Will of William Mumford 












I, William Mumford, of Greenwood Township in the County of Crawford and state of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and publish this, my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made. As to such estate as it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I dispose of as follows, vis

1st I direct that what money I may have, that my executors shall dispose of enough of my personal property to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses, and eighty dollars that I shall hereafter dispose in this will.

2nd I give and bequeath unto my wife ANNA MUMFORD the remainder of my personal property in lieu of her $800. Also, I give to her the use of all my real estate so long as she remains my widow.

3rd I give and bequeath unto my son LEWIS MUMFORD that certain piece of land lying in Greenwood Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: on the East - by land will this day to Silas Mumford and on the North and West by land of Leonard Smock and on the South by public highway, containing thirty acres and fifty-one perches more or less. To have and hold this said tract of land above described to him, his heirs and assigns forever and to have possession of said land at his mother’s death or remarriage on the following conditions:

that he pay to Jefferson Mumford the sum of two hundred dollars without interest one hundred to be paid in one year and one hundred in two years after my death,

and also one hundred dollars to Lizzie Smock in three years after my death without interest. Said described land being the same deeded to William Mumford by Louis A. Strayer.

4th I give and bequeath to my son SILAS MUMFORD that certain piece of land lying and being in Greenwood Township, Crawford County, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the East by land of Jessie T. Williams and Alva Collins, On the North by land of Philip Smock and Jessie William, On the West by land of Leonard Smock and land willed this day to Lewis Mumford, and on the South by public highway to contain seventy acres more or less; to have and to hold said tract of land above described to him and his heirs and assigns forever and to have possession of said land at his mother’s death or remarriage on the following conditions:

That he pay to Jefferson Mumford the sum of two hundred dollars without interest, one hundred to be paid in one year and one hundred to be paid in two years after my death; also, one hundred dollars to Drusilla Mumford in three years after my death without interest. Said described land being the same that was deeded to William Mumford by David Selby and wife.

5th I give and bequeath to my son JEFFERSON MUMFORD four hundred dollars to be paid (by) Lewis and Silas Mumford as above stated.

6th I give and bequeath unto my daughter, LIZZIE SMOCK, one hundred dollars to be paid by Lewis Mumford as above stated.

7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter, DRUSILLA CRIST, one hundred dollars to be paid by Silas Mumford as above stated.

8th I give and bequeath unto my son THEODORE MUMFORD, fifty dollars to be paid by my executors in one years after my death.

9th I give and bequeath unto my daughter, NANCY SMOCK, five dollars to be paid by my executors in one year after my death.

10th I give and bequeath unto my daughter, SALLY LOPER, five dollars to be paid by my executors in one year after my death.

11th I give and bequeath unto my daughter, MARY WINTERS, five dollars to be paid by my executors in one year after my death.

12th I give and bequeath unto my daughter, ELIZA JANE BORTNER, five dollars to be paid by my executors in one year after my death.

This last seventy dollars is that referred to in the first clause of the will.

Lastly, I appoint Anna Mumford and Lewis Mumford executors of this my last will and testament. In witness of I, William Mumford, to have this, my will, written on one sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this 16th day of March, AD one thousand, eight hundred and eighty seven.

William Mumford

Registered Feb. 23, 1893  in will book G, page 665

Submitted by Beverly Settlemire, great great granddaughter.

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