Crawford County Clergy
               Pastors, Preachers and Priests in Crawford County, PA.


Reuben Fuller Markham


Markham, Keuben Fuller, son of Jeptha and Mary J. (Vaughn) Markham, was born In Home, O., 1818, July 8. Student at Knox College and at Mt. Morris, Ill. Ordained, 1846, Sept. 18; preacher at Fort Madison, lo., Elshwankee, Ill., Union Grove and Galesburg; agent, Illinois Institute, Wheaton, which, in 1860, became Wheaton College. He remained here till 1867, preaching at Newark, 1861-2, and 1866-7; Oberlln, 0., 1867-74; financial agent of the A. M. A. and of the college, supplying Wayne, Pa., 1871-3; acting pastor, Guys Mills, Pa., 1874; in service of A. M. A., Savannah, Ga., 1875-80; Topeka, Kan., superintendent of their work among the refugees, 1880-6; acting pastor, Kirwln, 1885-92; financial agent, Stockton Academy, 1892-4; acting pastor, White City, 1894-6; Almena, 1895-6; Wakefield, 1896, till death. Trustee of Stockton Academy from its beginning, 1887, and president of the board for several years. Married, 1839, Oct. 24, Marllla, daughter of Rev. Henry R. and Lodema (Culver) Ferris, of Knox County, Ill., who died, 1840, July 14; and he married 1844, April 24, her sister, Lovlna, who died, 1891, Nov. 19. Of five children, three are living, two of whom are Revs. Henry F. and Lucius C. M. Died suddenly of heart paralysis, 1897, Aug. 7, aged 79 years, 1 month, and 4 days.

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