Excerpts from the

June 1910 X-Ray, Titusville High School 

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The X-Ray, published during the school year by the students of Titusville High School

Index of Advertisements in the X-Ray

A. & J. Parlors, Ice Cream
A. Benson
A. Colby Bakery
A. J. Benton, Queen City Garage and Electric Co.
Ackerman & Jepson,
Barber, Cooley & Co Insurance
Barnsdall & Co.
Ben Davis, outfitter
Ben Phillips
Brown's Drug Store
C. F. Whitaker
C. J. Anderson, grocer
C. J. Gilson & Co.
Chick & Wheeler
Cohn & Oakleaf
Dairy Lunch
Dentler & Merker
Dusckas & Heos
E. K. Thompson & Sons
E. T. Hall, housefurnisher
F. A. Bidaux & Co.
F. A. Falmquist
F. B. Inglehart
F. C. Torrey
Fenton Bros.
Gilson Bros.
H. Bailey
Hahn & Reid, dry goods
I. Westheimer & Bro.
J. A. Peterson
J. Davis & Bro.
J. Geser Boots Shoes and Rubbers
J. J. Borne Watchwork
John Gaman & Co, livery
Johnston Hall
Karl Engleman  
Kendall and Eckstrom  
Kernochan & Co. 
Keystone Auto Garage  
L. J. Rowe, Florist
L. S. Clark Groceries and Feed
L. Schlehuber, Jr. & Co. Shoes
L.J. Cederquist, tailor
Lemmon's Studio
McNierney's China Store
Meeks & Dann
Metcalf & Bryner, Furniture
Modern Shoe Repairing Shop
Monahan & Hallnan
Mrs. Metzgar
N. A. Johnson
New York Bazaar
O'Hare and Condra
O.W. Bentley
Olmsted Art & Decorative Company
Oriental Tea Store
Palace Steam Laundry
Pittsburg Store
Prenatt & Gandelot
Price & Landas, Optometrists
R. D. Cooper & Son Grocers
R. D. Fletcher
Reynold's Millinery
S. Burgeson Fresh and Salt Meats
S. S. Bryan Hardware Dealer
Sirdevan & Kerr Millinery
Snyder Millinery
Strouse & Benson
Sugar Bowl
T. Murdoch, florist
The Bicycle Doctor
The Evening Courier
The Parisian Cleaning & Dyeing Co.
Van Cise's Beauty Parlors
Wager's Meat Market
Wilkins & Kemble
Willis B. Gardner, optometrist