Pequea Taxlist 1720
1720 is the first mention of Pequea as a separate
district, and the following persons were assessed, and the annexed valuation
in pounds is given to their estates
- John Barger 20
- Wm Richardson 10
- Joseph Roe 10
- Philip Ferree 32
- Isaac Leffeavor 80
- Richard Davis 32
- Elizabeth Vinyard 15
- Christian Blossom 10
- Daniel Ferree 50
- John Ferree 40
- Thomas Falkneer 40
- John Powell 10
- Anthony Brighter 20
- John Fredrickfols 20
- James Galtt 15
- Thomas Clark 20
- Robert Galatt 12
- Josiah Ridgway 10
- Morgan James 15
- Benja. Heath 16
- Daniel Cookson for John Gosling 35
- Samuel Collins 10
- Joseph Hickman 40
- John Williams 15
- William Clark 15
The tax was at the rate of threepence on the pound. This district became part of Lancaster County
in 1729
This page updated on January 4, 2011