Traitors/Patriots of PA...1778
May 13, 1778 The Pennsylvania Packet
By the SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL of the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania
WHEREAS the following named persons, late and heretofore inhabitants of this State - That is to say -
- Enoch Story, late merchant
- Samuel Garrigues, the elder, late clerk of the market and trader
- James Stevenson, late baker
- Abraham Carlisle, house carpenter
- Peter Deshong, miller
- Alexander Bartram, trader
- Christian Hook, attorney at law
- Peter Miller, scrivener
- Lodowick Kerker, butcher
- Philip Marchinton, trader
- Edward Hanlon, cooper and vintner
- Alfred Cliffton, gentleman
- Arthur Thomas, breeches maker
all now, or late of the city of Philadelphia
- Thomas Livizley, late of the township of Roxborough, miller
- John Roberts, late of the township of Lower Merion, miller
- Robert Iredale, the younger, and Thomas Iredale, both late of the township of Abingdon, blacksmith
- John Knight, tanner
- Isaac Knight, Husbandman
- Albinson Walton, late of the Township of Biberry, husbandman
- John Smith, late gauger of the port of Philadelphia
- Henry Hugh Ferguson, commissary of prisoners for General Howe, all late of the county of Philadelphia
- Samuel Biles, Esquire, late sheriff of the county of Bucks
- Walter Willey, late of the township of Southhampton, husbandman
- Richard Hevenden, late of the township of Newtown, trader
- William Moland, late of the township of Warminster, husbandman - all late of the county of Buck
- Thomas Bull
- DAVID DAWSON, husbandmen
- Jacob James, late of the township of Goshen, inn keeper
- Joseph Thomas, (heretofore sub sheriff) yeoman
- Nathaniel Vernon, Junior, labourer
- JOHN SWANCICK, late of the custom house, Philadelphia; all late of the county of Chester......
WE the Supreme Executive Council aforesaid, by virtue of certain powers and authorities to us given by an Act of General Assembly, entitled, "An Act for the attainder of divers Traitors, if they render not themselves by a certain day, and for vesting their estates in this Common Wealth; and for more effectually discovering the same; and for a certaining and satisfying the lawful debts and claims thereupon," ........ from and after the said twenty fifth day June next, stand and be attainted of High Treason to all intents and purposes, and shall suffer such pains and penalties, and undergo all such forfeitures as persons attainted of High Treason ought to do. And all the faithful subjects of this State are to take notice of this Proclamation, and govern themselves accordingly. GIVEN, by order of the Council, under the Hand of His Excellency the President and the Seal of the State, at Lancaster, this eight day of May, in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and seventy eight
By order of Council,
THOMAS WHARTON, Junior, President.
GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. Attested by order of Council.
T. MATLACK, SecretaryNOTE - The original document had all of the names in a paragraph. I put them in a list so that they would be easier to search. - Jane
This page updated on February 16, 2009