by D.M. Kelsey, Thompson & Thomas, Chicago Ill. 1902
Many are the books that give in interesting detail and adventures of a single or a few hereos, or of a restricted region of the American frontier. But it has been the conception of this volume to present a broad view, embracing the more celebrated episodes of the life led by the most noted pioneer explorers, early settlers and brave soldiers who have won distinction in border warfare. It is surely a worthy task to gather, in a natural, chronological succession, records of those thrilling exploits, the recitals of which, oft repeated, have secured their hereos immortality. It is thought that those incidents most characteristic of a man and his times, and possessing the most interest to the reader have been chosen. So many different volumes have been consulted, that to refer each statement to the authority upon which it is based would needlessly encumber the book. When the original possesses special interest, as in the case of Boone's Autobiography, or Crockett's Diary in the Alamo, it is specially quoted. D.M.K. |