Greenwood Township
History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania : containing a history of the county; its townships, towns, villages, schools, churches, industries, etc.;
portraits of early settlers and prominent men; biographies; history of Pennsylvania; statistical and miscellaneous matter, etc., etc
by Bates, Samuel P. (Samuel Penniman), 1827-1902; Brown, R. C. (Robert C.); Mansfield, John Brandt
Part IX; Chapter X, page 552-556
Greenwood Township lies on the southern border of the county, between East Fallowfield and Fairfield. It was organized in 1829, from portions of Fallowfield and Fairfield, and lost a small portion of its territory by the formation of Union. The place authorized by the Assembly in 1829, for holding elections, was the cabin of Thomas Abbott. Its area is 19,336 acres, valued on the tax duplicate of 1882 at $359,494. The population in 1850 was 1,127; in 1860, 1,729; in 1870, 1,782, and in 1880, 1,614. The surface is generally level, but a little broken in the northeast part. Conneaut Outlet forms the northern boundary, and Conneaut Marsh, along its banks, has a width of about half a mile, and is from 100 to 200 feet below the general level of the land. Most of this land has recently been made tillable by the public excavation of the channel of Conneaut Outlet. The township is well watered by numerous springs, the outpourings of which form rivulets threading the land in all directions. The soil is a fertile, gravelly loam, well adapted to dairying and fruit culture. The principal timber consists of beech, maple, pine and hemlock. The southern portion of the township is a part of Field's claim. Field was a wealthy Philadelphia Quaker, who purchased a large tract of land in this county, and gave 200 acres, or half the tract to each settler fulfilling the requirements of residence and improvements necessary to perfect his title. Many of the first settlers obtained their farms in this way. Among the earliest settlers in the western and central parts of Greenwood were James Abbott, Abraham Martin and John McMichael, who paid tax on chattel property in 1798; and Samuel and Joseph Anderson, Abraham Abbott, Robert Adams, Hamilton Armour, Graviner Bailey, The only two tracts patented by individuals were settled by their proprietors, Samuel and Robert Power, who were brothers, and hailed from Mifflin County. They first visited and selected their future homes in 1795, but did not settle permanently upon them immediately. Robert Power took possession about 1800, and remained a farmer on his place until his death, which occurred in September, 1824; he left three children. Samuel remained an unmarried man until 1804, when he wedded and brought his wife from her homein Mifflin County, to the littla cabin already prepared in the wilderness. He afterward removed to Fairfield Township, and died in Union September 6, 1848, aged about seventy-two years. He was a farmer, a Democrat, a Presbyterian, and by his two marriages had nine children, six of whom yet survive. Abraham Martin is said to have emigrated from the eastern part of the State to his farm of 400 acres in this township in 1794. He was an old bachelor and died in 1820. Asher and William Williams, two brothers were among the earliest, but the date of their advent in the new country is unknown. They settled in the southern part of the township. Samuel Anderson accompanied Samuel Power from Mifflin County in 1796, and settled near the center of the township. His brothers, Joseph and John a little later removed to the same vicinity. Joseph afterward moved away but Samuel and John remained in the township through life; the latter was unmarried. In 1797 Richard Custard, a native of Chester County, came from the west branch of the Susquehanna, and settled upon a tract in the eastern part on Tract 29, where he remained till death. He here kept the Black Horse Tavern, the first public house of entertainment in the township. It was located on the State road, leading from Pittsburgh to Meadville, and in those times the most traveled thoroughfare in the county, and was a welcome and much frequented shelter for the weary travelers. The tavern was open prior to the war of 1812, and cuntinued probably twenty years. John McMichael came from the Susquehanna to Meadville in 1797, and in the following spring removed to the northwestern part of Greenwood, where he remained until his death in March, 1817. James Abbott, hailing from New Jersey, came in 1797 or earlier, and his brothers Abraham and Thomas soon after joined him, the latter in 1802. They all remained in the township till death. John Sutton, also from New Jersey, settled on the site of Geneva in 1803, and remained until his death in old age. The entire journey was made in a wagon. Robert Adams emigrated from Ireland to Philadelphia in 1799, and two years later with a yoke of oxen made his way to Tract 418 in the northwestern part of the township, still owned by his descendants. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died May 17, 1844. Alexander Clark, a Virginian, came in 1802, and settled in the northwest part. In 1803 Francis Porter emigrated from Cumberland County. He settled on the tract upon which the Presbyterian Church now stands. William Brooks emigrated from Ireland to Philadelphia in 1798, thence in company with John Cook and family and John McDermont he emigrated to South Shenango Township, and in 1808 he came to Greenwood. He was a soldier in 1812, and in 1813 removed to Geneva, where he died. John Cook also settled in Greenwood on Tract 18. He was an Irishman and a life-long citizen. Hamilton Armour was of Irish extraction, and settled in the southern part, Graviner Bailey died about 1812, leaving a family, which soon after left this vicinity and became scattered. Arthur Dillon was an Irishman of roving proclivities, married but childless. He died in Mercer County. Robert Hood settled in the western part of the township. Daniel Harkins, brother of John, was also an early settler. Moses Logan was Justice of the Peace in 1810, and for many years thereafter. James Peterson, father of Uriah, was originally from New Jersey, but directly from Fayette County. He settled in the eastern part of the township, where he died in extreme old age, leaving a numerous posterity. Thomas Ross came to the township a single man, and like all other bachelors in those days paid a tax for enjoying the state of single blessedness. James Hackett was an old bachelor. Abraham Williams settled on a tract of land located near the township center. Joseph Thatcher came from Washington County in 1810 with his family and wife's sister's family, the journey from Pittsburgh being made on horseback. He died in 1862, aged seventy-two years. The settlements in Greenwood, like those of other parts of the county, were not without their early mills. The first saw and grist mill was started on McMichael's Run by John McMichael in 1799. A mill has ever since been in operation on its site, and is still owned by the McMichaels. Mellon's Mill and others were afterward built on the same stream. James Peterson built the first grist-mill in the eastern part, the date of its erection preceding the year 1812. It was used until 1840. William Williams operated a saw-mill in the south part of the township prior to 1810. Thomas Ross was probably the first distiller, having a still in operation prior to 1804. Robert Power, Richard Custard and Samuel Power also had distilleries. In those days if a settler made any pretentions to respectability in the popular estimation he must have at his cabin a barrel of whisky for his own use and the entertainment of his visitors. The article was then cheap, and the copper stills were usually operated steadily during the winter season. Some distillers had one and others had two stills. Their capacity per week was from twelve to thirty bushels of rye, this being the only grain used. A bushel of rye would yield three gallons of distilled spirits. What little remained after the home trade was supplied found a ready sale at Pittsburgh or at Erie. James McEntire taught school near McMichael's Mill in 1807. Sarah McQueen, the Adamses, McMichaels, Mellons and others attended. George Gather was also one of the early teachers in the township. He held a school in a log-cabin near the Custard place. Colvin Hatch taught a term in the northeast part of the township about 1821, and the year following John Limber instructed the youth in that vicinity. Betsy Quigley, sister to John Quigley, of Watson's Run, held a term about two miles west of Geneva in a log schoolhouse in 1817, and the next year John Andreas taught in the same place. Glendale — Custard's Postoffice — is a hamlet in the northeast part of the township. It contains two harness shops, two blacksmith shops, two stores, a steam and water grist-mill and saw-mill owned by Sylvester Loper and Joseph Williams, and a few dwellings. Ezra Peterson built the first saw-mill at this place. West Greenwood Postoffice is located in the extreme western part of the township. J. J. Coulter now owns and operates the grist-mill formerly known as McMichael's. William Mellon owns a saw and grist-mill on McMichael's Run. Charles McMichael operates a saw-mill near the railroad about a mile west of Geneva, and Hunter & Hall have one in the interior of the township. Greenfield Presbyterian Church was organized June 22, 1854, with twenty members. Rev. James Coulter supplied the charge for a time, and Rev. George Scott, the first pastor, was installed June 27, 1860, and released June 10, 1862. His successor. Rev. David Waggoner, was installed July 1, 1864. The congregation has since been supplied. Rev. I. W. McVitty being the last minister in charge. The church building was erected at a cost of $1,500 the year of organization. It is located in the southwest part of the township, and was repaired in the fall of 1883. Regular services have not been held for several years on account of a diminished congregation. Elliott Logan and John R. Slaven were the two first Elders. J. H. Tiffany, James Hamilton and T. J. Miller have since been elected, Mr. Miller being now the only Elder remaining in the congregation. Greenwood Free-Will Baptist Church was organized with six members January 22, 1832, by Rev. George Collins, the first pastor. The first members were Caleb and Margaret Newbold, Jacob H. Bortner, Jacob and Nancy Cook and A. Turner. Early meetings were held in private houses and schoolhouses, and a log church was built about 1843 at the east line of Tract 37, in the south central part of the township. It was superseded in 1874 by a handsome brick structure, 40x50 feet, erected at a cost of $3,500. The present membership is ninety. Among its pastors have been Elders George Collins, James Haskin, William Ray, Rittenhouse, John C. Manning, Harvey, Gill, J. C. Nye, A. C. Bush, J. B. Page and L. F. Sherritt. At Peterson's Schoolhouse, in the eastern part of the township, a United Brethren class numbering seventeen meets for worship. It was organized about 1868, and among its early members were Ragan Peterson, the first class leader; Darius William, Steward; William Loper, David Phillips and William P. Biles. The class is connected with Geneva Mission Station. A society of this denomination flourished in this locality many years ago. |
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