PENNSYLVANIA Middletown FREY Estate, Frey Village

Former Emaus Orphan's Home Site

1020 North Union Street, Middletown, PA
Photo submitted by Charles E. Fies

Charles E. Fies compiled Material from snips and pieces located in the
section on cemeteries.
Page 376................NOTES AND QUERIES.----lxx.
The Graveyard at Middletown.---In 1795 for the "sum of six (?)
shillings," JOHN FISHER deeded a lot of ground on the Great Road (?)
leading from Middletown to Swatara creek." to FRANCIS Wxxxxxx (?)
and THOMAS STUBBS, trustees of the Warrington Monthly Meeting (?)
York County, "for a burying ground or place to bury the dead of the
Society of the people called Quakers." Which of the three graveyards
(?) on this "Great Road" was the Quaker burial ground?

Page 380................Notes and Queries.

Col. Burd and his wife were originally interred in the Presbyterian
graveyard first referred to, but were removed several years ago by
BURD S. PATTERSON, Esq., of Pottsville. As we read these inscriptions
we involuntarily thought of the important services of these eminent
personages in ante-revolutionary days. Col. Burd was prominently
identified with the early history of Pennsylvania, and his life reads
like a romance. It deserves, therefore, to be well written.

From the cemetery we wandered out to the KIRKPATRICK farm, now
belonging to the Frey Estate. Beyond the house, on a rising knoll,
enclosed by a stone wall, ten by twelve feet, are the graves of WILLIAM
KIRKPATRICK and several members of his family. We searched in
vain, among the debris to find some stone with an inscription which
might throw some light on the history of the first settler at Middle-
town, but the walnut trees, growing from the center of the enclosure
and the rubbish from the falling wall have buried these from sight.
if there ever were any. The blood of the KIRKPATRICKS, however, yet
flows through the veins of the ESPYS and RUTHERFORDS. We were (?)
disappointed, but returning to Middletown, found our way to the
depot and from thence home. On another occasion we propose (?)
seeing more of it and its enterprising people of to-day-- who are (?)
living realities---and not the ghosts of a past century.
June, 1882

(Handwritten note in left margin:)

This was
where Frey was

Page obliterated................(N. & Q. lxx) (?)

The Graveyard at Middletown (N. & Q. lxx)---In reply to your
query relative to the graveyard conveyed by M. FISHER to Sxxxxx(?)
and others, in trust, I would remind you that there is a small grave-
yard on the "Pine Ford" farm, now belonging to the heirs of (???)
II. Fisher, deceased, between the old town limits and the Swatara (?)
creek, a little north of the turnpike; and as the....old road....was
some (?) what north of the present pike, I understand, and a number of
the Stubbs family have been buried there, it is more than probably then (?)
that is the one alluded to.

(Handwritten Note by VIRGINIA SHAEFFER on bottom of page:)

"George Frey was buried in a small
family plot on this Frey's Grove farm,
near Frey's Bridge. Used to be grave
markers there when I was young
His remains were removed to N. Union
St Home yard after Emaus home was built
My grandmothers knew the Country well
and had some interesting Frey Ghost Stories."
signed: Virginia Schaeffer

"ICH BIN FREI", the story of George (Johannes Eberhardt) Frey compiled by Grace I. DeHart in 1996 - Copies still available at St. Peter's Lutheran Church or Middletown Public Library / Historical Society

Bits and pieces submitted by Charles E. Fies:

The first orphanage was built in "Freysburg". This was a building near the
fair grounds. The bldg was 30'x40' and was two stories high. It was never
used, it deteriorated and was sold by the sheriff. Based on a brownstone
cornerstone that is located in the rear of St. Peter's Church Parish House,
it is believed the building was built in 1774 (Cornerstone Freyburg GF Ag

In 1817 the first brick building to house the orphans was constructed in the
area where St. Peter's Lutheran Church Parish House is located today.
Because of mis-management of funds, by 1840 there were debts amounting to
about $8,000 and the orphan house was discontinued.
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