Thomas Brown

Civil War Hero
Crawford County, Pennsylvania






121st Regiment, Ohio Volunteers

Company B

enlisted 25 Feb 1864 for three years

He received a gunshot wound to left thigh during battle at Kennesaw Mountain, GA, 27 Jun 1864. Seventeen days later, 12 Jul 1864, died of wounds at US Army Hospital #2, Chattanooga, TN.
He is buried in the  National Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN, Mark #11891, Section E

Thomas Brown was born in Crawford County, PA.

He married Lavina Norris in Muskingum County, Ohio in 1832. He may have been only 15 years old at the time. According to war records, Thomas enlisted at age 44, when daughters were old enough to fend for themselves. He lost three of his four sons in the war. 

research submitted by Robert J. Brown


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