Will of Mathias Flock 











In the name of God amane, I Mathias Flock being weak in body but of perfect mind and menory do make this my last will and testament. I order that my beloved wife Mary Flock shall keep one bed and one milk cow and her maintenace shall be out of my real estate and at her death my real and personal shall be sold and divided as follows, my son George Flock the sum of ten dollars, my son Samuel Flock the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, my daughter Barbara Minium the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, and my daughter Elizabeth Brown on hundred and fifty dollars that piece of land which I own part of a tract know by the name of the McClure tract on Muddy Creek seventy five acres I do leave and bequeath unto David Carr my daughters Elizabeth's son now living with me, if he should live until he is of age that said David Carr shall be supported out of my estate and schooled as if I was living, the residue of my estate if shall be divided equal among all my heirs.  I do here by appoint and ordain Jacob Flock and Mathias my two oldest sons executors of this my last will and testament.  Given under my hand and seal this fifth day of August in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and twenty nine.

In presents of

George Long,                          Mathias Flock seal

David Carr

    This codesil of the written will I do make and alter and in place of the ten dollars to George Flock he shall have on hundred and fifty dollars the money I have paid David Wadsworth for his lands shall be considered as part of the hundred and fifty dollars and also David Carr son of Elizabeth Flock formerly now Elizabeth Brown shall considered as one of my heirs and to receive an equal sixty dollars of being money as the rest of my heirs, I also do appoint Daniel Brown his quardian if I should be called of in his minor years.

August 3 1831

George Long                                   Mathias Flock

Daniel Watring

                               In consequence of the death of my son Mathias Flock one of the executors in the foregoing will I do nominate and appoint in his name and sted my son-in-law Daniel Brown with Jacob Flock.

July 22 1833 Attest

George Long                                   Mathias Flock

Crawford County Personally appeared before me George Long and David Carr the two subseribing witnesses to the witten unting purported to the the last will and testament of Mathias Flaugh (now deceased) being duly sworn doth severally dispose and say that they saw the said Mathias Flough sign the same of his own free will and accord and at the time of so doing the said testator ws of perfect sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief.  The said George Long further deposeth and says that he was present and saw the said testator sing the codisil and the second codisil at the respective times of the execution and that he signed his at the request of the testator.  That the testator was of sound mind memory and understanding at the execution of the respective codisils.

Sworn and subseribed this 22 day of January 1834.  H.H. Laughlin depty

Wm W. White Reg               George Long

                                            David Carr

    Crawford County: Daniel Watring one of the subseribers of interpes to the above writing purporting to be a codisil to the will and testament of Mathias Flaugh (now deceased) being duly sworm deposeth and saith that he signed the foregoing codisil or instrument of writing at the request of Mathias Flaugh whose name is subseribed there  unto that he acknowledged the same to a codisil to the within will and testament that he was of sound mind memory and understanding at this time.

Sworn and subseribed the 22 day of January 1834

H.H. Laughlin depty

Wm W. White Reg                     David Watring

Submitted by Kimberly Liljequist 

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