In the name of God Amen.
I, Lewis Larkins of the Township of Bloomfield, Crawford County and State of Pennsylvania being of sound mind and memory and considering
the uncertainity of this transitory life. Do therefore make, publish, ordain and declare this to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
First, after all my legal debts are paid and discharged, I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Larkins all my Personal property of whatever name and nature Viz..all moneys,
notes, Bonds, Judgements, Mortgages, and household furniture and also the use of all my real estate and all incomes, rents, profits, and issues arising from
my real Estate during her natural life.
2nd I will and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Cora B. Shearer Thirty acres of land Viz. ten acres purchased of H. J. Hindekoper and adjoining land deeded by me to Martha P. Shearer
and twenty acres purchased of Jonas Weed making a total of Thirty acres of land Subject neverless to the bequest to my wife during her natural life.
3rd I will and bequeath to my Grand-Son Ira D. Larkins my farm known as the Jonal Henry farm and purchased [...] words on the first day of April last prior to attaining his
majority or becoming twentyone years of age. Subject nevertheless to the former bequest to my wife Nancy Larkins who is to have the use of all my real estate during her natural
life. And should the said Ira D. Larkins decease before coming into possession of said land and without lineal heirs. Then said 45 3/4 acres of land shall fall to
Martha P. Shearer and her children.
And I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my wife Nancy Larkins and W.B. Taylor Executrix & Executor of this my last will & testament and thereby
appoint W.B. Taylor Trustee of the property herein bequeathed to Ira D. Larkins until he shall come into posession of the same. And should my Estate be burdened for the support of Ira D. Larkin
or any portion of the support or maintainance of the said Ira D. Larkins be charged to my Estate. Then and in that case I hereby authorize the Trustee herein appointed
(W.B. Taylor) to sell such portion of the land herein bequeathed to Ira D. Larkins as may be necessary to pay such charges. Made this 25th day of March A.D. 1884.
Lewis Larkins
Signed in the presence of
Charles Wilkins
W.B. Taylor