From: "Original Settlements on the Delaware" by Benjamin Ferris:

"The following is a "List of the Swedish families residing in New Sweden
In 1693, with the number of individuals in each family".  Some of the names are evidently Dutch (and Finnish), as Van der Weer, Starke and Meyer.  These were probably reckoned as Swedes on account of their descent from them on the female side, and from having adopted the language and customs of that people.  The list is dated 1693.  It was probably made out in  the spring of that year, and sent to Sweden with the interesting letter written by Charles Springer, and signed by thirty of the principal men in the colony, giving an account of their situation and soliciting the means of religious instruction.  That letter was dated the 31st of May, 1693."

Heads of Families and Numbers of Persons in Each

Note: Those persons to whose names an asterisk (*) is prefixed were born
in Sweden.

This page updated on January 2, 2011