of Jonas Ash
I Jonas Ash of Venango Township Crawford County State of Pennsylvania
Farmer being of sound mind memory and understanding but considering the
uncertainty of this life do make and publish this my last will and
testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any
time heretofore made.
1st it is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral
expences be paid as soon as can be conveniently done after my decease.
2 I give and bequeath to my son Hiram F the farm on which I now
reside containing one hundred acres more less he to keep his mother during
her lifetime in all things necessary for her comfort in sickness and
3 I give and bequeath to my son William Fifty dollars.
4 I give and bequeath to my son John one hundred dollars.
5th I give and bequeath to my daughter Lodicae one thousand dollars
6th I give and bequeath to my daughter Jenie E one thousand dollars
7th It is my will and I direct that if there is not sufficient
property in my estate to pay the aforesaid bequests then the amount willed
to my son William shall be twentyfive dollars and the amount will to my
son John shall be Fifty dollars and if there is more than will pay all the
aforesaid bequests then I direct that the balance shall be equally divided
between all my heirs share and share alike
8th I direct that my executor shall have the right to sell all my
real and personal property except the farm willed to my son Hiram F and
the shall have the power to give deeds for all real estate sold by them
the same as I could do if living.
9th and lastly I nominate and appoint Hiram F Ash and Sarah W my
wife executor and executrix of this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal AD 1883
by Larry Bradley |