies of the victims of the disaster of June 16th, 1890, the long and weary search for which ended yesterday in the recovery of all but six of the twenty-nine. The flat in which these bodies were found was reached late Wednesday afternoon. The air was horrible and no attempt was made to pursue the search beyond the first few bodies.
Article includes complete account of the recovery of victims. For complete text, see John X. Joy.
Mabel Costolo DeVAULT
MRS. MABEL DeVAULT---76 of Lemont Furnace R.D. 1 died at 5:15 a.m. Sunday in Uniontown Hospital. She was a member of the Free Methodist Church of Farmington. Surviving are two sister, Mrs. Mary Tradup and Lida Tuning of Lemont Furnace, and five brothers including Frank, Charles and Robert Costolo of Lemont Furnace. She was the widow of Noble DeVault. The funeral service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Gleason Funeral Home, Uniontown, with the Rev. John Duvall officiating. Interment will be in the Sansom Chapel Cemetery, Farmington.
Nancy E. Williams DeVAULT
Nancy E. (Williams) DeVault
Nancy E. (Williams) DeVault, 80, joined her loving husband Bill DeVault in Heaven after 17 years apart, on what would have been his 95th birthday. Nancy was born in Uniontown, Pa., on January 23, 1932 to the late Lewis Williams and Nellie Newcomer Williams. She was also preceded in death by a brother Lewis Clement Williams; and a sister Lois Ann (Williams) Augustine. Nancy passed away peacefully with her only child, Lee DeVault, at her side on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at Glenn Haven Home in Glenwood, Iowa. In addition to Lee and wife Patrice, she is survived by her beloved grandchildren: granddaughter Paxton and grandson Levi (all of Carter Lake, Iowa); and countless devoted family members in Pennsylvania and nationwide. Nancy had worked as a Bookkeeper for Gallatin National Bank for 15 years. A Memorial Service and interment will be held at a later date in Uniontown, Pa. Arrangements have been entrusted to the ANDREW D. FERGUSON FUNERAL HOME INC., 80 Morgantown Street, Uniontown, PA 15401 and will be announced. Memories and condolences may be shared with the family at
DeVAULT, NOBLE M—Aged 73, husband of Mabel Costolo DeVault, Farmington, died in the Uniontown Hospital, Friday, January 1, 1960 at 12:15 a.m. Interment will be in the Sansom Chapel Cemetery, Farmington.
John Devenny, of West Brownsville, died on Saturday morning at 6 o’clock; funeral this morning at 10 o’clock, interment at St. Peters Church Cemetery Brownsville.
Name: PFC Frank S Devers Jr. 15th Regiment of the 3rd Division
Age: 22
Death date: June 11, 1953
Place of death: Surang-Ni, Korea
Survivors: wife former Janet Charlauna
Parents - Mr. and Mrs. Frank S Devers
Funeral service: Fayette City Methodist Church
Military rites will be conducted by the Brightwell-Daugherty American Legion Post of Fayette City
Burial: Fayette City Cemetery
Source: Monessen Daily Independent August 11, 1953
Contributed by Sherry Shondelmyer <bobnsher3 at>
Man Murdered
A man named EDWARD DEVINE, employed on Section 30?, Hempfield R. R., was found murdered on the 8th inst., near that section. He left this Borough about nine o'clock, that evening and was assailed and most inhumanly cut and beaten. Coroner Cundall summoned a jury, who after a close investigation, returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death by blows inflicted by some unknown person or persons.
He was a native of the County Tipperary, Ireland, about 35 years of age, and has left a wife and two children to morn his melancholy fate. The deceased was buried in the new Catholic burial ground, on the eastern boarder of this Borough. -- Wash. Review.
Genius of Liberty. January 26, 1854.
Contributed by Roy Lockhart <royboy at>
At his residence in Franklin Tp., Sept. 17th 1862, EDWARD DEVLIN, aged 75 years. The deceased was a soldier of the war of 1812.
Of the 51 miners who were in the mine at the time of the accident, 30 escaped through the man-way on the left side of the main slope. The fortunate were as follows, William Landy and two sons, William and Morris Jones, and William Yates, Barney and John Cosgrove, Patrick and Terrance Begley, who are brothers of Richard and Joseph Begley, two of the entombed unfortunates, Maurice Pine, James Miller, John McGuill, John Kerwin, Edward Condron, John Boyd, Thos Kelly, George Lowry, James Murphy and Thomas Shearen. The miners who were in the right heading number 31. Their names were as follows:
The unfortunate men were residents of Dunbar and vicinity. They were chiefly of English Irish and Scotch descent, no Hungarians or Poles having ever been employed at these works. Many of them owned their neat little homes and those who were not native born were naturalized. They were a frugal honest body of workmen, and were above the average miners in intelligence and thrift. They were personally known to nearly every resident of Dunbar and vicinity. Almost all were married and fathers of families ranging in numbers from one to ten children. The following gives more in detail the condition of the families left fatherless by the sad calamity.
Article includes individual accounts for each victim. For complete text, see David Davis.
Patrick Devlin, 33 years old, was married and leaves a wife and four small children in poor circumstances. He lived in the old Evans house near Beeson.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
MANY ANXIOUS AND more curious people will assemble at the ill- fated Hill Farm mine this morning to witness the removal of the bodies of the victims of the disaster of June 16th, 1890, the long and weary search for which ended yesterday in the recovery of all but six of the twenty-nine. The flat in which these bodies were found was reached late Wednesday afternoon. The air was horrible and no attempt was made to pursue the search beyond the first few bodies.
Article includes complete account of the recovery of victims. For complete text, see John X. Joy.
Mrs. Josephine Devore, 70 years old, of New York City, formerly of Dunbar, died at 5 o’clock Friday afternoon at the home of a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crowe of Dunbar township, near Dunbar, where she had been visiting Mrs. Devore, widow of Wesley Devore, had been residing in New York for some time where she moved from Dunbar. She is survived by three children, Miss Ella Devore of New York City and Mrs. W. E. Crowe of Dunbar township and H. T. Devore of Youngstown, Ohio. There will be a funeral service tonight at the Crowe home with Rev. Leard R. Wylie, pastor of the Dunbar Presbyterian Church, officiating. The body will be shipped tomorrow evening to Jersey City by Funeral Director James T. Burhans where burial will be made in Fairview Mausoleum.
What may prove to be a 10-year-old murder came to light in the Allegheny county morgue in Pittsburg when Mrs. Georgia DeWalt of Scottdale expressed the belief that the skeleton of a man found Saturday in the Rock Run mine, Mifflin township, was that of her husband who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in December of 1925. Beside the skeleton was a hat bearing the initials, ‘F. K. D.’, a pair of shoes and parts of clothing which Mrs. DeWalt identified as her husband’s, who was a co- operator of the mine which was abandoned about two years after he vanished. Having read about the discovery in a newspaper, Mrs. DeWalt went to Pittsburg yesterday and with her she took a piece of material from one of her husband’s suits which Deputy Coroner Stanley Gizenski found matched the clothing of the skeleton. Mrs. DeWalt, who lived in a small house near the mine at the time her husband disappeared, said a thorough search of the workings was made at the time. Before his death, she said her husband had differences with a man and on this she based a theory of foul play. John B. Williamson, 806 Grant Street, Turtle Creek, a contractor and Edward Derr of Coal Valley, discovered the skeleton in water while the former was making a check to ascertain whether enough coal was still available to warrant renewed mining operations. Although Mrs. DeWalt insisted a thorough search of the mine had been made, Deputy Coroner Mullen Jackson, who visited the scene, said the chamber where the skeleton was found was several hundred feet back from the opening, but was in no wise secluded. Mrs. DeWalt did not make formal identification for record but after Superintendent John P. Black of the morgue had been consulted, said she would return to do so today. Her husband, F. K. DeWalt was a partner of a B. Volt of McKeesport who died two years ago, the woman said.
Of the 51 miners who were in the mine at the time of the accident, 30 escaped through the man-way on the left side of the main slope. The fortunate were as follows, William Landy and two sons, William and Morris Jones, and William Yates, Barney and John Cosgrove, Patrick and Terrance Begley, who are brothers of Richard and Joseph Begley, two of the entombed unfortunates, Maurice Pine, James Miller, John McGuill, John Kerwin, Edward Condron, John Boyd, Thos Kelly, George Lowry, James Murphy and Thomas Shearen. The miners who were in the right heading number 31. Their names were as follows:
The unfortunate men were residents of Dunbar and vicinity. They were chiefly of English Irish and Scotch descent, no Hungarians or Poles having ever been employed at these works. Many of them owned their neat little homes and those who were not native born were naturalized. They were a frugal honest body of workmen, and were above the average miners in intelligence and thrift. They were personally known to nearly every resident of Dunbar and vicinity. Almost all were married and fathers of families ranging in numbers from one to ten children. The following gives more in detail the condition of the families left fatherless by the sad calamity.
Article includes individual accounts for each victim. For complete text, see David Davis.
Elmer Dewey, a driver boarded with Richard Begley. He was unmarried.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
MANY ANXIOUS AND more curious people will assemble at the ill- fated Hill Farm mine this morning to witness the removal of the bodies of the victims of the disaster of June 16th, 1890, the long and weary search for which ended yesterday in the recovery of all but six of the twenty-nine. The flat in which these bodies were found was reached late Wednesday afternoon. The air was horrible and no attempt was made to pursue the search beyond the first few bodies.
Article includes complete account of the recovery of victims. For complete text, see John X. Joy.
Ernest A. DeWitt, 74, of Connellsville, passed away Wednesday, August 30, 2000 in Eicher’s Personal Care Home in Normalville. Friends will be received in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, today until 1 p.m. the hour of service with Pastor Warren Upton and Pastor Russell Ohler officiating. Interment will follow in Sylvan Heights Cemetery.
Freda Belle Stillwagon DEWITT ( -1997)
Freda Belle Stillwagon DeWitt, 82, of Connellsville, died Sunday, March 9, 1997, at her home. Arrangements are under the direction of the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, and will be announced when complete.
Ralph T. DeWitt, 69, of Connellsville died Monday, February 3, 1997, in his home. He was born May 25, 1927, in Somerset, Pa., son of Orr William DeWitt and Cora Pritts DeWitt. He was a retired truck driver who had been employed by McNair Coal Company in Connellsville, veteran of World War II who served in the U.S. Army and in the military police and member of Connellsville American Legion. He is survived by three sons: Jeffrey Scott DeWitt of Prittstown, Delbert Eugene DeWitt of Richmond, Va., and Thomas Earl DeWitt of Normalville, Pa.; seven daughters: Mrs. Lonnie (Sharlene) Prinkey of Ohiopyle; Darlene Morrison of Normalville; Mrs. David (Brenda) Hall and Sharon Faye DeWitt, both of Connellsville; Mrs. Fred (Vivian) Morrison of Farmington; Judy Addis of Connellsville, and Mrs. Robert (Linda) Zweck of Baltimore, Md.; 21 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was the last remaining member of his immediate family. His parents; his wife, Maxine A. Matthews DeWitt; a grandson, Curtis Chaffin, and a brother, Homer W. DeWitt, preceded him in death. Friends will be received at the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 East Green St., Connellsville, Pa., today from 4 to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. where services will be held Thursday, February 6, at 1 p.m. with Rev. Evelyn Stillwagon officiating. Interment with military rites, will follow in Mount Nebo Cemetery, Saltlick Township, Pa.
On the 20th November, at his residence in Jefferson township, after a lingering illness, ALEXANDER DETARMON, in the 89th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Ireland, and moved to this country about sixty years ago. He had long been a worthy and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and died beloved by his numerous relatives and friends.
Specially reported for the Courier
On Saturday evening, the 13th, this community was shocked by the sad news of the death of David Deyarmon, it being unknown that he was sick. On inquiry we learned that Mr. Deyarmon had eaten a hearty supper and was well as usual. He picked up a newspaper and sat down by the table, his wife and daughter being seated near him, when he commenced to read to them. He had not read long until they noticed the paper fall, and his head drop on the table. He was speechless. He spoke no more. Death had come. Mr. Deyarmon was about seventy years of age, and was well known and respected by all. He at one time was commissioner of this county and Justice of the Peace, and held various other offices of trust. His death was a severe blow to his family, being so sudden and unexpected. We sympathize with the bereaved ones. May they be comforted with the hope he is not dead, but liveth in supreme bliss. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his death.
The Keystone Courier (Connellsville, Pennsylvania) Friday, November 19, 1880
Contributed by K. Donovan <kelleygen at>
Herbert G. DEYARMON died in 1920.
Herbert G. Deyarmon, 63 years old, died Sunday night at his home in Jefferson township, where he spent all his life. For many years, he combined the office of Justice of the Peace with farming. The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sarah Deyarmon, three sons, T. Robb Deyarmon, Jr, of Brownsville; Edwin Deyarmon, Brownsville, and William at home; two daughters, Mrs. Lewis Johnson, Brownsville; Mrs. George Baughman, Monongahela; one brother, T. Robb Deyarmon, of Dawson and Uniontown, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph W. Miller, Jefferson township, and Mrs. J.S. Cunningham of Pittsburg road.
Funeral services will be held from the house tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, followed by interment in Redstone cemetery.
The Daily Courier (Connellsville, Pennsylvania) Tuesday, January 13, 1920
Contributed by K. Donovan <kelleygen at>
Patricia A. DIAMOND (1942-1994)
Patricia A. Diamond, 52, of Mather, Pa., died Thursday, Sept. 29, 1994 in Greene County Memorial Hospital, Waynesburg, Pa. She was born on May 4, 1942 in Mather, Pa., daughter of Michael and Anna Vishak Stefanik of Mather, Pa. She was a graduate of Jefferson-Morgan High School, class of 1960. She was predeceased by her husband, Ray Diamond, Jr., who died Jan. 7, 1990; a grandson, Dale M. Poling and a sister in infancy. She was employed as an admissions office clerk in Greene County Memorial Hospital and resided in Mather all of her life. She was a member of Mather Christian Church and the American Legion Auxiliary Post 954, Jefferson, Pa. In addition to her parents, she was survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dale (Sherri) Poling of Constantine, Mich.; one son, Ray Diamond III of Mather, Pa.; one granddaughter, Kaitlyn Poling; and one grandson, Chad Poling. Friends will be received in BEHM FUNERAL HOME, Jefferson, Pa., today, from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Interment will be Sunday, Oct. 2, 1994, at 1 p.m. in Jefferson Cemetery, Jefferson, Pa., with Jack Fowler as celebrant.
Linda L. Wilson DICE (1947-2003)
Linda L. Wilson Dice, 55, of Mountain Road, Uniontown, Pa., passed away peacefully in her home on Sunday, June 8, 2003 surrounded by her loved ones. She was born August 16, 1947 in Uniontown, Pa., daughter of Dorothy M. McCusker Wilson of Mountain Road, Uniontown, Pa., and the late Charles L. Wilson. Linda was formerly employed by Hills Department Store for 17 years.
In addition to her mother, she is survived by her loving husband, Robert E. Dice Jr., with whom she would have celebrated 40 years of marriage on October 18. Linda was the beloved mother of one son, Robert C. Dice and wife, Shelly, one daughter, Melinda K. Marva and husband, Richard, and beloved grandmother of Charles Dice, Jennifer Dice and Crystal Dice, all of Smithfield, Pa. Also surviving are two sisters: Jean Schreckengost and husband, Darrell, of Parrish, Florida, and Debbie Guthrie and husband, Dan, of Lemont Furnace, Pa.; numerous nieces, nephews, family and friends.
The Family will receive Friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Pa., this evening from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Wednesday, June 11, until 1 p.m., the hour of Service with Rev. George W. McLaughlin officiating. Interment will follow in LaFayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill, Pa.
Nancy Glass DICE died in 1931. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Nancy Glass Dice, aged 71 years, died Tuesday evening, March 17, 1931, at
her home in Elliottsville. Mrs. Dice was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Glass. She leaves her husband, John Dice, and five children, Mrs. Lloyd
Bger, of Warren, O.; Mrs. I. G. Smithberger, of Uniontown; Robert Dice, of Waynesburg;
Chauncey Dice, of Waynesburg, and Ezra Dice of Elliottsville. Three sisters
and a brother also survive.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning at ten o'clock at the Roman Catholic
church in Elliottsville. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
DICE, ROBERT (SR.)— Age 59 years of R.D. 1, Smithfield, died Wednesday, April 6, 1966 in the Uniontown Hospital at 3:30 a.m. He is survived by the following children, Robert Dice Jr. and Paul Dice of Hays No. 3, James Dice of R.D. 1, Smithfield, Ronald, Gene and Harry at home, Mrs. Amy Tate of R.D. 1, Masontown, Miss Mary Gail Dice of R.D. 1, Smithfield, Miss Sandra Dice at home; three brothers, William Dice of Leckrone, Frank Dice of Patterson N.J. and Tom Dice of Lake Lynn; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Kline of Masontown; twenty two grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Wagner-Cooley Funeral Home, Fairchance after 2 p.m. today where a prayer service will be held on Saturday, April 9 at 2 p.m. followed by additional services in the Masontown Mennonite Church with Rev. Paul Roth officiating. Interment in the Church Cemetery.
Seneff DICK obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb Project.
Mrs. Anna Seneff Dick
Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Anna Seneff Dick, 79, which
occurred September 24 in Boise, Idaho. She was a former resident of Scottdale.
Her husband, Peter Dick, preceded her in death several years ago.
Surviving are eight children and seven grandchildren, all residing in the west.
Two nephews, John Dick, of Phillips, and Frank Dick, of Springer avenue, this
city, also survive.
George H. (Greenie) Dickinson, 66, of Brownsville, died Monday, Jan. 8, 1996, at home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are under the direction of the Donald Law Sr. Funeral Home, Brownsville, Pa.
DICKINSON, JOHN W.— Age 83 years, of 2 Church St., Fairchance, died Tuesday, October 1, 1963, at 11:03 p.m. at his residence following a brief illness. He is survived by his wife Flossie E. Dickinson; the following children, William of Homestead, Mrs. Margaret Gates of Uniontown, Mrs. Helen Robinson, Ruth and Eleanor all of Fairchance; a brother Charles and a sister Jane both of Fairchance. He was a retired Frick pensioner. Friends will be received in the Wagner-Cooley Funeral Home, Fairchance after 7 p.m. today where services will be conducted Friday, October 4 at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Ira Hancock officiating. Interment in the Maple Grove cemetery.
DICKSON— December 16, 1869, at her residence in Monongahela county, West Virginia, Mrs. Barbary Ann, wife of Mr. Ashbert Dickson in the 80th year of her age.
Esther DICKSON died in 1937. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Word has been received by Mrs. Helen K. Johnson of Masontown, of the death of
her sister, Mrs. Esther Koonce Dickson, of Greenville, Pa.
Mrs. Dickson, wife of W. J. Dickson, died Monday, February 22, 1937, at her home
in Greenville. Her death came suddenly.
In addition to her husband, she leaves a son Frank W. of Pittsburgh, three daughters,
Mary at home, Mrs. Charles Linn, Beaver; and Mrs. Kenneth L. Davis, Beaver; a
brother Arthur Koonce, Transfer; and one sister, Mrs. Johnson of Masontown.
The services for Mrs. Dickson were held Thursday, February 25.
DICKSON— December 21, 1869, at the residence of Christopher Riffle, in South Union Tp., Fayette county, Sarah Bell, infant daughter of B. A. and A. F. Dickson, aged 21 days.
Joseph E. Diederich, 71, of Glassport died Monday, Nov. 16, 1995, at home. He is survived by his wife, Catherine (Breen) Diederich; two sons, J. Joseph Diederich of Ann Arbor, Mich., and David F. Diederich of Whitmore Lake, Mich.; two daughters, Janemarie Marshall of Harrison City and Linda Lesnak of Elizabeth, and nine grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Wojciechowski Funeral Home, 640 Vermont Ave., Glassport, today from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Thursday from 10 until 11 a.m., the hour of service.
Mrs. Bertha Dean Diehl, 54, of Jerome, formerly of Uniontown, died at her home at 5:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, Samuel Diehl, and three daughters.
Delilah Crosby DIEHL died in 1934. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(5)
MRS. DELILAH CROSBY DIEHL, 51 years old, died Monday morning, December 17, 1934,
at the home of her daughter ,MRS. PHILIP STINGER of Smock, after a lingering
illness. Her husband, GEORGE DIEHL, died 10 years ago. She had made
her home with her daughter since that time.
MRS. DIEHL was born at Iron Bridge, a daughter of ELI and MARGARET ELIZABETH
CROSBY. She is survived by her father, a daughter, MRS. STINGER; seven
grandchildren; seven brothers; and three sisters: BENJAMIN CROSBY of Greensburg,
CLYDE of Newport, KY., IRA of Prittstown, ELI JR. of Vandergrift, MILTON and
JOHN of Iron Bridge, GEORGE C. of Morgantown, WV., MRS. ALVA BOYER of Mount Pleasant,
BARRON of Wilkinsburg, died December 2. Her mother died September 22.
CC Tuesday 12-18-1934
Transcribers Note: This is my grandmother and she spelled her name DEIHL
Mrs. Elizabeth Diehl, aged 74 years, widow of H. C. Diehl, died at her home at Republic on December 4 from a complication of diseases. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Edna Taylor, Mrs. Emma Hennessey and George Diehl, Republic; Mrs. Laura Hawkins, Donora; Mrs. Mary Johnson, Mill Run; Samuel and William Diehl, Meyersdale, Mrs. Amanda Hampshire and Mrs. Ellen Newcomer, Connellsville. She is also survived by four sisters and three brothers. She is grandmother of 51 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. Mrs. Diehl was a resident of Morgan valley for a number of years and was widely and favorably known and loved by all of her friends. Her husband died last March. Brief funeral services were held Sunday. Interment was made in Park Place cemetery, Uniontown.
George W. DIEHL died in 1924. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Largely attended was the funeral of GEORGE W. DIEHL who died at the home of his
step-father, DENNIS SMITH, near Connellsville, on Thursday morning after a lingering
illness. The funeral service was held at the Poplar Grove Evangelical Church
on Saturday afternoon with interment in the Mount Olive Cemetery. The following
relatives attended: MR. and MRS. EVANS BARRON and sons, CHARLES and BILLY,
Homewood; MRS. GEORGE MATHENY, McKeesport; MR. and MRS. ELI CROSBY, MR. and MRS.
MILTON CROSBY, MR. and MRS. IRA CROSBY, and JOHN CROSBY, all of Iron Bridge;
FORREST, and CLYDE CROSBY, all of Scottdale. MR. DIEHL was a son-in-law
of MR. and MRS. ELI CROSBY of Iron Bridge. He is survived by his mother,
his step-father, his wife, MRS. LILA CROSBY DIEHL, one daughter, MILDRED, and
two sisters: MRS. CLARK BALSLEY of Murphy Siding, and MRS. HOWARD SMITH
of Detroit, Mich.
CC Tuesday 3-18-1924
Transcribers Note: This is my grandfather and he spelled his name DEIHL
Victor H. Diehl, 87, of Addison and a native of Cove, Md., died Sunday in Henry Clay Villa, Markleysburg. He is survived by two sons, James N. Diehl of Addison and David J. Diehl of Belle Vernon; two brothers, Lawrence Diehl of Westland, Mich.; and Newton Diehl Jr. of Lakewood, Colo.; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Lenora Nemo of Markleysburg and Harriet Mooney of Schererville, Ind. Friends may call at the Carl R. Spear Funeral Home, Brandonville, W.Va., today from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–February 4, 1907
Died—–May 15, 1994
Louis DIERINZO died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Louis Dierinzo, aged 51, of Allison, died in the Torrence hospital after a three
years' illness. His widow, Mary, and the following children survive, Lena,
Phillip, Jean, Samuel, Harry and Gloria.
The body is to be taken to the home of a brother-in-law, John Pasquale, at Tower
Hill No. 1, House 820.
(newspaper dated Oct. 1?, 1938)
Charles August Dietz, 73, of Ronco, died at 6:10 a.m. Monday in Uniontown Hospital. A resident of the Ronco vicinity for 45 years, he was a member of Robena Local No. 6321, U.M.W.A., and Fort Mason Post No. 423, American Legion. Surviving are three daughters, including Margaret at home; three sons and 10 grandchildren. His wife, Mrs. Ada Leona Shenkel Dietz, died Dec. 28, 1942.
DIFFENBAUGH— October 23d, of Dyptheria, William, infant son of Christian Diffenbaugh.
Mrs. Joanne Digga, 52, died at 3:40 o’clock Thursday morning, July 8th at her home at 183 Downer avenue, following a short illness. She leaves her husband, Anthony, and the following children, Mrs. Blanche Szepissy of Pittsburgh; Marie, Virginia, Viola, Charles, Frank, and Anthony Jr., all at home. No arrangements for funeral services have been made.
Mrs. Mary Diggs, wife of John Diggs of Vanderbilt, Pa., died Sunday at her late residence. Funeral from Vanderbilt Baptist church Tuesday.
Death notice for Oliver Hagans Dille of Uniontown appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, November 23, 1914. Complete text is not currently available.
Justin Nichalos DILLEY
JUSTIN DILLEY [Cumberland]
CUMBERLAND— Justin Nichalos Dilley, 22, of Cumberland, passed away on Tuesday, July 10, 2012, the result of an accident. Born April 9, 1990, in Shady Grove, Justin was the son of Johanna Elaine (Kyle) Brode and her significant other Keith Joy, of Oldtown and Eddie R. Dilley and his wife Stephanie, of Flintstone. Justin attended Fort Hill High School and was currently enrolled at the Career Center for Technical Education working on his G.E.D. He was employed with Moran Lawn Care. Justin was a member of the Woodmen of the World Lodge in Pennsylvania and a former member of the Young Marines. Justin enjoyed basketball, fishing, and music. He loved his family. Besides his parents, Justin is survived by his girlfriend Shelly Murphy and their son Jaden; his sister, Katlyn Dilley, her significant other Todd Norris and their daughter, Montana; and his brothers, Jacob Brode, Joshua Brode, Matthew Dilley and Taylor Dilley. He is also survived by his stepfather, Tom Brode, of Lonaconing; his maternal great-grandmother, Ruth Ann Whorton; his paternal great- grandparents, Jean and Estol Clingerman; his stepgrandparents, Hilda and John Whorton, of Oldtown; his paternal grandmother, Gloria Robinette, of Artemas, Pa.; his maternal grandmothers Patricia Spalding and her husband Garland, of Oldtown and Cheryl Nale, of Clearville, Pa.; his maternal grandfather, Leslie Hunt, of Cumberland; his stepsister, Samantha Hall; his stepbrother, Derrick Pettit; his paternal stepgrandparents, Dorothy and John Brode; his aunts and uncles, Pete Hunt, of Gaithersburg, Chris Hunt and his significant other Desiree Cavanaugh, of Oldtown, Robbie Ternet and his wife Jennifer, of Oldtown, Buck Whorton and his significant other Amber, of Oldtown, Sean Dilley and wife Jessica, of Cumberland, David Lucas and wife Kathy, of Flintstone, Paul Kyle and wife Debbie, of Vanderbilt, Pa., Ron Kyle Monessen, of Pennsylvania, Tim Kyle and wife Carol, of Monessen, Pa., Jessica Dilley, of Artemas, Pa., Jerry Miller and wife Susan, of Front Royal, Va., Wayne Joy, of Cumberland, Jackie McCusker and husband Chester, of Artemas, Pa., and Sherri Davis, of Johnstown, Pa.; as well as numerous cousins. Friends will be received at the Adams Family Funeral Home, P.A., 404 Decatur St., Cumberland, ( on Friday, July 13, 2012, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be conducted in the funeral home on Saturday, July 14, 2012, at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Sam Biser officiating. Interment will be in Glendale Cemetery.
Death notice for Charles E. Dilliner of New Geneva appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, February 20, 1899. Complete text is not currently available.
Death notice for Eliza A. Dilliner, wife of A. M. Dilliner, of Point Marion appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, March 8, 1915. Complete text is not currently available.
Death notice for Elizabeth Dilliner appeared in the American Standard, Uniontown, PA, September 3, 1872. Complete text is not currently available.
Ambrose Dillinger of Point Marion was 100 years old yesterday. In celebration of the occasion about 65 of his friends tendered him a reception.
Ambrose Dellinger, 100 years and three months old, died this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Sturgiss, at West Point Marion. Mr. Dillinger’s father, Augustine Dillinger, was the first permanent settler in Greene county, having settled there in 1755. Deceased lived during the terms of 24 Presidents and voted at 19 presidential elections beginning in 1836 when Martin Van Buren was his choice. He voted for every Republican candidate for president from Fremont down to Taft. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Mr. Dillinger wanted to enlist but was disqualified on account of his age. He is survived by three children, Mrs. Sarah Kemp of Illinois; Mrs. J. E. Sturgiss, with whom he made his home and Leonard Dillinger of Uniontown. He is also survived by a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Edith Mae Ritenour DILLINGER (1905-1969)
Mrs. Edith Mae Ritenour Dillinger, 63, of 28764 Lorain Road, North Olmstead, Ohio, died Sunday in the Fairview Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. She was born May 15, 1905, in Connellsville, a daughter of the late William and Ann Green Harshman. She had lived in Cleveland for the past 10 years, and previously resided in Connellsville and South Connellsville. She was a member of Shiloh Lodge No. 103 Ladies Auxiliary to the BRT. Surviving are her husband, Harry C.; two sons, Gilbert Ritenour of South Connellsville and William H. Ritenour of Lorain, Ohio; two daughters, Mrs. Fred (Elaine) Krause of Connellsville and Mrs. William (Betty) Dowd of Philadelphia; two step-daughters, Mrs. Philip (Martha) Mitchell of Lorain, Ohio, and Mrs. Thomas (Bonnie) Sabtula of Brunswick, Ohio; two step-sons, Robert B. Dillinger and William Dillinger of Lorain, Ohio; 25 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and a brother, William C. Harshman of Connellsville. She was predeceased by her first husband, Carlton S. Ritenour, in 1957.
Death notice for Elizabeth Dillinger, wife of Ambrose Dillinger, of Point Marion, appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, June 29, 30, & July 3, 1899. Complete text is not currently available.
Evelyn Gladys DILLINGER ( -1928)
Evelyn Gladys Dillinger, aged 15 years, died at her home in Keisterville, Thursday morning, March 22, 1928, at 10 o’clock. She is survived by her parents, Mrs. And Mr. William Dillinger, and the following brothers and sisters; James of Bittner, Stewart, Harry, Raymond, Harold and Thelma, all at home. Short funeral services will be held in the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, followed by additional services in the Pleasant View church with the Rev. R. C. VanElman, officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
DILLINGER DEATH — Howard R Dillinger, 70, of 595 Edison Blvd., Evans Manor, died Saturday at the Uniontown Hospital. He was a member of the Laurel Lodge 651, F&AM Uniontown Lodge of Perfection, Pittsburgh Consistory, the Syria Shrine and the Royal Academy of Arts Chapter of the Commandry and the Eagles Aerie 828.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillian Edna McClelland Dillinger; three sons, Howard and George of Cleveland, Ohio, Robert Kitt of Niles, Ohio, one daughter Mrs. Dorothy Domke of Cleveland, Ohio, two sisters, Mrs. Elen Tretinik of Wickliff, Ohio and Mrs. Iva Lucas of Uniontown and 12 grandchildren.
JOHN DILLINGER (DELLINGER), Age 72, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Andrew Lucas of 21 Iowa Street, Uniontown, Friday afternoon, at 3:50 o’clock. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lillian Dellinger, and the following children; Mrs. Marion Hyatt of Uniontown, James of Bitner, Howard of Bitner, Richard of Bitner, Mrs. John Fretiniak of Uniontown, Mrs. Junior Guthrie of Markleysburg, Mrs. Andrew Lucas of Uniontown, and Mrs. Gladys Lindsey of Uniontown.
Joseph E. Dillinger, 81 years old, a veteran of the Civil War, died last evening at his home in Uniontown.
DILLINGER, RICHARD M—Age 64 years, of Vanderbilt, R.D. 1, died in the Uniontown Hospital, Saturday, March 31, 1973 at 7:37 p.m. Born in Accident, Md., he was the son of the late John William and Lillian Norris Dillinger. Surviving are his wife, Pearl Ruby Jordan Dillinger and the following children; Richard William of Muskogee, Oklahoma, Mrs. Clifford (Elsie Faye) Cumberland of Smock, Gerald Eugene at home, Mrs. George (Regina Renee) Tringes of Vanderbilt, R. D. 1; 11 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. John (Ellen) Tretinik of Wickliffe, Ohio and Mrs. Andrew (Iva) Lucas of Uniontown and one brother, Howard Russell Dillinger, of Bitner. He was predeceased by three sisters; Edna Hyatt, Marie Guthrie and Gladys Dillinger and one brother, James William Dillinger. Interment in the Bowman’s Flatwood Cemetery, Vanderbilt, R.D. 1.
Ruth Mae Dillinger, 79, of Bullskin Twp., died Tuesday, September 5, 2000, in Scottdale. Friends will be received in the Brooks Funeral Home, 111 E. Green Street, Connellsville, today from 2 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be held in the funeral home, with Rev. Doug Burns officiating. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville.
Stewart DILLINGER died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Stewart Dillinger, aged 32, of Clarksville, died Saturday morning, August 21,
1937, in St. Francis Hospital Pittsburgh, from a complication of diseases. He
is survived by his widow, Mrs. Florence Croft Dillinger and the following children:
Arlene, Allen, and Alice; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dillinger, Uppermiddletown;
four brothers, James, of Bobtown; Harry, of Lambert; Raymond, McClellandtown,
and Harold, and one sister, Thelma, both at home. Funeral services will be held
at the home of his parents in Uppermiddletown at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning to
be followed by additional rites in the Nazarene church in Waltersburg. Burial
will be in Pleasant View cemetery.
Death notice for Alcinus Dillner, of Greensboro, appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, May 17, 1904. Complete text is not currently available.
Death notice for Allen Dillner, of Point Marion, appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, July 19 & 20, 1905. Complete text is not currently available.
Death notice for Mamie Dillner, of Point Marion, appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, August 12, 1901. Complete text is not currently available.
A man by the name of Dillon, met with a fatal accident which terminated his existence at Brooks’ Tunnel in Somerset co., Pa. on Tuesday June 20th. In attempting to go down the shaft in a bucket, by some mismanagement he fell from the shaft, head formost, a distance of eighty feet to the bottom killing him instantly.
Ruby J. Miller DILLON (1925-2007)
Ruby J. Dillon
Pleasant Unity
Ruby J. (Miller) Dillon, 82, of Pleasant Unity, died Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007, at Excela Health Latrobe Hospital. She was born Sept. 22, 1925, in Mill Run, a daughter of the late J. Lawrence and Delila E. (Wilkonson) Miller. Prior to retirement in 1987, she was employed by West Penn Power Co., Greensburg. She was a member of the Pleasant Unity United Methodist Church and the Auxiliary to American Legion Post #301, Connellsville. Ruby was a very caring and generous person, helping those in need. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Homer C. Dillon, on Dec. 29, 1981; and a sister, Geneva Huffman. She is survived by two sisters, Sylvia M. Cupp, of Connellsville, and her twin sister, Ruth Miller, who lived with Ruby and was her special caregiver; and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the GAUT-BACHA FUNERAL HOME INC., 2072 Route 130, Pleasant Unity, where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday with the Rev. Joanie Scarff and the Rev. Clark R. Kerr co- officiating. Interment will follow in Unity Cemetery, Unity Township.
Vincent Matthew DILLON ( -1925)
For more than five hours the members of the Leckrone First Aid team worked in vain to bring life back to the body of Vincent Matthew Dillon, aged 23, who was electrocuted at the power house, Leckrone, Sunday evening at 8:40. The First Aid boys and physicians were summoned soon after the body of the victim was found in the transformer house and worked until 2 0’clock Monday morning. In some manner the right hand of the young man came in contact with a wire containing 2,300 volts as he was cleaning the insulators. His hand was terribly burned as also were his knees. The body was found by the master mechanic who was making his rounds. Vincent is survived by his mother, Bridget S… Dillon and the following brothers and sisters: James F., J. William, Francis, Stella, Regis and Mrs. Joseph Brown, all of Masontown. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock in the All Saints church of Masontown with Father F. J. Kolb officiating. Interment in the church cemetery.
Death notice for William Dillon, of Brownsville, appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, June 19, 1903. Complete text is not currently available.
Catherine Virginia DILLOW ( -1930)
Mrs. Catherine Virginia Dillow, 75, died Saturday, June 7, 1930, at 2:30 p.m., at the late home in Georges township. She is survived by her husband, John W. Dillow, and the following children: Joseph W., at home; John H. and Perry M., of Haydentown; Mrs. E. A. Everly, West Virginia; Mrs. Alice Morton, at home; Mrs. Ida Frankenberry, Point Marion; and Mrs. Henry Wolfe, Fairchance. Two brothers, F.A. and A.J. Lilley, both of Connellsville; three sisters, Mrs. Lydia Morton, Brier Hill; Mrs. Ella Serren, Fairchance; and Mrs. Harry Brownfield, Haydentown, together with 22 grandchildren and 14 great- grandchildren, also survive. Funeral services will be Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the Woodbridge church, Georges township, with burial in the church cemetery.
James DILLOW died in 1934. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
James, the two-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dillow of near Haydentown,
died at 9:50 o'clock, Saturday morning, September 29, 1934, in the home of Frank
Guthrie of Fairchance. Funeral services were conducted at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon with burial in Woodbridge cemetery.
SMITHFIELD, July 11.— The funeral of Samuel E. Dillow, who drowned in the reservoir of the Wharton Coke Company here Tuesday evening, took place from the Chapel at Woodbridgetown at 2 0’clock this afternoon. Rev. Hawkins of the Free Methodist Church, officiated. The body was prepared for burial at the undertaking rooms of J.R. Vance & Son, Wednesday, and removed to the residence of J.R. Smith by whom the decedent was employed preceding his death. Dillow was 24 years old and a son of John W. and Katherine (Lilly) Dillow, of Wharton township.
Timothy Alan DILLOW, Sr.
Timothy Alan Dillow, Sr.
Timothy Alan Dillow Sr., age 65, of Smithfield, Pa., passed away peacefully at home and went to be with is Lord Jesus Christ and back to the arms of his parents on August 28, 2012. He was born July 22, 1947 in Uniontown, Pa., the son of the late Howard and Priscilla (Brady) Dillow. Tim was the proud father of his son, Timothy Alan Dillow Jr.; the devoted husband of his wife of 41 years, Michele; brother of Gerald and Helen Dillow, LeRoy and Alpha Dillow and James and Sue Dillow, all of Smithfield, Pa., and uncle of Gerald, Curtis, Debra, David, Laura, Lisa, Aimee, Aaron, Darrin and Zack. He also leaves behind his precious Golden Cat, Tyler “Bubby”. Tim was an avid antique car collector. He had an extensive library of books and magazines, which he read from cover to cover. He was a walking encyclopedia of automotive knowledge. So many people looked to him for information. He liked listening to conservative talk radio. He will be greatly missed by his son Tim who loved talking to and sharing books and novels. He was raised in the Whitehouse Free Methodist Church and was a member of the Summit Mountain Early Iron Car Club, the Greater Pittsburgh Region Early Ford V-8 Club and the Antique Automobile Club of America. He was a retired math and algebra teacher of 35 years with the Albert Gallatin School District. Tim will be greatly missed by all his dear friends, and he had many. We all know he loved to visit and have lengthy conversations with everyone. Being a school teacher, he was amazed by the reaction of former students who said they always liked and respected him. The family will receive friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Pa., on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Friday, August 31, 2012 until 11 a.m., the hour of Service with Pastor Kenny Rockwell officiating. Interment will follow in Mount Moriah Baptist Cemetery, Smithfield, Pa.
DILLS, MARY M. (BLANEY)— Age 71 years of R.D. 1, Lake Lynn (Morris Crossroads), died Monday, April 22, 1974 in the University Hospital, Morgantown, W.Va. at 10:45 a.m. Surviving are her husband, Willis (Dutch) Dills; the following children, Mrs. Bryson (Marguerite), Porter of Reistertown, Md., Robert P. Dills of R.D., Lake Lynn, Pa., Mrs. Phillip (Patricia) Runner of Reistertown, Md., Mrs. Phillip (Sandra) Sutton of Fairchance, Roger S. Dills of Point Marion, Mrs. William (Cheryl) Petttit of Greenbelt, Md.; nineteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was a member of Oak Grove Christian Church and the Woodside Grange. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Jean. The family will receive friends in the James W. Goldsboro Funeral Home, Fairchance today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and until Thursday at 2 p.m. the hour of service. Rev. John James will officiate. Interment in Old Frame Cemetery.
Alex DILS died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Alex Dils, aged 75 years and 11 months, retired U. S. marine engineer and widely
known resident of Pt. Marion, died at 5 o'clock Saturday evening, January 15,
1938, in the Uniontown hospital.
Mr. Dils, who was born near Old Frame in Nicholson township, was one of the pioneer
marine engineers on the Monongahela river. In 1883 he marries Maggie Morris,
who died in 1918.
Surviving are three children, Lawrence, of Pt. Marion; Mrs. Nellie Lemley, Massillon,
O., and Dr. C. L. Dils, of Fairmont, W.Va. He also leaves two grandchildren,
and a brother, Ora, of Old Frame.
Funeral services will be Monday at 7 p.m. in the home on Freeling street, Pt.
Marion. Rev. D. C. Robbins, pastor of the Methodist Protestant church,
will officiate. Private burial rites will be held Tuesday morning in Pt.
Marion with Rev. J. C. Ralston assisting.
Died— On last Friday night, infant daughter of Francis and John Dils. The remains were interred in the Old Frame Church yard on last Sunday at 11 a.m.
New Geneva, August 8,— The friends and relatives of Ewing Dils of Duquesne, Pa., were shocked on Saturday night to learn by telephone of his death. He was repairing the track on which the electric crane runs. The boy that works the crane by some oversight run it over Mr. Dils and injured him so badly that he died at 5 o'clock Saturday evening. The body arrived here on Sunday evening. He is survived by his wife and four children. His mother, three brothers and one sister are also living. He was a son of the late Peter Dils. The family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. Funeral today (Monday) at 2 o'clock p.m. Interment at Old Frame Cemetery.
Paul DILS died in 1893. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Paul Dils, a well known and respected citizen of Nicholson township, died at
his home near Old Frame on Tuesday night, Dec. 26, 1893, aged 52 years.
He had been indisposed for a day or two but was not thought to be dangerously
ill. About 3 o'clock Wednesday morning Mrs. Dils awoke and called to her
husband. Receiving no answer, she took hold of him and discovered he was
dead. Assistance was called in, and he was found to be lying on his face,
with blood issuing from his mouth. Mr. Dils leaves a wife and one daughter,
who is the wife of Perry Blosser and who is now seriously ill with typhoid fever.
Funeral Friday at 1 p.m., interment at Old Frame.
DILS— At the residence of her parents, Geo. and Hellen Dils of Springhill township, Nov. 22d, of measles, Plezza Dils, aged 2 years and 9 months.
Ray I. DILS died in 1935. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Ray I. Dils, aged 53, lifelong resident of Nicholson township, died Sunday afternoon
at his home in Old Frame of a cerebral hemorrhage.
He was born July 18, 1882, attending school in that section where he later became
active as a school teacher. Thirty-two years ago, on May 10, 1903, Mr.
Dils became affiliated with Architect J. C. Fulton of Uniontown with whom he
was associated until his death.
The deceased was superintendent of Oak Hill Baptist Sunday school and also served
as deacon in the church. He was active in Grange activities and recently
filled the position as mast of Woodsville Grange at Old Frame.
Always interested in things worth while, as well as the artistic, Mr. Dils was
a faithful member of Uniontown Art Club and made many contributions to exhibits
of this organization.
A son of the late John H. and Elizabeth J. Dils, the deceased is survived by
Mrs. Bessie N. Dils, Donald B., Robert N., Thomas R., Lillian and Mildred. One
granddaughter, Sandra Lee, a brother, Grover Dils of Republic, and a sister,
Mrs. Paul Howard of Masontown, also survive.
Funeral services will be held in the Dils home in Old Frame at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon in charge of Rev. M. M. Smith, pastor of Oak Hill Baptist church. Burial
will be in Old Frame cemetery.
(Genius - 6/17/1935)
DIMARCO, ANGELO SR.— Age 68 years of 103 Lincoln St., died at his residence at 5:30 a.m. Saturday, April 6, 1963, after a prolonged illness. Born at Agropli Provance of Sajerno, Italy he had been a resident of this vicinity for the past 40 years and was a co-owner of the DiMarco Food Products Co.; a veteran of World War I. He was predeceased by his wife Ella Lazaran DiMarco. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Ross (Mildred) Tucci of Uniontown; five sons, Angelo Jr. of McKeesport; Ross, Freeman, Michael E.; and Frank all of Uniontown; sixteen grandchildren. Also surviving are his four brothers and three sisters residing in Italy. Friends will be received in the Victor A DeCarlo Funeral Home, 136 N. Gallatin Ave. after 7:00 Sunday evening, Monday from 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 on Monday and until 8:15 Tuesday morning at which time short prayers will be held followed by Solemn Requiem High Mass at St. Therese R. C. Church with Rev. Fr. Nicholas J. Thomas as celebrant. Burial will follow in Sylvan Heights cemetery. Members of Holy Name Society of St. Therese R. C. Church will meet at 7:30 Monday evening and the Knights of Columbus at 8 Monday evening to recite the Rosary.
August "Gus" DiNardo, 76, of Ellsworth, Pa., died at 6:45 a.m., on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003, in the Washington Hospital. He graduated from Ellsworth High School in 1943, and retired from the Bentleyville Amusement Company, and was a starter at the Chippewa Golf Course. On June 22, 1968, he married Annetta Lilley Campesi DiNardo, who survives. Also surviving are a stepson, Gary Campesi and his wife, Patricia of Boardman, Ohio; two step-grandsons; seven brothers, William DiNardo of Euclid, Ohio, Lt. Col. Ben DiNardo, Ret., Myrtle Beach, S.C., Emilio "Mim" DiNardo of Bentleyville, Pa., Arco DiNardo of Monessen, Pa., Gilbert DiNardo of Youngstown, Ohio, Richard DiNardo of Washington, Pa., and Donald DiNardo of Brownsville, Pa.; one sister, Joyce Angotti and her husband, Rodney of DeKalb, Ill.; and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received on Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and on Saturday from 10 to 11 a.m., the hour of service, in the Greenlee Funeral Home, 619 Main St., Bentleyville, Pa.
Anna Elizabeth DINGLE ( -1956)
Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Dingle, 58, of Isabella, died Thursday as she was being admitted to Brownsville General Hospital. Her husband, Robert Henry Dingle, died last Dec. 31, less than one week earlier. Deceased was a member of Wesleyan Methodist Church of Isabella. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Emma Stimmel and Mrs. Selma Redzanic of Isabella; four sons, Edward A. of Greensboro, Robert Henry Jr. of San Diego, Calif., and Richard and Fred of Bobtown; 35 grandchildren; 15 great- grandchildren, a sister and two brothers, including Wilbur Butler of Dilliner.
Catherine Zammerilla DIPASQUALE (1908-1996)
Catherine “Katie” Zammerilla DiPasquale, 88, of Chartiers Hill, Clarksville R.D. 1, and formerly of Italy, died Friday, May 24, in Greene County Memorial Hospital, Waynesburg, Pa. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Assunta “Sandy” DiPasquale Casalinova and her husband, Robert, and their sons, Antony Casalinova, Joseph Casalinova, Ramond Casalinova, and Franco Casalinova, all of Tallmadge, Ohio, and Rose DiPasquale of Chartiers Hill, Clarksville R.D. 1, Pa. The family will receive friends at the Behm Funeral Home Inc., Route 188, Jefferson, today from 7 to 9 … (balance of obit is missing
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–May 13, 1908
Died—–May 24, 1996
Nicholas E. DiNARDO, Sr. (1935-2010)
Nicholas E. Dinardo, Sr., 75, a longtime resident and businessman of
Point Marion, Pa., died quietly Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at his home
with his loving family at his side. Born Sept. 27, 1935 at Rowes Run, Pa.,
he was a son of the late Dominic and Mary Sadar Dinardo.
A 1954 graduate of Uniontown High School, he was a member of St.
Hubert's R.C. Church, the F.O.E. # 1932, and a V.F.W Post 747 Social Member,
all in Point Marion. Nick came to Point Marion in 1955 after learning the
barber trade from his father, and started in business with Ray Foreman.
Soon, he bought out Mr. Foreman, and continued to operate his own barber
shop for over 50 years. With his retirement in the spring of 2010 came the
closing of the last barber shop left in Point Marion. Many children of the
area received their first haircut from "Nick the Barber", and men from all
over Point Marion and Southeastern Greene County made a stop at Nick's Barber
Shop part of their regular routine.
He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Sandra Dolan Dinardo; a
son Nicholas Dinardo, Jr. of Belle Vernon, Pa.; two daughters and their
husbands, Diane and Rodney Baker of Cheat Lake, W.Va., and Tina and Edward
Baker of Morgantown, W.Va.; five grandchildren, Eric, Nathan, Amy, Shane
and Brandon Baker; a brother Thomas Dinardo of Chalfont Borough, East
Pittsburgh, Pa.; and by many friends and customers.
Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME,
Point Marion, on Sunday from noon until 8:00 p.m., and Monday until 10:30
a.m., when a prayer service will be held, followed by a Funeral Mass at
11:00 a.m. in St. Hubert's R.C. Church, with Rev. Fr. Andrew Kawecki
officiating. Interment follows in Evergreen Memorial Park, Point Marion.
D. DIPIERNO died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
C. D. DiPierno, aged 67, well-known Italian resident of the West Side, Connellsville,
died at 5 o'clock Christmas evening, December 25, 1937, in the Connellsville
hospital after a two days' illness. He was born in Italy and came to Fayette
county when 16 years of age.
Surviving are seven children, Stephen C., Frank, Sara, Joseph E., Angelo, Alva
C., and Fred V., all of Connellsville.
He was a member of St. Rita's church in Connellsville, the Sons of Italy,
the Columbus Society, was president of the Society of St. Amato, and was a trustee
of the church.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Death notice for Frances Dix appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, December 21 & 22, 1910. Complete text is not currently available.
Funeral services for Frank Dix, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dix of South Connellsville, who died at Somerset Saturday, February 17, 1923, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of his parents. Rev. W. H. Helrick, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Connellsville, will officiate. Interment will be in Hill Grove cemetery.
The Morning Herald, Uniontown, PA, Tuesday, February 20, 1923, page 13, column 1
Contributed by Ruth Sprowls <ruthsprowls at>
Memory Card:
Robert J. Dix, 82, of Indian Head, died at 11:45 p.m. Saturday at Connellsville State General Hospital. He was born March 22, 1892, at Brooklyn, N. Y., a son of the late Richard and Margaret Rathline Dix. He had lived in Indian Head since 1920, and prior to that in Morgantown, W. Va., where he operated a bakery. He owned and operated the Dix Bakery at Indian Head from 1939 to 1942. He later worked for the Latrobe Forge and Spring Company in their security division, retiring in 1963. He was a member of the Indian Head Church of God, its Men’s Bible Class and the Wine Brenner Men’s Brotherhood. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Milton (Elsie Pearl) Penney of Somerset, Miss Helen Dix, at home, and Mrs. Vernon (Vivian) Pritts of Indian Head; four sons, Arthur Blaine Dix of Latrobe, E. Dale of Mount Pleasant, Thomas R. of Jones Mills and Harold D. of Indian Head; 13 grandchildren; one brother, Harry of South Connellsville, and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Koontz of Morgantown, W. Va., and Mrs. Ethel Irwin of South Connellsville. He was predeceased by his wife Elva Dix, Oct. 27, 1966, and a son, Robert Wayne Dix in 1917.
DIX— Friends of Robert J. Dix of Indian Head, who died Sunday, Nov. 24, 1974, may call at the Clyde B. Brooks Funeral Home, Inc., Rte. 711 at Melcroft, after 2 p.m. today. Funeral services will be held there at 11 a.m. Wednesday with the Rev. G. Marion Smith officiating. Interment will be in Mount Nebo Cemetery.
Death notice for Amy Donham Dixon appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, December 15, 1908. Complete text is not currently available.
Anna Mahon DIXON died in 1929. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(5)
An illness of several years, but more pronounced in the past three, caused the
death of Mrs. Anna MAHON DIXON, 73 years old, yesterday afternoon at 2 oclock
in her late home on Aetna street, Connellsville
Mrs. DIXON was one of the oldest residents of the city, coming there from Pittsburgh,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MAHON, deceased, former residents of Connellsville.
She was preceded in death by her husband, John DIXON, who died twelve years ago.
Of the five children born, three survive, James L. DIXON of Washington, D. C.,
Gertrude and Claire at home. Joseph, a son died in 1914, and another son,
Dr. John DIXON, died in November 1927. A sister, Miss Elizabeth MAHON of
Connellsville, and eight grand children also survive.
Mrs. DIXON was a devout member of the Immaculate Conception church and a member
of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers.
The funeral will be held Wednesday morning with short services at the home
at 8:30 followed by a requiem mass in the Immaculate Conception church at 8 oclock.
Burial will be made in St. Josephs cemetery. Funeral Director French
S. Durst is in charge.
The Christian Mothers will meet at the home tonight at 8 oclock to recite
the rosary. Weekly News Mon. 2-18-1929
Word has been received here of the death of Asa V. Dixon, of Accident, Md., who died suddenly Wednesday night, November 2, 1938, at 9:30 o’clock, in Friendsville, Md. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Nora Riley Dixon, and ten children. Miss Wilma Dixon of Morgantown street, this city, is a daughter. The Dixon family formerly resided at Gray’s Hill for a number of years. Details of funeral arrangements have not yet been learned.
Ephraim Dixon, Jr., of Oliver, was killed in the Revere mines near Uniontown, Thursday by being caught between the cars and the walls of the slope. He was 19 years old, and had been married only two weeks.
Michael McCormick was killed at the Edenborn shaft in German township, Friday afternoon. He was about to lower a mule into the mines when he slipped and tumbled into the shaft, falling to the bottom, a distance of 500 feet. He leaves a wife and five children at Edenborn.
William L. Cooley and Michael Sitz, a Slav, were killed in the Kyle mine near Fairchance of Friday afternoon. Cooley, who was a track layer, with another workman was taking down some slate roof in Sitz’s room. The later was a miner. Without warning a large mass of rock and slate from the roof fell, catching Cooley and Sitz. Joseph Shannaberger, the other workman, was seriously hurt by the fall. Cooley was Treasurer of the Georges township School Board and a respected citizen of that township. He is survived by a wife and several children. Sitz was married and leaves a wife and two children in the old country.
Patrick McLaughlin, a well known resident of Dewey, was killed by a Baltimore & Ohio engine Saturday evening at Dewey. He stepped off one track for a passing train directly in front of an emgine coming in the opposite direction.
John DIXON died in 1917. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
The Daily Courier
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, February 28, 1917
Page 2, column 4.
(typed exactly as printed)
John Dixon, Sr.
The funeral of John Dixon, Sr., held this morning at 9 o'clock from the Immaculate
Conception Church was attended by a large gathering of relatives and friends
of the deceased from Connellsville and out of town points. Requiem high mass
was celebrated by Rev. Father John T. Burns, assisted by Rev. Father William
Merz, deacon, and Rev. Father P. J. Brennan of Dunbar, sub deacon. Other priests
attending the funeral were Rev. Father J. J. Brady of Meyersdale, and Rev. Father
McDermott of McKeesport. There were a number of handsome floral tributes. P.
J. Tormay, John Irwin, J. D. Madigan, J. W. Ralston, John Duggan, Sr., and James
Kelly served as pallbearers. Interment in St. Joseph's cemetery.
Joseph W. Dixon, 78 years old, one of Connellsville’s best liked citizens and widely known railroad man, died at 4:45 o’clock Thursday morning at his residence in East Crawford avenue from an illness which has afflicted him more than a year. His death was not unexpected as he had declined rapidly in recent weeks. Mr. Dixon had been confined to his bed for six months. During 53 years of service with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Mr. Dixon had become one of the best known employes running out of Connellsville. He was in the passenger service before his retirement on a pension four year ago and many knew him for his congenial manner in meeting the people who rode his trains. Born at Raysville, Ohio, on December 4, 1854, he came to Connellsville in 1877. Just before moving to Connellsville he served a year’s enlistment with Company B, 14th Infantry, United States Regular Army, volunteering when men were needed in the Indian War of 1876. Since locating in Connellsville he had been identified with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Beginning as a brakeman, he advanced to the position of passenger conductor. He married Miss Jane Brashear, who survives, together with one son, Joseph B. Dixon and two grandchildren, Jo Ann and Mary Jane Dixon. There are also two brothers surviving. They are Edward E. and Elton Dixon, both of Chillicothe, Ohio. Mr. Dixon was a staunch Republican in politics. He did not engage, however, in public affairs, but devoted himself to his hobbies-artistry and composition of poetry. The deceased was a member of the First Baptist church, and was a life member of A. F. & M., King Solomon Lodge, Knights Templar, Tancred Commandery No. 48, Syria Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., the Baltimore & Ohio Veterans’ Association and the Order of Railway Conductors. The funeral service will be held at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon at the First Baptist church, Connellsville, with Rev. E. H. Stevens, the pastor, officiating. Members of the Masonic lodge will conduct their service. Interment will be in Hill Grove cemetery, Connellsville. Members of the family have requested that flowers be omitted.
Martha J. DIXON died in 1935. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(3)
Mrs. Martha J. Dixon died at her home, 516 Curtin avenue, Pittsburgh, Wednesday,
February 20th, at 5:30 a.m. she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J.A. Greeb.
Friends may view the remains at the A. D. Ferguson Funeral Chapel, 108 Morgantown
street, at any time after one o'clock this afternoon. Funeral announcement later.
Dusan Djonovich, 75, of French Creek, W.Va., died Thursday, Aug. 3, 1995, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Buckhannon, W.Va. Friends will be received in the Haky Funeral Home, 515 North Main St., Masontown, Saturday and Sunday at a time to be announced.
DLEARO, PETE (VITO)— Aged 93, of 44 Jamison, died in the Uniontown Hospital, Thursday, September 8, 1960 at 5:10 a.m., following a brief illness. He had been a resident of the vicinity for the past seventy years and was a retired coal miner. He was predeceased by his wife, Michelina Grego Dlearo in 1956. He is survived by these children, Mrs. Sue Pulice, Jamison with whom he resided; Joseph Hawkinsville, Ga.; Mrs. Anna Martz, Masontown; Mrs. Tony (Rose) Pulice, Jamison; Mrs. Albert (Margaret) Haas, Uniontown; ten grandchildren; fifteen great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Victor A. DeCarlo Funeral Home, 136 N. Gallatin Ave., after 8 o’clock this evening until Monday at 8:15 a.m., when short prayers will be said, followed by Requiem High Mass in St. Therese R. C. Church. The Rev. Fr. Geno Reve will celebrate the Mass. Interment will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairchance.
Joe Dlugos, July 4, 1920, died of gunshot wound to chest. Homicide. Left orphaned daughters Marie and Stella/Stephania.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
DOBAN, JOSEPH, aged 70, died Satruday, March 20, 1948, at 5:20 p.m. in his home, Railroad St., West Brownsville, following an extended illness. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julia Doban, and the following children: Mrs. Helen Duff, of West Brownsville; Mrs. Margaret Ruchin, of Detroit, Mich.; Joseph, Jr., at home; James, of Duquesne; Private First Class Ernest, with U. S. Army in Germany and Francis,.... remainder of article is missing.
DOBAN, JULIA— Age 80 years of 238 Main St., W. Brownsville, died Friday, April 26, 1968 in the Brownsville General Hospital at 8 a.m. following a lingering illness. She was born in Hungary on May 20, 1887. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Doban on March 20, 1948, and a daughter, Margaret Rucha on March, 1964. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Helen Duff of W. Brownsville; four sons, Joseph at home, James at W. Mifflin, Sgt. Ernest Doban serving with the U. S. Army in Korea and Francis of Monessen; twelve grandchildren; nineteen great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Andrew J. Skirpan Funeral Home, Park Ave., Brownsville, after 7 this evening and until Tuesday, April 30, at 9 a.m. where a prayer service will be held followed by Requiem High Mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. Mary's R. C. Church of Brownsville, with Rev. Fr. Andrew F. Hredaak as celebrant. Interment the Church Cemetery.
Becoming suddenly ill Saturday Rev. Victor Dobra, 61, for the last 12 years pastor of the St. John the Baptist Greek Catholic Church of East Main street, Uniontown, died suddenly. A physician was called but Rev. Dobra was dead before he arrived a short time later. Rev. Dobra was ordained to the priesthood in Czecho Slovakia in 1888. He came to the United States in 1912 and took charge of his first parish in this country at Lindora, Pa. About one year later, 1913, he came to Uniontown and occupied the parish of St. John’s which at that time was occupying the old Madison College building. Through is efforts the new St. John’s Church and parish house was built. He has preached at the St. Stephen’s Greek Catholic Church at Leisenring No. 1 on several occasions.
John J. DODDS died in 1922. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Funeral of Mr. Dodds
Funeral of the late John J. Dodds will take place Monday afternoon at three o'clock.
The services will be held in the Central Presbyterian church and the Rev. Will
T. Swain will officiate. Interment will be made in Redstone cemetery.
Mr. Dodds, who was sixty years of age, was born in England in 1863. He began
his career by teaching school and later went to Oxford where he received his
degree. After travailing for some time in England, he joined Kitchener's forces
in Egypt. After his services in the army he was for a time engaged in politics
in England, after which he decided to come to America to try his fortune. After
several months of going from one place to another he began his life work, that
of newspaper work, in New London, Conn. and since that time he was at the ehad
of various papers in Connecticut, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania. In 1919
he came to Brownsville and up to the time of his death on Friday evening in the
Brownsville General hospital he had been managing editor of the Telegraph.
Ernest P. Dodgson, 49, of West Leisenring, died suddenly at 5 o’clock Tuesday morning. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Dodgson and a lifelong resident of the Leisenring area. Deceased was a member of L.O.O. Moose of Uniontown, Bute UMW Local of which he was chaplain and the West Leisenring Volunteer Fire Department. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ethel Patterson Dodgson; three children, Charles of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Shirley Litman of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Corinne Williams of Uniontown; three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Anna Wilson of West Leisenring, and three brothers, Ralph of West Leisenring, John of Uniontown and Thomas of Oliver No. 1. The body was taken to the DeCarlo funeral home at Uniontown where the cortege will meet at 8:15 o’clock Saturday morning followed by requiem High Mass in St. Vincent DePaul R.C. Church at Leisenring No. 1 with Rev. William J. Donnerbauer, pastor, officiating. Interment will be in Sylvan Heights Cemetery.
Mary DODNOVICH died in 1934. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Mary Dodnovich, aged 57 years died at 4:45 o'clock Monday morning, October
22, 1934, in the family residence at prospect. Death followed a brief illness
and came as a shock to members of her family and a host of friends. Surviving
are five children: Mrs. Mary Majesky, of Detroit; Hannah, Helen, Veronica
and John Dodnovich, all at home. One grandson also survives.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
DODSON, WILLIAM M.— Aged 64, Farmington 9Green Acres) died Thursday, September 8, 1960 in his residence. Born March 16, 1896 in Millville, Pa., he was a son of the late Charles and Palmetto Smith Dodson. He is survived by his wife, Hazel M. Wilson Dodson; two sons, Richard C. and William D., Lansing, Mich.; three grandsons, William Michael, Richard Patrick and Charles Dodson; two sisters, Mrs. Darl Eves, Berwick; Mrs. Ralph Diehl, Williamsport; one brother, Charles, Freeport, Ill. He was a member of the Confluence Methodist Church and Confluence Lions Club. Friends will be received in the late residence (Green Acres) after 6 p.m. today. Arrangements under the direction of the Humbert Funeral Home, Confluence, are incomplete.
Bertha Abbott DOGEMANN ( -1928)
Mrs. Bertha Dogemann, aged 78 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Wiley of Rosedale, Thursday morning, April 19, 1928, following an illness of pneumonia. She was the widow of John Dogemann, who died 10 years ago. In addition to Mrs. Wiley she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Roger Jenkins of Newcomer. Funeral service will be held in the Wiley home, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. P. J. Hull officiating. Burial will be in Park Place Cemetery, Uniontown.
Maurio L. Doggett, 16, of Huntingdon Village, East Huntingdon Township, who drowned last week in a swimming accident in South Connellsville, will be buried Tuesday, July 18 in Buffalo, N.Y. Doggett was born Nov. 24, 1978 in Buffalo, the son of Raymond Doggett of Buffalo, and the Rev. Sylvia Hall of Hunker. He is survived by two siblings on his mother’s side, Rahsu of Buffalo, and Tywan of Indiana County; and 13 brothers and sisters on his father’s side. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at the Church of God and Christ in Buffalo, followed by burial. A two-day memorial will be held at Huntingdon Village later this month. Funds are currently being collected to establish a memorial fund in memory of the deceased.
John Dolan, 71 years old, Frick pensioner and for 38 years a resident of Leisenring No. 1, died Tuesday evening at his home House 19, from a complication of ailments. Mr. Dolan was born in County Durham, England, January 26, 1861, a son of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dolan, and came to this country when 25 years of age. He had previously married Miss Margery Robson of Durham. To this union 11 children were born, of whom six survive, with their mother. The survivors are: Mrs. Alice McCafferty, of West Virginia; Mrs. Frank Grenaldo of Wheeler; Mrs. Dorothy Harvey of Connellsville; Mrs. John Lloyd of Mars, Robert of Cleveland, OH, and Lawrence at home; a sister, Mrs. Hugh McGee of McClellandtown; two brothers, Miles Dolan of Arnold City and James of Pittsburgh. There are 23 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. He was a member of St. Vincent de Paul Church at Leistering. The funeral will be held Friday from the late residence at 8:30 a.m. with requiem high mass at 9 a.m., Rev. Otto Plantizer celebrant at the mass. Burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Connellsville.
Rev. Lenora R. DOLAN died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Rev. R. L. Dolan, Jr., was called to Pittsburgh Thursday by the death of his
mother, Mrs. Lenora Rodemeyer Dolan, wife of R. L. Dolan, Sr., of East Liberty.
Death came suddenly following an illness of 45 minutes due to acute indigestion.
Mrs. Dolan had many friends in Uniontown, having visited here frequently
with her son. In addition to her husband and son, Dr. Dolan, she is also
survived by a son, Tom, at home, and one daughter, Mrs. P. H. Landbach of Detroit,
Virginia A. Dom, 82, of Parker, Colo., died July 6, 1996, in Aurora, Colo. She was born April 4, 1914, in Connellsville. She was employed by the railroad. She was a member of Parker Senior Center. She is survived by a son, Robert M. Dom of Winter Park, Colo.; two granddaughters, Raquelle Parli of Littleton, Colo., and Samantha Dom of Winter Park, Colo.; and a grandson, Eric Dom of Denver, Colo. Services were held July 11 at HORAN & McCONATY, 3201 S. Parker Road, Aurora, Colo. Memorial contributions may be made to Parker Senior Center, 10675 South Long’s Way, Parker, Colo., 80134.
Fannie Falcone DOMINIC ( -1939)
Mrs. Fannie (Falcone) Dominic, 53, wife of William Dominic of Grindstone, died at 5 o’clock Wednesday afternoon at her home after a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband and these children: Mrs. Rose Alarcone, McKeesport; Mrs. Mamie Chaplasky, Grindstone; Mr. Violet Peirock, Brownsville, and James at home. Surviving sister and brothers include Mrs. Mary Andreonia of Grindstone, Alveria Phiscionery of Thornton road; John Falcone of Brownsville and Ambrose Falcone of Allison. There are also her mother of Allison and four grandchildren. The funeral Mass will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Cecelia’s Church at Grindstone in charge of Rev. Father Stanley Idzik, pastor. Burial will be made in Redstone Cemetery.
Ellen DONAHUE died in 1913. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(21)
The remains of Mrs. Ellen Donahue, aged 78 years, who died at Revere, were shipped
Friday morning to Indiana. Pa., her home town. Deceased had been visiting
her nephew. George Hice, at Revere, and died at his home. Mr. Hice accompanied
the remains to Indiana.
Mary Ann McDowell DONAHUE (1860-1929)
ARMAGH—August 7,1929— Mrs. Mary Ann McDowell Donahue, age 69 years, residing at the William Penn Highway, between here and Munday's Corner, died of heart trouble at her residence yesterday. The deceased was born in Dunbar, Pa., April 9, 1860. Her husband, Thomas Donahue, preceded her to the grave. She leaves these children; Mrs. Mayme Smith of Wehrum; Mrs. Irene Bawn, of Revloc; James Donahue of Heilwood; John Donahue of Seward; and Thomas Donahue at home. Mrs. Donahue also leaves one brother, Albert McDowell of Listie, and two sisters; Mrs. Rebecca Hartman, of Seward, and Mrs. Emma Pill, of Parsons, W. Va. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morning in Holy Family Catholic Church at Seward. The funeral party will go overland to Johnstown where burial will be made in Saint John's Catholic Cemetery, Geitown. Undertakers W. S. Clarke and Son, of Seward, will have charge of the funeral.
Mrs. Mary Donahue, 69 years old, a native of Dunbar, died Tuesday at her home near Armagh. She was the widow of Thomas Donahue. The following children survive: Mrs. Mayme Smith of Wehrum; Mrs. Irene Bawn, of Revloc; James Donahue of Heilwood; John Donahue of Seward; and Thomas Donahue at home. The funeral service will be conducted at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning at the Holy Family Catholic Church at Seward. Interment will be in St. John Gualbert’s Cemetery at Geistown.
Charles A. DONALDSON died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(12)
Charles A. Donaldson, aged 69, well-known resident of Collier and a former employe
<sic> of the H. C. Frick Coke Company, died at 3:30 Monday afternoon, October
3, 1938 at the family ......... Collier after a two ..... (missing portions)
Mr. Donaldson was born in Preston county, West Virginia, a son of J. R. and Sara
Donaldson, and spent the greater part of his life in Fayette county. Surviving
is the widow, Mrs. Addie Sanner Donaldson; one son, Claude, at home; a daughter,
Mrs. Arthur Goldsboro, of Collier; one brother, Fred, of Millsboro; a sister,
Mrs. James Murray, Fairmont, W. Va., and two grandchildren, Claude and Kenneth.
The body will be removed this afternoon from the sharp Funeral Home, Fairchance,
to the residence in Collier. Plans for the funeral are incomplete.
(Herald Oct 4 1938)
Harold A. (Red) Donaldson, 62, of Mill Run, R.D. 1, died Thursday, Dec. 5, 1996, at his home. Friends will be received from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. today at the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., Route 711, Melcroft, where services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Thomas Milford officiating. Interment will follow in the Normalville Cemetery.
Hattie DONALDSON died in 1937. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Miss Hattie Donaldson, former Uniontown resident, died at 1 o'clock, Tuesday
morning, September 7th at her home in Morgantown, W.Va. Death followed
an illness of many months.
The deceased leaves two sisters, Mrs. J. C. Broomfield, Fairmont, W.Va., and
Miss Ida Donaldson, Morgantown, W.Va.; and a brother, William, of Lake Lynn.
Miss Donaldson was a sister-in-law of Rev. J. C. Broomfield, a former local minister.
Funeral services will be conducted Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Place
of burial and services have not yet been decided.
(Herald - Sep. 7, 1937)
DONALDSON, JOHN W. "FUZZY", 71, High St., Brownsville died Nov. 7, 1981. He was born in Brownsville, May 21, 1910, the son of the late James and Maude Bakewell Donaldson. He was a member of South Brownsville Methodist Church for over 50 years, a lifetime member of the Chief of Police Association, South Brownsville Fire Co., Brownsville Lodge 60, F & AM, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, American Legion Post 295 and a retired employee of Republic Steel Clyde Mine.
Surviving are his wife, Marian Stevenson Donaldson, three sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Downall, Annella Vance, Mrs. Iva Jean Thompson, a brother, James.
Maude F. DONALDSON (1887-1966)
Donaldson, Mrs. Maude F., 79, of 907 High St. Brownsville, died suddenly of a heart attack, Aug. 15, 1966 in Brownsville General Hospital. She was born May 28, 1887, in West Brownsville, the daughter of John H. and Ella Smith Bakewell. She was a member of the South Brownsville Methodist church. She leaves her husband, James R. Donaldson, three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Downall, Mrs. Annella Vance, and Mrs. Iva Jean Thompson; two sons, John W., and James L; two brothers, Roy and Charles Bakewell. Burial in Lafayette Memorial Park under the direction of the Ross Funeral Home.
R.P. DONALDSON died in 1922. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Funeral services for the late R.P. Donaldson, who died Thursday morning, August
3,1922 will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the chapel of E.E, Minerd
on Church Street. Following short services, interment will take place in Park
Place cemetery , Uniontown. The deceased was 80 years of age and is survived
by a brother.
Mrs. Sophia Donavich, 62, of Vanderbilt, R.D. 1, died at 1:45 p.m. Friday in Uniontown Hospital. She was born Oct. 3, 1900, at Raineytown, a daughter of the late John and Tehla Seasock. She was a member of St. Stephen’s G. C. Church of Leisenring No. 1. Surviving are her husband, Michael: five daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Dursa of Uniontown, Mrs. Helen Foster of McKeesport, Mrs. Catherine Treml of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Martha Martin of Connellsville and Mrs. Louise Giamberdini of McClellandtown; four sons, George of Burgettstown, John of Youngstown, Ohio, Albert of Connellsville and Peter at home; 14 children and two brothers, Steve Dornak of Allison and John Dornak of Baden. The body will be at the Fink funeral home after 7:30 p.m. today. A prayer service will be held there at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, followed by requiem high mass in St. Stephen’s Church at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Marko Bandovinac officiating. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
DONESEC, MRS. ANNA, aged 60 years, died in her home, Brushwood Road, R. D. Uniontown, Pa., October 24, 1944, at 5;05 p.m. Surviving are her husband, Frank Donesec, and the following children; Mrs. Mary Geltko, of Clairton; Mrs. Blanche Sytko and Joseph, of Oliver1; Andrew, of Clairton; Pfc. Stephen, with the U. S. Army in Germany; Pvt. John, with U. S. Army in England; Mrs. Elizabeth Kleca, of Leisenring 1; Pvt. Edward, in the South Pacific; Antonette, at home, and 28 grandchildren. Funeral arrangements under the direction of the Haky Funeral Home, Uniontown, are incomplete.
DONESEC, MRS. ANNA— Brief services will be held in the late home, Brushwood Road, Friday morning at 8:30 and followed by requiem high Mass in St Josephs R. C. Church with Rev. Fr. Charles Kobylarz as celebrant. Interment in Sylvan Heights Cemetery under the direction of the Haky Funeral Home, Uniontown.
DONEY, CHARLES SCOTT — Aged 7, son of Edward J. and Maude V. Firestone Doney, West Leisenring, died in the Uniontown Hospital, Friday, April 5, 1963 following a brief illness. In addition to his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Larry A. and James E. at home; his paternal grandfather, Charles Doney of Mather. Friends will be received in the Russell E. Ray Funeral Home, 318 Morgantown St., after 7 this evening. Angel Mass will be sung Monday at 9 a.m. in St. Polycarp’s R.C. Church, West Leisenring. Rev. Fr. Francis Pirulla will officiate. Interment will be in Sylvan Heights Memorial Park.
Deloris Horner DONLEY
Deloris (Horner) Donley
Deloris (Horner) Donley, 88, of Dilliner, a lifelong resident of Greene County Pa., passed away on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at her home following a lengthy illness. Born in Dilliner, Pa. on February 15, 1924, she was the daughter of William H. Horner and Ruth (Shearer) Horner. A 1942 graduate of Point Marion High School, Deloris retired from Houze Glass in Point Marion where she worked for over 30 years. She attended the Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church in Dilliner and was a member of the Morgantown Bowling Association and the Lady Rebekah Lodge. Her husband of 64 years, Ira J. Donley Jr., passed away December 9, 2010. Also deceased are her parents; two brothers, Huey and William Horner; and a sister Catherine “Toot” Williams. Surviving are her two children and their spouses: Beverly and Gary Yoskovich, and Ira “Jay” and Shelley Donley all of Dilliner; four grandchildren and their spouses: Chrissy Yoskovich Byrne and Rick of Fairmont, W.Va., Bart and Sheena Donley of Uniontown, Pa., Jayce Donley of Dilliner, Cassie Yoskovich Gidley and Bryce, Morgantown, W. Va.; great grandchildren: Shayla Cech, Bailey Byrne, Sydney Byrne, Jaxon Donley; and her sister, Verna Davis of Point Marion, Pa. The family will receive friends in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., on Monday, July 30th, from 3 to 4 p.m. A Memorial Service will begin at 4 p.m. with Rev. Woody Wilson officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be offered to Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church, c/o Nick Shuppe, Treasurer, 480 Budapest Road, Dilliner, PA 15327. www.herod-
DONLEY, LENA M.— Age 77 years of 204 Marshall Manor, Uniontown, died Wednesday, March 19, 1975 at 11:55 a.m. in the Uniontown Hospital. She was the widow of the late Lindsay Donley and the daughter of the late Frank and Ida Fike Griffith. She was a member of Central Christian Church. Surviving is a son, Orville H. Rose, North Miami, Florida; three grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Edward (Helen) Barnhart, Uniontown, Mrs. Charels (Ruth) Wood, Greensboro, North Carolina, and Mrs. Charles (Jean) Hornbeck, Lakeworth, Florida. She was predeceased by a son, William L. Rose, October, 1970, and a sister, Goldie Walz, and a brother, Ralph Griffith. Friends will be received in the Edward E. Minerd Funeral Home, 196 W. Main St., today 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday until 1 p.m., the hour of service. Rev. Norman C. Hunt will officiate. Interment in Park Place Cemetery.
Madeline C. Wood Minsterman DONNADIO (1917-1995)
Madeline C. Wood Minsterman Donnadio, 77, of South Connellsville died Sunday in Highlands Hospital and Health Center, Connellsville. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Patricia Peffer of South Connellsville, Mrs. Richard (Marlene) Basinger, Mrs. William (Joanne) Kuhns, and Mrs. John (Charlotte) Coughenour all of Connellsville; a son, William J. Minsterman Jr. and wife, Diana, of Connellsville; 15 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; a brother, Harry F. Wood, and a sister, Mrs. Jules (Loretta) Dill, both of Connellsville. Friends will be received in the Paul G. Fink Funeral Home Inc., 418 North Pittsburgh St., Connellsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Wednesday until 9:30 a.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–December 7, 1917
Died—–July, 1995
Jessie Wilhelm DONNER
Mrs. Jessie Donner, 59, of Springdale, died in Pittsburgh Hospital at 10 o'clock Sunday night. She was the wife of William F. Donner. She was born at Dunbar April 4, 1894. She was a Gold Star mother. Surviving in addition to her husband are four children, William F., Jr., of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Frances Amos Diamond, Roy Donner of New Kensington and Paul with the U. S. Army; two grandchildren; four brothers, James A. Wilhelm of South Connellsville, Albert Wilhelm of Dunbar, Jacob Wilhelm of Springdale and Robert Wilhelm of Pittsburgh, and two sisters, Miss Mary Wilhelm of Dunbar and Mrs. Edward Thomas of Connellsville. The body was taken to the home. There will be a prayer there at 7:30 o'clock this evening. The body will be taken to the Burhans Funeral Home where the funeral service will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. William Hamilton of Glassport will officiate. Interment will be in Franklin Cemetery.
Notes from contributor:
Father–Benjamin Franklin Wilhelm
Mother–Frances W. Getz Wilhelm
Roberta Jean Donner, four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Donner, died Sunday at noon at the family home at Springdale of complications. Besides her parents, she is survived by the following brothers, William F., Jr., George Walter and Roy Donald, and one sister, Frances Louise Donner. The body was brought to the home of the child’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Wilhelm of Dunbar, where the funeral service will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, with Rev. William Hamilton officiating. Interment will be in Franklin Cemetery, Dunbar. Funeral Director J.T. Burhans will have charge.
DONNER, WILLIAM F. (SR.)— Age 69 years of 62 Fayette St., Dunbar, died Thursday morning, November 2, 1967, unexpectedly in the Connellsville State General Hospital. He was born in Connellsville, December 10, 1927 and was the son of Otto P. Donner and the late Marle Baughmann Donner. He is survived by three sons, William of Pittsburgh, Roy of New Kensington and Franklin with the U.S. Navy serving in Vietnam; one daughter, Mrs. David (Frances) Ames of Titusville, Pa.; four grandchildren; two brothers, Henry of Connellsville, and George of Backersville, Pa.; one sister, Mrs. Grant (Wilhemina) McManus of Dunbar. Friends will be received in the Burhans Funeral Home, Dunbar, after 1 p.m. today and until Sunday at 2 p.m., the hour of service. Rev. Myron E. Cole will officiate. Interment will be in Franklin Cemetery, Dunbar.
Sunday evening about 6 o’clock while bathing in the reservoir at Colonial No. 2, near Fairview, John Donnick, a foreigner employed as a coal miner, got into a deep hole and was drowned.
Marie Libera DONOFRIO died in 1935. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Marie Libera Donofrio, aged 52 years, two months, 16 days, died of complications,
at her home in New Salem, Sunday morning, 5:30 o'clock following a year's illness.
She had been a resident of New Salem for the past 14 years.
Surviving are her husband, Michael; two children, Dorothy and Anthony, and four
step-children Frances, Nicholas, Pauline and Loretta.
Brief funeral services will be held at the home, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock,
followed by mass in the St. Procopius R. C. church, New Salem. Rev. Fr. J. J.
Skrak will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. (newspaper
dated August 19, 1935)
Anna Louise O’Brien DONOVAN ( -2001)
In God’s Providence, Anna Louise O’Brien Donovan entered eternal life on Saturday, June 2, 2001. In addition to her parents, John O’Brien and Emma Shoaf O’Brien, she was preceded in death by her husband, Michael B. Donovan; and brothers, John Shoaf O’Brien and Phillip Paul O’Brien. She is survived by her son, Michael A. Donovan of Uniontown, Pa.; sisters, Mary Catherine O’Brien and Irene O’Brien both of Masontown, Pa.; and several nieces and nephews. Anna Louise was a member of St. John The Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, and a member of The Rosary Society of St. John The Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church. Anna Louise was a graduate of All Saints Elementary and High schools. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Seton Hill College and a Masters Degree from Duquesne University. In addition, she completed post-graduate studies at California State College (now California University of Pennsylvania), Carnegie Mellon University, The Pennsylvania State University, and The Catholic University of America. Anna Louise was applauded as a dedicated teacher in the following schools: Duquesne University, St. Joseph’s Academy, North Huntington Township High School, Masontown Public High School, Hampton Township High School, German Township High School, Albert Gallatin Joint High School, North Union Township High School, and Laurel Highlands High School. She was also a researcher at Methods Engineering in Pittsburgh, Pa., where she worked in the preparation for "A Dictionary of Engineering Terms". Anna Louise was also a member of P.S.E.A. and Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees. Friends will be received in the STEPHEN E. KEZMARSKY III FUNERAL HOME AT 71 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, UNIONTOWN, Pa., today from 7 to 9 p.m., on Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and on Saturday, June 9, until Noon, when a blessing service will be held. A Concelebrated Mass of Christian burial will be offered at 1 p.m., in All Saints Church, Masontown, Pa., with the Rev. Fr. James F. Bump as celebrant and the Rev. Fr. Francis Hanley as concelebrant. Private interment will be held in St. Agnes Cemetery, Leckrone, Pa. Donations may be made to All Saints Church Memorial Fund, 101 West Church Avenue, Masontown, PA 15461. Panachida Service will be offered on Friday at 3 p.m., by the Very Reverend Fr. Richard J. Whetstone. Recitation of the Rosary will be at 3:30 p.m., on Friday by St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church Rosary Society. Vigil Service on Friday evening.
Mrs. Catherine Donovan, aged 71 years, died at her home in Leisenring No. 1, Sunday evening of a complicsation of diseases. Mrs. Donovan was well known in the Leisenring district, having been a resident there for the past 48 years. She is survived by six children, Michael of Gates; Thomas of Searight; John of Connellsville; Mrs. J. W. Miller of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Fred Scarry and Joseph, both at home. One sister, Mrs. Mary Henry of Hopwood and 28 grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock in St. Vincent De Paul R. C. church at Leisenring No. 1 in charge of Rev. Fr. Planetzer, pastor. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
DONOVAN, CHARLES H., aged 60, of 45 E. Main St., died in the Uniontown Hospital Thursday, November 27, 1947, at 6 a. m. He had long been associated in the coal business in Fayette county. Surviving are his wife, Clara Donovan, and the following children: Mrs. Laura Steele, of Indiana; Mrs. Jean Rogers of Detroit, Mich.; Charles E., of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Rebecca McCann, of Anderson, Ind.; Mrs. Virginia Randolph, of Uniontown; sisters and brothers Jane, William and Lee Donovan, of Uniontown; Mrs. George Rose, of Star Junction; John, of Pasadena, Calif. Services will be conducted Sunday, November 30, at 2 p. m. in the Fenton Funeral Home, 121 E. Main St., with Dr. Lorne H. Belden of the Third Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will be in Sylvan Heights cemetery. Friends will be received in the funeral home after 5 o'clock this evening.
Eileen P. Donovan, 83, of Buffington, Fayette County, Pa., passed away peacefully Sunday, April 8, 2007, in Hillside manor Personal Care, Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., with her loving family by her side. She was born April 15, 1923, in New Salem, Fayette County, Pa., the daughter of the late Anthony and Bridget Grace Haley. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Vincent Donovan, and brothers and sisters, John, Robert, Virginia, Donald, and Raymond (Beck) Haley. Eileen was a member of Saint Procopius Roman Catholic Church, New Salem. She is survived by her sons, Robert Donovan and his wife, Joan, of Chester, Virginia, and Kevin Donovan and his wife, Ginny, of Leesburg, Virginia; grandchildren, Patrick Donovan and his wife, Megan, and Douglas, Drew, and Griffin Donovan; and these special nieces, Jean Bell, of Uniontown, Pa., Donna Weimer, of Carmichaels, Greene County, Pa., and Sheila Yauger, of Lemont Furnace, Fayette County, Pa., and a special nephew, Jim Haley, of Phoenix, Arizona. Friends will be received in the DEARTH FUNERAL HOME, New Salem, today, April 10, 2007, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Wednesday, April 11, 2007, until 9:30 a.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will follow at 10 a.m. in Saint Procopius Roman Catholic Church, New Salem, with the Rev. Father James L. Popochock, as Celebrant. Interment will follow in Saint Joseph Cemetery, Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa. Parish Wake Service will be held this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the Funeral Home.
Miss Mayme Donovan, of Leisenring, No. 1, and one of the best known young women of Dunbar township, died yesterday at Southern Pines, N. C. Miss Donovan had been in poor health for some time past and seven months ago she left for Southern Pines, hoping to regain her health. The body will be brought to Connellsville and removed by Funeral Director J. L. Stader to the Donovan home in Dunbar Twp. Deceased was daughter of Thos. Donovan, deceased, and Mrs. Catherine Donovan. All her life was spent at Leisenring. She was graduated from the Dunbar township high school and taught school at Leisenring No. 1 until her late illness. She was highly esteemed by her wide circle of friends. Miss Donovan was a member of St. Vincent de Paul’s church at Leisenring No. l. In addition to her mother she is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Michael, of Wynn; Thomas, of Searight; John, of Logans crossing; Joseph and Mrs. Fred Scarry at home; Mrs. Joseph Miller, of Pittsburg. Michael Donovan and John Donovan were with their sister when death came.
The funeral of Miss Mame Donovan held this morning at 8:30 from the family residence at Leisenring No. 1, and at 9 o’clock from St. Vincent De Paul’s Catholic church, was one of the largest held in that community in recent years. The church was well filled with relatives and friends of deceased from various parts of Dunbar township and more distant points. Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Canova. The floral tributes were numerous and unusually handsome. Miss Donovan was a member of the L. C. B. A., the Young Ladies’ Sodality of Leisenring No. 1, and the Daughters of Isabella of Connellsville.
Viola G. Donovan, 72, of Carmichaels, died Monday, November 14, 1988 at her home. Surviving are her mother, Lola Mayfield Gibson of Point Marion; one son, Patrick J. Donovan II of Carmichaels; two daughters, Mrs. Stanley (Katheleen) Honacki of Indiana, Pa. and Colleen Donovan of Carmichaels; five grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lytle of Pt. Marion and one brother, Robert Gibson, also of Point Marion. She was an auditor for Greene County for 20 years and served two terms as president of the Pennsylvania Federation of County Auditors. Friends will be received in the Lesako & Martin Funeral Home, Carmichaels, this evening 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday until 11 a.m.
Francis J. DOORLEY died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(12)
Francis J. Doorley, aged 45, well-known resident of Scottdale, and brother of
T. L. Doorley, superintendent of the Frick mine at Smock, died at 7:15 Saturday
night at the home in Scottdale following a lingering illness superinduced by
sinus trouble.
Mr. Doorley was in business in Weirton, W. Va., for a number of years. He was
widely known through out the coal region.
Surviving are the following sisters and brothers: Mary Doorley, with whom he
made his home in Scottdale; Mrs. T. J. Kelly, Edenborn; Mrs. William Doyle, Uniontown;
Mrs. Catherine Schmit_?
(Standard Aug 22 '38)